In an era that saw many businesses and countries catapulted into digital transformation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the world had to take stock of how diplomatic relations and professional interactions are conducted online. Definitely not to be merely mistaken for your general rules of Netiquette. Two interconnected developments that have emerged as essential elements influencing international relations and the corporate landscape are digital diplomacy’s rise and cultural intelligence’s importance in a modernised global workplace.

Digital Diplomacy: A New Paradigm in International Relations

Digital diplomacy is described as using technology to conduct diplomatic activities, such as engaging with international and intergovernmental organisations and developing international cooperation. The internet, social media, and other platforms have been the driving force behind this transition, which has transformed how global entities interact and work together.

Using social media platforms as diplomatic tools is one of the key aspects of digital diplomacy. Leaders and diplomats leverage platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to engage directly with citizens and audiences across international borders.

Moreover, digital diplomacy has proven instrumental in crisis management and public diplomacy. Governments can disseminate information rapidly during emergencies and engage with global audiences to manage perceptions. The COVID-19 pandemic showcased the significance of digital platforms in giving accurate information and coordinating international responses.

Cultural Intelligence: A Vital Skill in the Globalized Workplace

A diversified workforce and business environment result from organisations expanding their activities across international borders in an increasingly connected world.  The capacity to comprehend people from various cultural origins, adapt to them, and communicate effectively with them is referred to as cultural intelligence. In light of this, cultural intelligence (CQ) has become crucial for both professionals and leaders.

In a globalised workplace, cultural intelligence goes beyond simply acknowledging cultural differences; it involves a deeper appreciation and understanding of diverse perspectives, norms, and behaviours. Professionals who possess proficiency in cultural intelligence are better equipped to navigate the landscape of cross-cultural interactions and forge lasting relationships.

Research has shown that individuals with high levels of cultural intelligence are more likely to succeed in international assignments and are better equipped to lead diverse teams. They demonstrate greater adaptability, empathy, and open-mindedness, which are crucial for effective communication and negotiation across cultures.

Synergy Between Digital Diplomacy and Cultural Intelligence

The convergence of digital diplomacy and cultural intelligence shapes the future of international relations and globalised business environments. These two trends are not mutually exclusive; they often complement and reinforce each other.

Digital diplomacy provides a platform for strengthening cross-cultural understanding and interactions. Diplomats and leaders can interact with audiences from various backgrounds, exchange cultural perspectives, and encourage discussion on international issues using social media and social networks. Through digital involvement, cultural diplomats can reach those previously shut out of traditional diplomatic relations and transcend geographic barriers.

Conversely, cultural intelligence improves the reach and effectiveness of digital diplomacy efforts. Diplomats and professionals who possess cultural intelligence understand the nuances of communication styles, etiquette, and cultural sensitivities, ensuring their messages are received positively and avoiding unintended misunderstandings.


The rise in the need for ongoing digital diplomacy measures and the growing importance of cultural intelligence are two significant indicators of reshaping international relations and how we operate in the modern business environment. Online platforms present fresh diplomacy and cross-cultural dialogue opportunities in a connected world. At the same time, cultural intelligence enables people to successfully navigate the complexities of global interactions effectively and with empathy.

As we progress, merging digital diplomacy and cultural intelligence will play a vital role in shaping diplomatic strategies, improving international collaborations, and fostering a more inclusive and interconnected global community.





Seib, P. M. (2018). Digital Diplomacy: A Globalized Tool for Communication in the Twenty-First Century. Routledge.

Zaharna, R. S. (2019). Digital Diplomacy: Theory and Practice. Routledge.

Ang, S., Van Dyne, L., & Koh, C. (2006). Personality correlates of the four-factor model of cultural intelligence. Group & Organization Management, 31(1), 100-123.

Livermore, D. (2011). Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The New Secret to Success. AMACOM.

Holmes, L. (2018). Cultural Diplomacy in the Age of Digital Diplomacy. Diplomatic Courier.

Wang, Y., & Sun, S. (2017). The Impact of Cultural Intelligence on Cross-Cultural Communication Effectiveness: A Study of Chinese Expatriates in Multinational Organizations. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 61, 67-77.

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Writer by Christopher Crossley, Luxury lifestyle professional

27th August 2023, Trinidad  and Tobago

Category: Diplomacy

Reference: CC27082023D  

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


How the communication process develops in the internal or external environment can warn us very clearly about its efficiency and, in addition, about a set of characteristics -sometimes unnoticed- related to the work environment, the quality of customer service, audience, and optimal interaction. between the different hierarchies, among other elements.

