Lia Blijnsdorp
Founder of United Producers of Mexico (UPM)

Topic: The impact of Culture in Business negotiations.
Lia Bijnsdorp is Dutch and has lived in Mexico for over 25 years. She is currently the General Manager and Owner of United Producers of Mexico, a company that links producers and exporters of perishables from Mexico to the European market. She studied economics
in France and the United States.
United Producers of Mexico, founded in 2016 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, is dedicated to establishing direct communication with its European customers. This strategic location underscores the company’s commitment to serving the European market.
As General Manager of UPM, she has focused on improving all the necessary conditions to increase agricultural exports from Mexico to Europe. Through the nine Trade Missions to the Netherlands and Europa, as well as a significant number of virtual events and commercial matchmakings that UPM has carried out, exporters have been able to enter the market
practically and directly.
UPM has been working for several years to initiate the much-required new direct sea route specialized in perishables from Veracruz to Rotterdam, The Netherlands. In September 2020, the first trial sailing for this route took place, intending to establish a continuous sailing program as of the second half of 2021.
With her extensive experience in the commercial and logistic fields, Lia is well-equipped to guide and advise on perishables export from Mexico to the European market. She eagerly shares her knowledge and insights with potential partners and clients.