Farhat ASIF
President and CEO at the Institute for Peace and Diplomatic Studies

Theme:Breaking the Glass Ceiling: Women in Leadership Perspective From Pakistan.
Biography: Farhat is a distinguished media, business, and networking leader who is the Chairperson of the Diplomatic Insight Group. Her primary focus is fostering strong networks among stakeholders and facilitating risk-free decision-making in their organisations. Farhat aims to convert trust and networks into profits and connect diplomatic missions from across the globe with enterprises, media, and research organisations.
As a successful businesswoman, Farhat Asif leads and directs a team of hardworking men while offering networks and political, strategic, and exclusive corporate risk analysis to governments, diplomatic missions, multilateral and international organisations, and business enterprises worldwide. Her efforts aim to build relationships, analyse, and create content that benefits these entities. Farhat Asif’s leadership benchmark has been established through her role as Chairperson of Diplomatic Insight Group, which consists of four prominent academics, research, training, media, business, and public diplomacy entities. Farhat has facilitated significant cooperation and collaboration between Pakistan and the global community through innovation, cutting-edge management, and innovation in international relations, academia, research, and policymaking.
The Diplomatic Insight Group includes the Foreign Policy Magazine, the Diplomatic Insight, the Think and Do Tank Institute of Peace and Diplomatic Studies, the Trading and Consultancy Company Belt and Road Consultants Pvt Ltd, and the Multilingual News Agency Global News Pakistan. Farhat firmly believes in digital diplomacy and the new communications revolution. She has recently launched DiploTV, a unique project by the Group that engages Ambassadors, Diplomats, and high representatives to spotlight issues of the global south.
Country: Pakistan