This can be defined as a subject that involves a continuous flow of messages, through which its members transmit information and interpret their meanings to persuade themselves, seeking to modify behaviours or attitudes; it feeds social systems, facilitates integration, varies behaviour, shapes human exchange productively, and enhances understanding of corporate politics; it makes coexistence fluid and positive and results are obtained. Finally, it can become a “thermometer” to recognize the organisation’s culture.

In the external context, it pursues the following objectives: publicize the product and service, disseminate revelations, promote better positioning, serve as a means of memory, gather customer opinion, guide suppliers, contribute to creating a corporate or brand image, etc.

Internally, it has various connotations that will affect the external environment. Hence, implementing, evaluating and correcting aspects that affect their understanding and inspiration is essential to achieving the ideals. Thus, for example, it seeks to publicise the determinations of the highest levels of the company, establish a two-way link between employees and bosses, and foster an integral relationship.

For this, descending, ascending and horizontal communication is carried out. Let’s stop to explain each one: The descendant arises from a high position towards people of a lower hierarchical level; He is used to direct and control. His goal is to assign employees goals, instructions, policies, and feedback. This increases the internal climate, improves performance, prevents problems and prevents the existence of gossip, speculation and uncertainty.

The ascendant originates from a lower-ranking collaborator to a manager or boss. They tend to be fewer in number than their descendants, and their greatest tribute lies in the fact that they optimise decision-making. Its advantages are expanding professional training, reducing conflict levels, increasing adhesion and identification, and raising staff self-esteem by feeling part of the corporation.

The horizontal is usually installed for connection spaces. Its application can result in trust and openness. Its main virtues are that it increases coordination, increases the internal atmosphere, strengthens integration, and encourages innovation and teamwork.

Ensuring that the mechanisms described work according to institutional policies is imperative to avoid the gestation of rumours. This is a spontaneous and daily matter with intriguing, seductive, ambiguous content, which should be believed and secret; its transmission is chained and exponential; it comes from an unknown but “reliable” source. Its subsistence represents the most evident manifestation of the deficiencies of the communication system. Otherwise, there would be no place for its prominence and expansion.

A transcendent aspect consists of knowing the genuine communication capacity of the most representative officials. A professional with lofty standards of hard skills, competencies, and even a long history in the job market may assume that they know how to communicate. However, a significant difficulty arises when you fail to detect his lack of skill. Therefore, I recommend evaluating his assertiveness, persuasive talent and proficiency in negotiation. Sometimes, they have not always been trained for this purpose, and consequently, problems that radiate in all spheres will arise.

In this regard, I suggest exercising assertive, courteous communication and caring for styles to certify their understanding and good interaction. Remember: the shapes end up being as significant as the background. Hence, there is a need to display solid soft skills that ensure a development framed in tolerance, empathy, kindness and different components aimed at ratifying an understanding in which, beyond possible discrepancies, respect and harmony prevail. This purpose is not always achieved due to negative and unfavourable work scenarios.

Communication must deserve special attention, regardless of the size and activity of the company. The coexistence of omissions, misinterpretations, and distorted messages has countless impacts on credibility, reputation, and bonds with your audiences. We avoid underestimating or dispensing with adopting corrective actions. It is desirable to carry out an audit to have an independent and accredited diagnosis.

In an increasingly interdependent world, it is an integrating, motivating, persuasive, enlightening medium destined for enriching feedback. Thanks to this, the exchange is strengthened, new commercial links are forged, and the corporate identity is projected with the consequent benefits of building an ambitious, respected and hopeful horizon. I share the assertion of the Argentine actor Leandro Taub: “Bad communication can turn beauty into tragedy. Good communication can make tragedy beauty.”




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Writer by Wilfredo Peréz, Expert in Etiquette and Protocol

27th August 2023, Peru

Category: Business Protocol 

Reference: WP27082023BP    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


The speech is a premeditated oral narration expressed in solemn and massive acts, generally political, on a theme, thought, vision and/or conclusion, to move, inform or persuade the audience.

Within oratory, speeches are a fundamental tool. We can define it as an oral presentation on a specific matter, pronounced before an audience. in order to convince or move him.

There are different types of Speeches; among them are Narrative Speech, Advertising Speech, Expository Speech, Argumentative Speech, and Political Speech.

A narrative speech shows or narrates facts or situations through a plot and an argument. This speech is well known because it is used in novels and stories. Without realizing it, we use it daily.

For its part, advertising discourse has, unlike other types of discourse, a very practical objective: to sell a product. This must constantly evolve, mutate and reinvent itself. It must be, among other things, eye-catching to capture the public’s interest, and it must be creative so that it does not continue to be more of the same.

The expository discourse is one whose main objective is to inform or clarify a fact or a situation. The fundamental characteristics of this type of speech are the clarity of the exposition and the conciseness – the more synthetic, the clearer it will be. And this characteristic has nothing to do with the brevity of the speech but rather with the fact that the ideas presented are accurately expressed.

