24 November 2022, Mexico City


Our thanks to Isabelle Niekrake, Counselor for Economic Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico, for the warm welcome she gave to the representatives of the Academy of Soft Diplomacy | Protocol | Global Mindset on November 24 at the Embassy.

During this visit, we explored the collaboration between the Embassy and the ProtocolToday Academy to advise and train Dutch and Mexican business people for their trade missions between the two countries to create a bridge of understanding and bonding that will cover cultural aspects, business protocol, ethics and etiquette, among others, to minimise misunderstandings and make successful businesses boost the economy.

Nuestro agradecimiento a Isabelle Niekrake consejera para asuntos económicos de la Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico, por la calurosa bienvenida que brindó a los representantes de la Academy of Soft Diplomacy | Protocol | Global Mindset el día de 24 de noviembre en la Embajada.

Durante esta visita, hemos explorado la colaboración entre la Embajada y la Academia ProtocolToday para asesorar y capacitar a empresarios holandeses y mexicanos para sus misiones comerciales entre los dos países para crear un puente de entendimiento y vinculación que abarcará aspectos culturales, protocolo empresarial moderno. , ética y etiqueta, entre otros para minimizar malentendidos y hacer negocios exitosos para impulsar la economía.

 Wilfred Mohr Lowina Broens Anne Le Guellec Steven Büter NBSO Mexico/Querétaro Holland House Mexico Carolina Morales de Zubiria Carin Verbree Adriana FLORES Almendra Pérez Mónica Muñoz Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken RVO-Handelsmissies met Ministers Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México Secretariat of Economy Jose Antonio Zabalgoitia Dewanand Mahadew


21-22 Nov 2023

Mode of Study: Online

Time: 10:00-12:00 hrs. |16:00–18:00 hrs. CET (The Netherlands). Request another schedule if necessary.


Four hours in two days of the class online.

Fee one masterclass early bird €65.00, regular price €72.00 including:



Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today

The world is transforming into a global village and needs executives who can navigate smoothly across cultures.
Globalisation is changing the world in every aspect. 

Relations in business and social domains are more accessible if the concerned individuals are perceived as trustworthy, respectable, and have proper business etiquette.

Executives must understand different personalities, nationalities, cultures, etiquette, and manners to achieve a professional image.

The three components of business etiquette (appearance, communication, and behaviour) are at the core of this masterclass.

Interactions, such as polite greetings, courteous conversations, and active listening, impact how others perceive you. Knowing how to make a great first impression, dress appropriately, read body language, etc., helps you present yourself in an impactful way.

Key topics include:

  • Business card protocol & handshake, Business customs & terminology; 

  • How to dress appropriately, personal style and its influence on your communication; 

  • The right way of behaving online in a business context, International Business Etiquette; 

  • Polished diplomatic and formal social etiquette, Dress code: Formal and informal dress.


  • Young Diplomats and Young Business people;
  • Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
  • Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
  • Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives | International Organizations Staff;
  • Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry.


Judicial diplomacy is a set of practices planned and organised by an international court to represent itself and claim authority through nonadjudicative interaction with external actors. It has four main characteristics—judicial diplomacy results from a court decision (not an individual judge). The court plans and organises it and is carried out on its behalf. Even though individual judges and administrators are the faces of judicial diplomacy, it is intended to represent the court (rather than the judges themselves). Not a single judge decides to attend a conference, interact with lawyers, the press, and so on.

For several reasons, judicial diplomacy is perplexing. First, as part of their regular professional lives, judges undoubtedly interact with other legal professionals, as they have long-term interests in maintaining active engagement with academia or professional associations. However, it is still being determined why a court would organise these interactions or how they would serve the court’s interests. Second, these activities require many resources. By engaging in judicial diplomacy, ICs may divert scarce monetary and human resources away from their core functions. Third, judicial diplomacy has the potential to politicise the institution and make judges appear to be politicians. Visits with current heads of state, national parliamentarians, or special interest groups may feed a reputation for independence and impartiality or for being above the fray of politics.

Role of International courts in Diplomacy

According to existing literature, judicial diplomacy reflects International court efforts to mobilise constituencies or socialise actors to adopt international norms. According to these accounts, judicial diplomacy is directed at public officials, legal communities, and civil society, focusing on procedural and substantive legal provisions. However, judicial diplomacy frequently addresses the general public and conveys value-laden narratives about the courts. When constitutional courts demonstrate mastery of foreign law or host foreign judges, their goals may be more than, if at all, to write stronger opinions or win over domestic audiences. They could also be competing for international influence or pursuing foreign policy goals like promoting the rule of law and judicial independence in other countries. The concept of judicial diplomacy helps to explain why constitutional law is so important.

The use of ad hoc or standing arbitral tribunals to resolve international conflicts has been a fascinating development in recent years. Since the Permanent Court of International Justice was established in 1922, which the International Court of Justice succeeded in 1945, it has been customary to distinguish between judicial and arbitral settlement. But, by 1922, there had been enough of the judicial quality in arbitration, and there was still enough of the arbitral in contemporary adjudication to make the distinction meaningless. We have a very long development process in which arbitration has taken on more of the characteristics of judicial proceedings over the last century.

Judges’ engagement in Diplomatic explanations.

Judges occasionally engage with foreign law and courts for reasons unrelated to the performance of legal or adjudication duties. Instead, their motivations may be more diplomatic than personal. Scholars may disagree on the normative desirability of diplomacy, but judicial diplomacy is taking place empirically. And it is happening because constitutional courts have both the opportunity and the incentive to do so. Diplomacy may not be the courts’ primary responsibility, but it was not entirely foreign to them previously.

Judicial diplomacy is an ambiguous term that could refer to several conceptually distinct types of behaviour, the last of which requires special attention. First, ordinary diplomats may use or seek to influence courts in conducting otherwise conventional diplomacy. The work of the courts may be used as a selling point in the quest for international leadership or acceptance, as in the case of State Department publications that educate international audiences about the United States Supreme Court or Israeli mailings of prominent Israeli Supreme Court decisions to American legal academics. Similarly, diplomats may seek to persuade courts to consider foreign policy considerations in their choices, as when officials repeatedly drew the Supreme Court’s attention to the negative impact of racial segregation on international perceptions of the United States during the Cold War. Judicial diplomacy may refer to how courts interact with one another. When dealing with foreign counterparts, courts may employ stereotypical diplomatic tactics and instruments for reasons ranging from jurisdictional to geopolitical. Negotiation and agreement, rather than adjudication and enforcement, are the buzzwords for this behaviour, as are tact and secrecy rather than transparency and justification. This type of judicial diplomacy can be triggered by multinational litigation: inter-court agreements for resolving global bankruptcies, for example, have been described as the equivalent of “case-specific, private international insolvency treaties.” The use of international law to justify decisions is a widely recognised distinction between good offices, mediation, or conciliation on the one hand and arbitration on the other.


Diplomacy is, first and foremost, a social activity. It links a public language to state business, providing meaning, reasons, and explanations for state action. As a result, it is embedded in a social context of reasons, rules, and meanings that existed before the interaction. When states use international law to justify their actions, they help to rewrite and enforce the rules. Diplomacy has a productive effect because it generates the public, social, and legal resources with which future state behaviour is understood, justified, and debated. Because the content of international law at any point in time is a function of how actors have deployed it in the past, this provides one dynamic for change in international law and international relations.




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Writer by Erik MUHIA, International Studies and Diplomacy Graduate Student and Young Diplomat

10 October 2022, Kenya

Category: Diplomacy 

Reference: EM10102022D    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”