The countries that make up the vast Spanish-speaking continent contribute uniquely through a mosaic of identities in their shared history, values and customs. Argentina is one of those open-door countries with a dynamic, inclusive engine for those who have chosen to inhabit it.
Let us bear in mind that immigration is not synonymous with a phenomenon rooted in a historical past but rather a current dynamic process typical of an open-door society that understands it as a fundamental engine for its development and of a multipolar world in which we live people are looking for better opportunities.
General Deheza, an active, agro-industrialized city with strong ingrained values, is the geographical space of the interior of Argentina that can give examples of what is expressed in this article.
It is a city founded in 1893, initially called Colonia La Agrícola, inhabited by a handful of Creoles and natives willing to see it grow according to the possibilities of the time. Appointed as a municipality on January 21, 1929, it knew how to take its first steps with a renewed air, thanks to the European immigration that the Second World War imposed on them, forcing them to give up their lands and, in some cases, never return.
Today, converted into a city in total growth, with the experience to the surface and the years that guarantee it as a pioneer in agro-industrial activities, it can express that currently in its local soil. In addition, different Spanish-speaking communities have joined jointly and with a strong bond of brotherhood, which, together with their native Dehezinos and European immigrants, make up a thriving town in total development.
Peru, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Paraguay, Colombia, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay are direct participants in each achievement obtained at a social level in our small dehezine homeland.
Union makes strength, embodied every February of each year in the staging of our Provincial Festival of the Collectivities. This festive space allows the inhabitants of Dehez to express gratitude to each Latino immigrant for their valuable cultural and generational contribution.
We must maintain that firm conviction of reaching out to our Latino brothers who are perhaps going through a delicate moment or are just looking for a new horizon for their personal growth.
Today we are participants in a cultural change that involves us all, which also requires communities to be encouraged to renew themselves. That is, knowing that they are also protagonists of our time, as they have been throughout history. It is a beautiful challenge to continue travelling together on the path of encounter in diversity, stimulating dialogue and sowing the seed of harmony to achieve the union of all as brothers.
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Writer by Gustavo Rafael Caballero, Journalist, Broadcaster, and Specialist in Ceremonial and Protocol.
05 Julio 2022, Argentina
Category: Cultural Intelligence
Reference: GC05072022CI