Argumentative speeches have as their main objective to convince someone of something; for that, this type of speech must be thought out and elaborated with great care. The argumentation must develop smoothly, without arrogance or abruptness.

The idea is to go step by step, explaining everything so that, by the end of the speech, the audience feels that they have reached the conclusions on their own.

The political discourse can be narrative to move, expository to explain political measures, argumentative as a defence or defence of political ideas, informative to inform about the political measures taken or advertising, with its very practical objective.

The specific purpose of a speech is the precise response that the speaker or issuer wishes to obtain from the audience. In other words, this purpose refers to exactly what we want the audience to do, believe, feel, understand or enjoy.




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Writer by Gustavo Caballero, Journalist, Broadcaster, and Specialist in Ceremonial and Protocol.

12sd July 2023, Argentina 

Category: Business Protocol

Reference: GC12072023BP    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


Several centuries ago, the social Protocol and the Etiquette at the Western table allowed the image and the development in the way of eating, to reveal the level of education of people with a social lifestyle or a privileged status. , as it happened in the old monarchies, where the courtier was known and chosen, for such behavior.

Thanks to globalization, it would be expected that in our times, a significant majority knows this development. It should be natural and well-managed but mainly appropriate to the uses and customs of the different societies that make up our hemispheres.
Just as sushi became fashionable and many make an effort to eat with chopsticks, it would be interesting if there was a similar concern to learning to eat correctly with a knife, fork and spoon or the other ways other cultures take it.

It is known that since the last century, the diplomatic world has focused on the “Continental Style”, which is considered the elegant, formal, practical and “universalized” style for business and high-level meetings; however, it cannot be denied. That the “American Style” exists, or with the fingers, or with a spoon and fork, or with chopsticks, or with the traditions of a “European Style” -(assimilated by many as the continental style)- that refuses to disappear.

And although it is still seen in forums and participation groups on these issues, that there are radical positions of specialists in these matters about “what is the correct style of eating” disqualifying what does not resemble the continental style (often wrong taught), we are the specialists who defend RESPECT, good EDUCATION and COMMON SENSE as the foundations of good behavior, guiding us to adapt to the uses and customs of the wide world diversity.

When we get carried away by conventions, it is possible that we sin as disrespectful and lacking in good manners. As an example, it was the case so mentioned in Canada in 2006, when the Filipino boy Luc Cagadoc, then seven years old, was repeatedly humiliated along with his mother by the authorities of his Lalande school in Roxboro, for acting by his culture by eating with a fork and spoon and not eating “properly” with a knife and fork, like the way you eat in Canada.

Something similar happens with the “experts” who insist on abolishing the “American Way” because they consider it impractical or inappropriate. Could it be that they would also be willing to go around the world to judge and criticize the other ways of eating that do not fit the style recently imposed at the end of the last century as a fashion?

We should respond effectively to the need to accommodate ourselves with an open mind to the differences that enrich the culture of our planet. Those cultures that historically have been modifying procedures and practices that since their origins have given rise to current practices such as the “Continental Style”, the “American Style, Zigzag or Switch”, and the “European or Hybrid / Fusion Style” that It brings together the “British”, “French”, “Italian” or “German” forms that historically, thanks to the royal houses and the aristocracy, set trends for the Western world, as well as other cultures, established their different ways of eating, thanks to religion or other particular traditions.

For everything written, the current “experts” should be called to show our expertise with all the knowledge that involves the cultural intelligence demanded in these times, to fulfil a complete role of teaching, without obtuse and disrespectful positions, which many times they only confuse those who want or need to know more about these topics.

Finally, to clarify the concepts expressed, these criteria are pointed out, which are openly exposed for the consideration and opinion of readers, knowledgeable about the subject:

  • The ‘Continental Style’ emerged as a fashion in Europe (England and France) in the middle of the 20th century, and over time, it became the globally accepted style to put into practice the Western way of eating with a knife and fork, as the ‘diplomatic style’.
  • The ‘4 Step Style’ used for eating since the Middle Ages before the acceptance of the fork was the root of the ‘American Style’ and other European or hybrid styles, which, in many cases, strive to remain valid until today, in some conservative societies.
  •  “Hybrid Styles” or “Fusion” have emerged thanks to the use of the ‘Four Step Style’ practised in many ancient European schools with the inclusion of the “Continental Style”, allowing formats to be taught with certain variations to this day.
  • The instructors of “Etiquette at the Table” are obliged to know these historical references and the variations that exist in the world to teach their students the different forms without giving rise to unfortunate confusion that arises when living with the different cultures of European countries and other continents, which generally show customs alien to the initial and conventional instruction.
  • The experts in “Etiquette and Protocol” should be responsible for knowing the various correct ways in terms of origins and traditions of the different “Styles of Eating” to have an open and transparent vision based on respect and integrity. The adaptability of a well-educated person who operates in a globalised world, without judgments or criticism, which go against good manners and good customs.

