On Saturday, March 11, commemorating “International Women’s Day”, PROTOCOLTODAY held another successful online meeting in the English and Spanish sessions. Organized by ProtocolToday The Netherlands and Iberoamericanas FHCI.
Women from various nations were willing to extend their arms and hearts in the desire to embrace equity in this globalised world that demands a cohesive society capable of advancing with the power that women have represented throughout history.
It was an event with multiple and enriching presentations by women with character, engaging, transparent and motivating projections.
Below is a summary of what was documented in these presentations that will make history through the doors opened to achieve achievements with social and labour approaches.
The program session in Spanish began with the presentation of the President of the FHCI, Dr Marco Tardelli, who spoke of the importance of the event.
Her Excellency Elizabeth Ward Neiman, Ambassador of Panama to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with a notable diplomatic and political career, began by addressing her presentation “Connecting experiences to achieve success” in a kind of storytelling of her diverse professional career full of challenges; from teaching to managing a farm; as an investment promoter and even as an architecture student that took her to the furniture store, later to a training centre in Port and Logistics and finally, in International Cooperation issues; all this, forging in it, leadership skills, discipline, compliance, organisation, communication, administration, respect for diversity, compassion, adaptation, initiative, determination, power of conviction, among others.
With her experience in official work, she affirms that skills translate into the ability to work as a team because ambassadors change, but the team remains. That team requires leadership that instils trust, respect, and commitment. She showed the importance of a flexible leadership that adapts to historical, political, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and gastronomic connotations… so many differences between countries such as Panama and the Netherlands. She placed special emphasis on the soft skills required by her position since, when attending official business as a hostess or guest, she must have a country position (where personal opinions do not count) and does not neglect regional and personal representation. Also, taking care of its image both in person and online, adapting said dignified representation to the corresponding situation with creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit, promoting education, bilateral cooperation, culture, tourism, historical heritage and exports. Finally, she closed with the wonderful phrase, “The title does not make the person, the person makes the title”, promoting a humble attitude down to earth; Since protocol knowledge is essential, but the attitude will prevail at all times and, indeed, this closure inspires those women willing to risk how she achieved her achievements.
The Federal Deputy of the LXV Legislature of Mexico, Blanca Alcalá Ruiz, addressed the topic: “Advances in the empowerment of equity for the first woman” showing statistics depicting the reality of most women in the world, especially in Latin America. , shed light on “where we are” and the challenges that lie ahead with a global perspective focusing on three points: 1. Political Participation: Seeking equality in sectors showing disparity. Although there were significant legal advances with the EU, she clarified that political participation is not enough if there is no impact on living conditions. 2. Economic Participation: Closing the gaps has taken years, and wage gaps remain wide, So much so that if women want equality on this issue, we should work 52 more hours. Therefore, she called for continuing to fight to break the “Glass ceiling.” 3. Violence: Both physically and digitally, no further progress has been made, and this issue cannot be put in black and white. He proposed working on a “SUBSTANTIVE EQUALITY” to mainstream the gender perspective, with planning, programming and budget allocation, generating real statistics by gender and age for the elaboration of egalitarian public policies with public budget allocation.
In the end, she asked the question: What are parity and equality for, what has it cost, and where do you want to go? She closed with Simone de Beauvoir’s motivational phrase: “Let nothing define us. Let nothing hold us. Let freedom be our substance”.
Leticia Gammill gave the third presentation, President & Founder of WOMCY, asked about the meaning of “Cybersecurity” to change the misconception we have of a hooded danger in the networks. The title “The importance of attracting diversity in Cybersecurity” opened an unexpected door of employability for women who probably do not have a profession or title but who have natural abilities to work in this sector that for many are unexplored; being a niche in high demand throughout the world to undertake a career that offers great opportunities, based on skills that she highlighted, they are part of the innate female ability to solve problems, have a spirit of collaboration within and outside teams, skills communication, multitasking, intuition, diversity and other characteristics that make women necessary and adaptable in areas of governance, legal, commercial and sales. The requirement? Knowing English to be trained with practical experiences through alliances amid communities with a series of links to contact. The call to be part of this NGO that develops programs to minimise the knowledge gap and increase the existence of cybersecurity talent was clear, and it is a new door for development.
