10-18th April | 12-31st June.

Mode of Study: Online

There are two available times: 10:00-12:00 hrs or 16:00-18:00 hrs CET Amsterdam. Request another schedule if necessary.


12 hours in 6 days, 2 hours each day of class online

*Request special prices for embassies and companies

The fee for participation in this program is a member price €240.00; the non-member price is €276.00.

The fee for one Masterclass: the member price is €80.00; the not-member price is €92.00 for the total program, including:

Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate smoothly around the globe!

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today!

Globalisation is changing the world in every aspect. Traditional industrial economies are transforming into entrepreneurial economies, and there is a need for leaders, entrepreneurs, directors, government officials and executives with global mindset skills, e.g., the skills for profound relations management with people from different cultures and with different values and soft diplomacy skills.


Key topics include:

  • Cultural & Emotional intelligence, The Power of Culture in Business;
  • Gift giving is the art of  the Smart way of building relations, The art of giving in business;
  • Host duties and his protocol, Organizing a proper business luncheon;
  • Dining table protocol & etiquette, Handling the silverware.

Participants are:

  • Young Diplomats,  Young Business people;
  • Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
  • Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
  • Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives | International Organizations Staff;
  • Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry.

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