Under the concept that “differences enrich”, I open a thread to give value to ideas or opinions about what is exposed.




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Writer by Claudia STOHMANN R. de A. Communicator, speaker, writer, etiquette, and protocol expert. 

12sd July 2022, Bolivia 

Category: Business Etiquette 

Reference: CS12072023BE    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


Reflections on the most relevant points learned during the ProtocolToday Academy Global Mindset Executive Masterclass Program, specifically on protocol and etiquette in the diplomatic and business fields. During my professional career, I have had the opportunity to participate in numerous diplomatic activities and meetings, which has led me to understand the importance of protocol and etiquette in the success of relationships.

In this sense, protocol and etiquette, both in diplomacy and business, are essential tools for establishing and maintaining effective and respectful communication with others. They are the pillars that support the appropriate standards of behaviour and conduct in the political, social and business spheres. Following these standards creates an atmosphere of professionalism, courtesy and mutual respect, which fosters trust and strengthens business relationships.

One of the main lessons to highlight is the importance of punctuality. Arriving on time to meetings and appointments demonstrates commitment, respect for the time of others, and a professional attitude. In addition, proper clothing is also an essential aspect of business and diplomatic etiquette. Dressing appropriately for each occasion shows respect for others and helps project a professional image.

Another crucial aspect of the business protocol is greeting and treatment of others. It is essential to greet cordially and respectfully, using the titles corresponding to the position held by the person and respecting the hierarchical levels. In addition, body languages, such as eye contact and a firm handshake, is important in establishing an excellent initial impression.

Proper communication is another essential element. It is important to speak clearly and maintain an appropriate tone of voice in all interactions. Listening carefully to others, showing genuine interest, and avoiding interruptions are key aspects of effective communication.

Likewise, respect for the hierarchy and the rules of courtesy is fundamental in business and diplomacy. When interacting with people from different levels of the hierarchy, it is essential to show deference and treat each individual respectfully, regardless of their position.

Punctuality, appropriate clothing, respectful greeting, effective communication and respect for others are some essential elements of protocol and etiquette. These aspects contribute to establishing solid, lasting and successful relationships in the diplomatic sphere and the business world.

In my reflection, through the Protocol Today Academy program, he reinforced my knowledge and understanding that protocol and etiquette are rigid rules and reflect the fundamentals of courtesy, respect, and professionalism. By integrating these practices into my day-to-day professional, he experienced how they can positively influence my relationships and professional growth as a Panamanian diplomat.

Protocol and etiquette in business are essential to establish successful and lasting relationships in the business field. By following these standards, we show respect, courtesy and professionalism towards others, which contributes to strengthening diplomatic and commercial relations and mutual success.




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Writer by Renato A. Famiglietti Moreno, Second Secretary Diplomatic and Consular Career of the Republic of Panama to the Kingdom of The Netherlands

22sd June 2023, The Netherlands

Category: Diplomacy

Reference: RF22062023D    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”



Cultural understanding in diplomacy is the awareness and appreciation of the diverse and complex aspects of culture that shape the identities, values, beliefs, and behaviours of people and nations. It is also the ability to communicate, interact, and cooperate with people from different cultural backgrounds respectfully and constructively.

Importance of Cultural Understanding in Today’s globalised world

Cultural understanding in diplomacy is relevant in today’s globalised world because it can enhance mutual trust and respect among countries and peoples. By being aware and appreciative of the diverse and complex aspects of culture that shape the identities, values, beliefs, and behaviours of others, diplomats can reduce stereotypes, prejudices, and misunderstandings that may hinder effective communication and cooperation.

Secondly, cultural understanding in diplomacy can foster dialogue and cooperation on global issues that require collective action and coordination. Many of the challenges and opportunities that the world faces today, such as climate change, human rights, trade, security, and development, are influenced by cultural factors and perspectives. By understanding and respecting these issues’ cultural diversity and complexity, diplomats can find common ground, generate creative solutions, and build partnerships.

Thirdly, cultural understanding in diplomacy can promote peace and stability. Culture can be a source of conflict or a resource for peace, depending on how it is perceived and managed. By recognising and addressing the cultural dimensions of conflicts, diplomats can prevent or resolve disputes arising from cultural differences or grievances. By promoting and supporting the cultural rights and aspirations of people and nations, diplomats can also contribute to preventing violence and extremism.

