How the communication process develops in the internal or external environment can warn us very clearly about its efficiency and, in addition, about a set of characteristics -sometimes unnoticed- related to the work environment, the quality of customer service, audience, and optimal interaction. between the different hierarchies, among other elements.
This can be defined as a subject that involves a continuous flow of messages, through which its members transmit information and interpret their meanings to persuade themselves, seeking to modify behaviours or attitudes; it feeds social systems, facilitates integration, varies behaviour, shapes human exchange productively, and enhances understanding of corporate politics; it makes coexistence fluid and positive and results are obtained. Finally, it can become a “thermometer” to recognize the organisation’s culture.
In the external context, it pursues the following objectives: publicize the product and service, disseminate revelations, promote better positioning, serve as a means of memory, gather customer opinion, guide suppliers, contribute to creating a corporate or brand image, etc.
Internally, it has various connotations that will affect the external environment. Hence, implementing, evaluating and correcting aspects that affect their understanding and inspiration is essential to achieving the ideals. Thus, for example, it seeks to publicise the determinations of the highest levels of the company, establish a two-way link between employees and bosses, and foster an integral relationship.
For this, descending, ascending and horizontal communication is carried out. Let’s stop to explain each one: The descendant arises from a high position towards people of a lower hierarchical level; He is used to direct and control. His goal is to assign employees goals, instructions, policies, and feedback. This increases the internal climate, improves performance, prevents problems and prevents the existence of gossip, speculation and uncertainty.
The ascendant originates from a lower-ranking collaborator to a manager or boss. They tend to be fewer in number than their descendants, and their greatest tribute lies in the fact that they optimise decision-making. Its advantages are expanding professional training, reducing conflict levels, increasing adhesion and identification, and raising staff self-esteem by feeling part of the corporation.
The horizontal is usually installed for connection spaces. Its application can result in trust and openness. Its main virtues are that it increases coordination, increases the internal atmosphere, strengthens integration, and encourages innovation and teamwork.
Ensuring that the mechanisms described work according to institutional policies is imperative to avoid the gestation of rumours. This is a spontaneous and daily matter with intriguing, seductive, ambiguous content, which should be believed and secret; its transmission is chained and exponential; it comes from an unknown but “reliable” source. Its subsistence represents the most evident manifestation of the deficiencies of the communication system. Otherwise, there would be no place for its prominence and expansion.
A transcendent aspect consists of knowing the genuine communication capacity of the most representative officials. A professional with lofty standards of hard skills, competencies, and even a long history in the job market may assume that they know how to communicate. However, a significant difficulty arises when you fail to detect his lack of skill. Therefore, I recommend evaluating his assertiveness, persuasive talent and proficiency in negotiation. Sometimes, they have not always been trained for this purpose, and consequently, problems that radiate in all spheres will arise.
In this regard, I suggest exercising assertive, courteous communication and caring for styles to certify their understanding and good interaction. Remember: the shapes end up being as significant as the background. Hence, there is a need to display solid soft skills that ensure a development framed in tolerance, empathy, kindness and different components aimed at ratifying an understanding in which, beyond possible discrepancies, respect and harmony prevail. This purpose is not always achieved due to negative and unfavourable work scenarios.
Communication must deserve special attention, regardless of the size and activity of the company. The coexistence of omissions, misinterpretations, and distorted messages has countless impacts on credibility, reputation, and bonds with your audiences. We avoid underestimating or dispensing with adopting corrective actions. It is desirable to carry out an audit to have an independent and accredited diagnosis.
In an increasingly interdependent world, it is an integrating, motivating, persuasive, enlightening medium destined for enriching feedback. Thanks to this, the exchange is strengthened, new commercial links are forged, and the corporate identity is projected with the consequent benefits of building an ambitious, respected and hopeful horizon. I share the assertion of the Argentine actor Leandro Taub: “Bad communication can turn beauty into tragedy. Good communication can make tragedy beauty.”
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Writer by Wilfredo Peréz, Expert in Etiquette and Protocol
27th August 2023, Peru
Category: Business Protocol
Reference: WP27082023BP