The International Protocol & Soft Skills Conference “The Power of Image” organised by ProtocolToday and Iberoamericanas FHCI was a groundbreaking one-day event that brought together a diverse group of experts and professionals to explore the multifaceted concept of image in the global context. The conference, aptly titled “The Power of Image”, aimed to bridge cultural divides and foster a deeper understanding of how image shapes perceptions, influences interactions, and impacts success in today’s interconnected world.
Held on November 17th, 2023, providing a convenient and accessible platform for participants from across the globe. The event featured a dynamic lineup of speakers from various fields, each bringing their unique perspectives and expertise to the table. The conference facilitated insightful discussions about the current trends, practices, and challenges in a global mindset and soft skills, and how to use image as a tool for companies and individuals.
The participants learned the importance of etiquette, protocol, personal branding, public relations, media visibility, and collaboration in a globalised world. The conference provided a unique platform for professionals worldwide to connect, learn, and grow. The conference attracted participants from different fields and regions, such as diplomats, business leaders, academics, consultants, and students. In addition, the conference enabled the participants to exchange ideas and learn from world-class experts who shared their insights, experience, and advice on topics related to protocol, diplomacy, image, and soft skills. The speakers also answered the questions and comments from the participants, creating an interactive and engaging atmosphere.
The conference organisers envisioned the following outcomes based on the theme and the format of the conference: enhanced understanding of the significance of image in personal and professional success. The conference aimed to help the participants understand how format well as a provides They were held globally organised damagea gained valuable knowledge and skills globally can influence their personal and professional success and how to use it as a competitive advantage in a globalised world. The conference covered topics such as etiquette, protocol, personal branding, public relations, media visibility, and cross-cultural communication, all essential elements of creating and maintaining a positive image. Development of practical strategies for building and managing a positive image. The conference also aimed to provide the participants with practical strategies for building and working a positive online and offline image. The conference offered tips and advice from world-class experts on how to create a personal brand, dress and behave appropriately in different contexts and situations, communicate effectively and persuasively, and handle challenging scenarios and crises—improved cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills. The conference also aimed to enhance the participants’ cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills, crucial for working and living in a diverse and interconnected world. The conference also encouraged the participants to network, interact, and learn from each other’s perspectives and experiences.
The conference’s first session is globalised with different focus on the theme of “The Power of Image” and focus. and how it can affect one’s personal and professional success in a globalized world. The session featured seven speakers from different backgrounds and expertise, who shared their insights, experience, and advice on various topics related to protocol, diplomacy, image, and soft skills. The session was opened by H.E. MINAMI Hiroshi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Netherlands, who welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of image and reputation in diplomacy and international relations. He also discussed the topic of “Soft Skills in Japan”, and how the Japanese culture and values influence how they communicate and interact with others.
Snjezana Maclean, Finance Director at FIPI Image Strategist & Corporate Stylist, discussed creatin a personal brand and a professional image that reflects one’s values, goals, and personality. She explained the concept of “Dress to Impress for Exposure & Impact”, and how to choose the appropriate attire, accessories, and colors for different occasions and audiences. She also gave some tips and examples on enhancing one’s image through grooming, posture, and body language.
Cherin Jallis, International Expert in etiquette and Protocol, who explained the topic of “Business protocol to develop corporate branding image”. She emphasiseorganisin the importance of etiquette and protocol in creating a positive impression and building trust and credibility with clients and partners. She also outlined the main rules and principles of etiquette and protocol in different contexts and situations, such as greetings, introductions, business cards, meetings, negotiations, dining, and gift-giving.
Steve Derden, Head of Protocol and Events at NATO, who presented the topic of “Protocol as an international communication tool”. He shared his experience and expertise in organizing and managing events in a multicultural and multilateral environment, and how to ensure a smooth and successful execution. He also discussed the challenges and opportunities of protocol in a changing world and how to adapt to the different needs and expectations of the stakeholders.
Andreas Dripke, Chairman of Diplomatic Council´s Global, moderated the session and summaris the main points and takeaways from the presentations. He also discussed the theme of “The proper steps to building a good image”, and how to apply them effectively and appropriately. He said that the proper steps to building a good image are knowing yourself, your audience, your message, and your medium. He also emphasises the world’s economic and social trends and developments and how they affect the importance of consistency, authenticity, and integrity in creating and maintaining a positive image.
Prof. Dewanand Mahadew, CEO Director at NewEconomyStrategy, who explored the topic of “Corporate image to create space to share your company’s value proposition”. He discussed the economic and social trends and developments in the world, and how they affect the way companies present and communicate their values and vision. He also suggested some strategies and tools for creating and maintaining a positive corporate image and how to differentiate oneself from the competitors.
In conclusion, the conference was a successful and enriching event that offered a unique platform for professionals worldwide to engage, exchange ideas and learn from world-class experts. The conference provided insightful discussions about the current trends, practices, and challenges in a global mindset and soft skills, as well how to use image as a tool for companies and individuals. The conference also fostered a better understanding of the cultural differences and similarities between the East and the West and how to bridge the gap and collaborate for a better future.
We hope that the participants enjoyed the conference as much as we did and that they gained valuable knowledge and skills that they can apply in their personal and professional lives. and We also hope that the conference inspired them to continue the dialogue and the learning process and to join us in our following vents.
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Wrotte by Eric Muhia, an International Studies and Diplomacy Graduate Student and Young Diplomat.
27 November 2023, Kenya
Category: Business Protocol
Reference: EM271123BP