Finally, it can protect and advance each country’s national interests and values. Culture is an integral part of a country’s identity, image, and influence it has in the world. Diplomats can enhance their country’s soft power and cultural diplomacy by communicating, showcasing, and sharing their culture with others. By being able to appreciate and learn from the culture of others, diplomats can also enrich their country’s knowledge and innovation.

In addition, cultural understanding in diplomacy can enrich the diversity and creativity of humanity. Culture is a dynamic and evolving expression of human creativity and heritage. Diplomats can foster intercultural dialogue and exchange by celebrating and sharing civilisations’ cultural achievements and contributions. By protecting and preserving cultural diversity and heritage, diplomats can ensure its sustainability for future generations.

How can cultural differences impact Diplomatic Relations?

Cultural differences play a role in diplomatic relations and negotiations, as they can create communication barriers that hinder the process. It’s necessary to understand how counterparts from different cultures perceive your culture and research them; before entering negotiations. Negotiators should prepare to cope with cultural differences when making deals in several countries, as the diversity of the world’s cultures makes it impossible to understand them all.

Different cultures have negotiation styles and techniques that can impact the negotiation process. For instance, physical touching is a cultural norm that can affect negotiations, and regional Chinese negotiation differences exist in intra- and international negotiations. One of the significant challenges when negotiating with people from different cultures is the potential for misunderstandings, such as interpreting the American drive to stipulate all contingencies as a need for more confidence in the underlying relationship. Another challenge is the potential for negative perceptions of one’s culture, which could negatively impact the negotiation’s outcome. Knowing how others perceive your culture and adjusting your approach during negotiations is crucial for better results. In conclusion, cultural understanding plays a significant role in diplomatic relations and negotiations. Understanding cultural differences can help overcome communication barriers and lead to successful negotiations that benefit all parties involved.

Strategies for developing cultural understanding.
Some tips for diplomats to develop cultural understanding are:

Start with your own culture. Culture is not limited to race, ethnicity, or family background; it encompasses all the parts that make up a person. It also considers your workplace, school, and the people you spend time with. By reflecting on your culture and how it shapes your identity, values, beliefs, and behaviours, you can become more aware of your assumptions, biases, and preferences. You can also appreciate the diversity and complexity of culture and how it influences different aspects of life.

Admit what you don’t know. Humility is the key to cultural understanding. Identifying and taking responsibility for gaps in your knowledge and understanding creates space for dialogue and learning. Sidestepping questions and avoiding certain topics can impede one’s communication and ability to navigate within cultural differences. As long as you ask with a genuine desire to learn, most people will be more than happy to answer. You can also research and seek reliable sources of information about different cultures.

Make local connections. Find local organisations or venues that work with a cultural group you’re interested in and stop by. You can also attend cultural events or festivals that showcase the arts, music, food, or traditions of different cultures. These are great opportunities to interact with people from different backgrounds, learn about their culture, and enjoy their cultural expressions.

Pay attention to non-verbal behaviours. Communication is about words, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, posture, tone of voice, and silence. Different cultures may have different meanings and norms for these non-verbal cues. For example, some cultures may value direct eye contact as a sign of respect and honesty, while others may consider it rude or aggressive. By observing and learning about the non-verbal behaviours of different cultures, you can avoid misunderstandings and show respect.

Exchange stories. One of the best ways to develop cultural understanding is to share personal stories and experiences with people from different cultures. Stories can reveal much about a person’s culture, values, beliefs, and perspectives. They can also create emotional connections and empathy among people who may otherwise have little in common. By exchanging stories, you can learn more about yourself and others and discover points of commonality and difference.

The importance of empathy, patience, and active listening in cultural understanding are:

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. It is essential for cultural understanding because it helps you to see things from another person’s point of view and appreciate their emotions and motivations. Empathy can also reduce negative feelings such as fear, anger, or resentment arising from cultural differences or conflicts. Empathising with them can build trust and rapport with people from different cultures.

Patience is tolerating delay or difficulty without getting angry or upset. It is necessary for cultural understanding because it helps you to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity that may arise from cultural differences or misunderstandings. Patience can also prevent you from making hasty judgments or assumptions based on stereotypes or prejudices. By being patient, you can give yourself and others time to learn and adjust to different cultural situations.

Active listening is paying full attention to what another person is saying and showing interest and feedback. It is vital for cultural understanding because it helps to comprehend and retain the information that another person is conveying. Active listening can also demonstrate respect and curiosity for another person’s culture and opinions. By actively listening, you can avoid miscommunication and confusion resulting from cultural differences or language barriers.


