As 2024 begins, I want to share a simple, didactic and convenient “decalogue” that could help us project an unequivocal and kind stance in moments of undeniable tensions and disagreements due to the events that have afflicted humanity for almost two years. There are also adversities and sufferings which increase our alterations, for which we have avoided being prepared.
Hence, this is the relevance of a “decalogue” that I suggest paying attention to and trying to apply, thinking about ourselves and the well-being of those we interact with. As a substantial component of our subsistence, learning to care about the environment enlarges the spirit and nourishes the interpersonal bond. Experience, affability, consideration and courtesy will make us superior individuals. Below are my ten recommendations.
First, tolerance: an attitude of consideration for the opinions, ideas or attitudes of others despite the discrepancy. It is a central element in achieving virtuous sociability. The illustrator Mahatma Gandhi said: “I don’t like the word tolerance, but I can’t find a better one. “Love pushes us to have the same respect for the faith of others that we have for our own.”
Second, empathy is the ability to understand the thoughts and emotions of others; that is, putting yourself in the other person’s shoes and sharing your feelings. It is not necessary to go through the same experiences or agree to interpret those around us; It is a process of understanding, acceptance and prudence.
Third is emotional intelligence: willingness to perceive, express, and manage excitement. Its internalisation makes the difference between behaving acceptably and being out of place in specific contexts. It involves recognising one’s impressions and facilitates problem-solving. It has irrefutable usefulness when we go through high rates of unrest.
Fourth, values are norms that guide behaviour, a kind of inspiring “lighthouse” of the right path we must take. In this sense, they constitute the determining framework of our positive actions. Its application requires categorical integrity, perseverance and coherence. They ensure our correct conduct in all fields of human activity.
Fifth, common sense: logical knowledge accumulated throughout life experience and whose validity is accepted by us. It is a kind of “seventh sense” capable of warning us about good or bad and how to act and reasonably judge everyday situations.
Sixth, belonging: identifies and integrates groups or collectivities to assume a set of concerns, ideals and aspirations. It allows us to grow and commit to issues of our habitat. It will encourage our adhesion and participation with the community and, likewise, the development of actions aimed at the public good. Demonstrates our citizen convictions.
Seventh, solidarity: one of the most transcendent principles that arouse our sensitivity and reaction to the suffering of others. Encourages empathy and increases self-esteem and achievement standards. It makes it possible to forge a bond of cohesion in a society severely affected by indolence, apathy and individualism.
Eighth, culture is essential in our evolution as lucid beings capable of conceiving the world. It encourages critical analysis, promotes remarkable wisdom, and increases social skills and outstanding understanding of human diversity. It is an inexhaustible and humbling source of enrichment.
Ninth, education: the process in which we have been formed – in our various stages – and the characteristics of how we behave and relate. It expresses the dimension of our ability to coexist and opens new doors in work, personal relationships, etc.
Tenth, assertive communication: revealing our thoughts, feelings and beliefs with empathetic criteria, firmness and persuasion. It implies giving up any manifestation of submission and aggressiveness. It is a quality that demonstrates excellent soft skills, solid education, and reasonable security and contributes to excellent interpersonal relationships.
I long for a dawn of illusions, introspections, projects and intentions that will remain latent beyond the usual and ephemeral joys. I hope that, sooner rather than later, kind consciences will prevail. Let us make the decision to lay, with dedication and without fainting, the foundations of a community in which agreement, deference and love predominate.
In this regard, I reiterate what I stated in my article “My Year-end Reflections” (2020): “Let us make an honest effort to accept each other and conceive harmonious reciprocity framed in coexistence, respect and understanding; away from discrimination, marginalisation, prejudice, harsh confrontations and absence of good manners. It would be a good idea to propose to be better men and women and, especially, to lead the change we demand. Let’s make each act a reference for inspiration, no matter how small.”
I greet with renewed enthusiasm the neighbours of goodwill who offer their genuine contribution to the long-awaited construction of a community capable of internalising harmonious coexistence, attachment to others and peace as sublime and imperious endeavours. Let us act with rationality, benign correctness and good sense: we will make the long-awaited dream of a better world viable. Congratulations, good luck and joy!
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Writer by Wilfredo Perez,
11 January 2024, Perú
Category: Business Etiquette
Reference: WP110123BE