Subsequently, Dr Raquel Bessudo, FHCI Vice-President, presented under the theme “Today’s women, an advance in their empowerment through the rescue of ancient traditions” the business work carried out through Women’s Magic hands to empower artisan women from all over the world with millennial traditions to be “ambassadors” generating a social impact with e-commerce business strategies to undertake digital marketing and storytelling projects, especially with the United States, on a fair trade platform, together with Kickstarter – Crowdfunding that shows the art, beauty and cultural significance of the works with a logistics of direct contact between the artisan and the clients in order to change the social and economic problems. She invited the network of artisans to leave their mark with this “value proposition” that has the mission of being a tool for artisan empowerment and the promotion of culture worldwide.
Mónica Muñoz, Executive Director of Diálogo Visual, who consults in PR, Marketing and Strategic Communication, specializes in Business in Technology, Health and Vertical Markets; through her presentation “Capitalize soft skills to be CEO”, she spoke about the 16 years of her company and her work to position it in the market. In her conclusions, she advised taking advantage of soft skills to fulfil personal and business objectives, giving importance to the five people we have in our social environment; that we women have to feed ourselves through our eyes and ears to learn, create criteria, translate ourselves under ethical and moral parameters; that all the knowledge acquired must be applied daily and be shared under an evolutionary chain made up of innovating, undertaking, learning and teaching to produce and multiply with others; take care of the networking that you have and serve to learn and add; grow at the pace of the economy and technology and take care of our actions. Additionally, he expressed that although starting a business is not easy, over 30 years of age is a good stage to do so and that it is feasible together with a company that helps with contests, business laboratories, networking, and other means that reduce entrepreneurship gaps.
Elizabeth Enriquez, a young businesswoman, was invited to participate in the world of new technology in the METAVERSE, with the collaboration of her company Konector personalised spaces, with unique experiences and with the possibility of accessing from a computer, cell phone or glasses of virtual reality. She also mentioned that there are many possibilities to support ventures and projects, and she is available to collaborate with the people who contact her.
Gabriela Brouwer de Koning, National Representative for the province of Córdoba, spoke of Argentina’s role in fighting for gender equality. She gave thanks to the other women who opened spaces for us and proceeded to present her paper “Advances in the empowerment of women’s equity”, reflecting on International Day and the importance of their role in society, exposing a similar reality worldwide. as concrete, real and painful facts in percentages that make the disparity evident. With this, she reinforced the need for women for an opportunity for economic independence. Focused on the women of her land, she used the phrase: “In Argentina, poverty has the face of a woman” and alluded to the legislative achievements of 1847 with laws that, until today seek to prevent, eradicate and punish violence in addition, to violence. Voluntary termination of pregnancy. She reminded us of the movement that brought together 1,500,000 people in 2015 to proclaim “Not one less”, setting an agenda for other countries in the world.
And although progress has been made in Argentina, more is needed. As in most countries, there is an enormous challenge to generate public policies that help women enter the labour and have comprehensive assistance that improves the conditions raised by congress. It is necessary to dismantle structures and prejudices to change the culture in which women are subordinated to men. Her call: “let’s make synergy for a cultural change that will be achieved with everyone’s commitment because that way, it will be possible to leap at change with new challenges.” With a unique brooch, her closure was shocking and defiant: a video that shows that it is NOT about helping. “Don’t help me” because when you say you help, it is assumed that it is my responsibility. We must do it together – 50/50.
Finally, the Executive Director of ProtocolToday, Adriana Flores, closed the event, emotionally highlighting the scope of this online meeting that satisfied all those who participated thanks to the connection via zoom and the people who were able to share thanks to the transmission; of radio Kscad of Ecuador and TV Compyme of Peru.
The wide call registered was emotional for all the attendees, between men and women, who were part of an event that once again demonstrated that we are committed to what we do and what we hope to achieve, all making and promoting changes that generate both individual and social growth.
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Writer by: Claudia STOHMANN R. de A. Communicator, speaker, writer, etiquette, and protocol expert.
21 March 2022, Bolivia
Category: Diplomacy
Reference: CS22032023D