In conclusion, cultural understanding is crucial in diplomacy for building solid and lasting relationships across cultures. It helps to promote mutual respect, trust, and empathy between different cultures and avoid misunderstandings and conflicts arising from cultural differences. Diplomats with cultural competence are better equipped to communicate effectively, negotiate respectfully, and build personal relationships with counterparts from different cultures. Building culturally competent organisations is necessary for promoting diversity and inclusion in diplomacy. Research shows that dealmaking across cultures leads to worse outcomes than negotiations conducted within the same culture, highlighting the importance of cultural understanding in diplomacy.




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Writer by Eric Muhia, International Studies and Diplomacy Graduate Student and Young Diplomat.

22sd June 2023, Kenya 

Category: Diplomacy

Reference: EM22062023D  

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


Ethics is a very topical issue. We must recognise visible advances concerning its role. However, it still needs to be present in countless companies where lucrative desires, particular interests, lack of transparency, labour mistreatment, and misleading promotion of products and services prevail, among other actions, which show the challenges pending on this topic.

Suppose we work in entities with a performance outside of ethical considerations. In that case, we will observe frequent abuse of power, conflict of interest, nepotism, bribery, excessive loyalty, lack of dedication, dishonesty, breach of trust, concealment and multiple harmful anomalies in order internal and external.

However, ethics must be adapted to business peculiarities based on the differences in their primary task, number of workers, scope of operations, legal system, etc. Hence the need to implement integrity criteria based on their reality. Building strategies adjustable to any business interested in becoming ethical is possible.

Your inclusion will begin by defining your vision, mission, values, and policies. Corporate values differ in every company. Its accuracy is the first step in building the organisation; they form part of the culture and define the aspects and comparative advantages that will guide its development. They show their beliefs in a shared way, stipulate their behaviour and are oriented by their action plans.

The directors must coexist with the sincere conviction of their internalisation. This will require, in some instances, fundamental transformations in their processes. Your leadership and commitment will allow the adoption of this initiative as your own: it is recommended to lead by example. Let’s keep in mind that ethics is present in every decision made, and by the way, the higher the hierarchy, the greater the ethical component.

By acting under the established rules, employees will feel compelled to do the same. On the contrary, by omitting their duties and being above the instituted postulates, they will exhibit negative or contradictory practices that will influence the human group under their charge. Applying transversal criteria unrelated to hierarchical differences is a factor in its success.

Ethics goes beyond avoiding illegal practices or sanctioning procedures, fostering an environment characterised by leaders capable of representing referential guidelines, reinforcing values daily, and implementing tactics to strengthen desirable positions to achieve the common good. In short, this should be understood as an active part of your brand.

It is essential to emphasise that a professional displays principles that are inherent to her structure. Each person adopts them in the various scenarios of their interaction. Choosing a collaborator with moral criteria that coincide with the company’s requirements will be conclusive in maintaining his attitude. They must involve a permanent exercise of habits aimed at becoming inspiring models.

Another significant aspect is the Code of Ethics. It is a mechanism that is increasingly used to establish the fees that characterise the procedure of its members. In addition, following their values details behaviours that cannot be tolerated, helps to resolve conflicts or doubts, contributes to creating an optimal image and increases the feeling of identification and integration.

I recommend designing an effective system for disclosing activities and projects to share information about your achievements, plans and contributions to the community through your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs with your internal public, clients, society and government. A transparent company maintains truthful channels of communication that contribute to its excellent reputation.




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Written by: Wilfredo Pérez Ruiz, an expert in Etiquette and Protocol

29 May 2023, Peru

Category: Business Ethics

Reference: WP29052023BE    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


Diplomacy in international Business is essential because it helps to establish and maintain good relationships with foreign governments and other stakeholders. This can help to reduce the risks associated with doing Business in foreign countries, such as political instability, corruption, and other non-commercial factors.

Commercial or Business diplomacy is a type of diplomacy that focuses specifically on promoting trade and investment between countries. It involves developing long-term relationship-building strategies with governments, local communities, and interest groups. Commercial diplomacy is a government service to the business community that aims to develop socially profitable international business ventures. It can help firms improve their performance regarding so-called soft or nonfinancial indicators such as knowledge sharing, reputation, company image, and marketing possibilities. It differs from lobbying or strategic political activity; it implies a strategic and holistic approach of an international business to look at itself as an actor in the international diplomatic arena. Representation, communication, and negotiation are essential in such an approach. Successful negotiations require communication, cooperation, and compromise between countries. Outsiders can bring impartiality and help reach deals by proposing incentives.

How diplomacy is used in international relations and how it can be applied to Business.

Diplomacy is a method that governments use to influence the actions of foreign governments through peaceful tactics such as negotiation and dialogue. It’s typically carried out by a country’s representatives abroad, but a diplomat’s activities will be controlled mainly by the government they serve. In international business, diplomacy can be applied in many ways. For example, it can be used to establish and maintain good relationships with foreign governments and other stakeholders. This can help to reduce the risks associated with doing Business in foreign countries, such as political instability, corruption, and other non-commercial factors.

How can businesses use diplomacy to resolve conflicts with other companies?

Businesses can use diplomacy to resolve conflicts with other companies by engaging in negotiations and dialogues to promote peaceful relations. Diplomacy involves communication, cooperation, and compromise between parties. The success of diplomatic efforts requires parties to agree on the negotiation’s goal and how to achieve it. Businesses can lead the negotiations or enlist outside mediators, such as a neutral third party, to bring impartiality and help reach deals by proposing incentives. For instance, businesses can offer to collaborate on a project or provide a discount on a product or service to resolve a conflict. Businesses should prioritise peaceful negotiations and incentives to resolve conflicts with other companies. By using diplomacy, businesses can promote peaceful relations and obtain an agreement of cooperation in which each side is getting its interest fulfilled.

Examples of successful diplomacy in international Business

One example is the P5+1 Nuclear Agreement between 2006-2015 between the UNSC-Iran, the USA, and Western states. This agreement was finished on July 14, 2015, and aimed to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program would be exclusively peaceful. The agreement resulted from diplomatic negotiations and was seen as a successful example of diplomacy in international Business. The success of the agreement can be attributed to the use of diplomacy. The parties involved engage in dialogue, negotiations, and compromise to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. This helped to avoid the possibility of a military conflict, which would have had severe economic and political implications. The P5+1 Nuclear Agreement demonstrates how diplomacy can help address complex issues in international Business. Countries can create a favourable business environment that promotes growth and development by engaging in dialogue and negotiations. In this case, the agreement lifted sanctions on Iran, which opened up new business opportunities for companies in Western countries.

Another example of successful diplomacy in international Business is summit diplomacy, which involves high-level diplomacy involving the state’s leaders. Diplomatic summits allow leaders to come together and discuss critical issues, build trust and understanding, and reach agreements that benefit their nations. In the 21st century, diplomatic summits have become essential to international Business, as they offer a unique platform for leaders to discuss complex issues and find common ground. One of the most well-known examples of summit diplomacy is the meeting between US President Richard Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1972, which marked the beginning of a new era in US-China relations. Diplomatic summits have also addressed arms control, economic cooperation, environmental protection, and global security issues.

Some of the challenges that can arise in business diplomacy are:

In international business, cultural differences play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of communication and negotiation. Business diplomats must know and respect different countries and regions’ cultural values, norms, and expectations. It is essential to adapt communication and negotiation styles to the cultural context and avoid falling prey to cultural stereotypes and biases that may negatively impact the perception and judgment of others.

Ethical concerns are also important considerations for business diplomats. Upholding high standards of ethical conduct and corporate social responsibility is crucial in dealing with various stakeholders. Business diplomats must be prepared to address the potential ethical dilemmas and conflicts that may arise from their business activities, such as tax avoidance, environmental impact, human rights violations, corruption, and bribery. By doing so, they can build and maintain trust with stakeholders and mitigate reputational and financial risks.

Some possible advice on how to navigate and overcome the challenges of business diplomacy are:

Business diplomacy can be challenging, but there are ways to navigate and overcome the obstacles. One of the most significant challenges is cultural differences, and business diplomats must be aware of and respect the cultural values, norms, and expectations of different countries and regions. They should also adapt their communication and negotiation styles accordingly. It is essential to avoid cultural stereotypes and biases that may affect their perception and judgment of others. Being open-minded and respectful of different perspectives and opinions and seeking common ground and mutual understanding is crucial.

Ethical concerns are also a significant challenge that business diplomats need to address. They should follow the relevant laws and regulations of the countries where they operate and adhere to their organisation’s and industries’ ethical codes and principles. Being transparent and accountable for their actions and decisions is crucial. They should seek to balance the interests of their stakeholders with the social and environmental impacts of their business activities. Addressing potential ethical dilemmas and conflicts arising from their business activities, such as tax avoidance, ecological impact, human rights violations, corruption, and bribery, is vital for successful business diplomacy. 




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Written by Eric Muhia, International Studies and Diplomacy Graduate Student and Young Diplomat.

29 May 2023, Kenya

Category: Diplomacy

Reference: EM29052023D  

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


In 1887 a group of local farmers digging in Egypt amongst the ruins of el Amarna, known as Tell el-Amarna (the short-lived ancient capital of Egypt), found by complete accident what is now – The Amarna Letters.  What were these clay tablets with a cuneiform script about?  Curator of the Department of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum 1894-1924, Sir Ernest A T Wallis Budge, an Egyptologist, revealed its importance.

The Amarna Letters were found to be copies of the original and intended for royal and governmental internal documents.  It was translated from the Egyptian hieroglyphics of 1360–1332 BC to the cuneiform script for using foreign ambassadors.  In 2016, The President and Fellows of Harvard College said, “That these letters were discovered collected together represents an effort by the Egyptians, similarly to its contemporary rivals, to archive their diplomatic correspondence and international treaties, in a similar vein to modern day governance.”

These documents were housed in an administrative building near the royal palace during Amenhotep IV – Akhenaten and spoke of exchanges of gifts, marriage alliances, arguments and disputes, peace talks, agreements and the trading of resources and investments.

The Met Museum’s essay on The Amarna Letters states, “Arriving in court with messengers in possibly foreign dress and language, and accompanied by tribute or lavish gifts, the reading of a letter was probably an important part of courtly rituals related to diplomacy and provided the Egyptian king an opportunity to demonstrate his power through contacts with the outside world.”  Has much changed today when there is the offering of gifts?  Perhaps the size and value of gifts and how individuals present themselves in front of guests and media.

Exchanges of gifts are given for many reasons.  It is provided by an ambassador or leader when visiting a foreign country and cementing foreign relationships or forging alliances, new or old.  It is a way for a country to showcase its culture, people, history, traditions, and heritage it’s known for.

In 2012, a gift exchange faux pas occurred.  The former British prime minister David Cameron gifted the Barak and Michelle Obama a customised Dunlop ping pong table displaying the best British….made in China!  And Samantha Cameron, a ‘Victoriana’ inspired silk scarf created by Glaswegian Jonathan Saunders…made in Italy!  Where was the protocol officer when these decisions were made?  Conversely, the Obamas sourced a top-of-the-range 100% American BBQ from Engelbrecht Grills and Cookers of Paxton, Illinois and White House-made honey in a crystal honey vase.  A job well done by the Obama administration.





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Writer by Elizabeth Soos, specialist in Etiquette

 29 May 2023, Australia 

Category: Diplomacy

Reference: ES29052023D

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


How you handle cutlery at dinner will determine how confidently you represent yourself at the table. As a result, table manners are critical; they reflect your overall etiquette. Focus on meeting new people, getting to know them well, and expressing yourself during dinner. Using cutlery correctly will keep you comfortable and avoid any embarrassing situations. It also entails respecting others and yourself. It will take a long time for you to make a good impression.


For centuries, people have used cutlery. It can also be seen that the shapes, sizes, and placement differ from one culture to the next. Cutlery is handled differently in each culture. Every culture has one thing in common: it was invented to make life easier. Cutlery allows us to eat more comfortably, which also means we consume more civilly. How you eat, drink, and behave at dinner reveals a lot about you. Properly handling cutlery necessitates understanding how each piece of cutlery is dealt with and for what purpose.

Eating styles

There are two major eating styles in the world: American and European. We will also talk about the Indian style of eating.

American Style: The fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right to cut the food. The logic behind this style is that most people are right-handed, so the fork is switched to the right hand to bring the food to the mouth. As a result, shifting to the right hand is more practical. This fashion is popular in the United States.

The European style is also known as the continental style. This eating style is more global and is famous all over the world. The fork is always held in the left hand, and the knife in the right in this style. No, Whatever culture you represent, learning the fundamentals of cutlery handling is essential.

What about finger foods? 

Some foods, such as burgers, French fries, and corn on the cob, are best eaten with your fingers. Pizzas are also finger foods that can be eaten with your fingers.

How do I eat challenging foods?

In a formal setting, some foods may require more effort to cut and eat. I would advise you to avoid trying anything new at a formal event. You don’t want anything to go wrong, so stick to foods that are simple to cut and eat, such as spaghetti, noodles, and fish. To begin, practice eating it at home.

Indian Culture

In India, traditional and modern eating styles coexist. Food is considered holy. It is revered, carefully prepared, and offered to the gods. Eating with your fingers is thought to be more respectful of the food. Eating with your fingers is an act of art. The goal is to feel, touch, smell, and taste the food.

It is customary in south India, where I grew up, to serve food on a banana leaf; one should not use cutlery while eating on a banana leaf. Desserts, on the other hand, can be eaten with a spoon. Maintain your calm when you are unaware of specific settings. Take cues from others, take a deep breath, and follow others if confused.

Remember that the golden rule of etiquette is always being at ease. Respect for others and yourself is demonstrated through courtesy across cultures. Be true to yourself when it comes to eating. There is no such thing as a good or bad eating style. Etiquette rules were established to simplify life and serve its logic from their inception. The key to mastering cutlery handling in practice.




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Writer by Kruti Shah, a specialist in Etiquette

1st  May 2023, India 

Category: Business Etiquette 

Reference: CS010523BE    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”