17-18 April | 19-20 June.
Mode of Study: Online
There are two available times: 10:00-12:00 hrs. or 16:00–18:00 hrs. (CET) Amsterdam. If necessary, request another schedule.
Twoo hours per day of class.
*Request special prices for embassies and companies
Fee one masterclass: the member price is €80.00, non-member price €92.00, including:
- Method action Learning model;
- Certificate EQF 7 level of ProtocolToday Academy;
- Accredited by CPD in the United Kingdom
Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate
smoothly around the globe!
Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today
The world is transforming into a global village and needs executives who can navigate smoothly across cultures.
Globalisation is changing the world in every aspect.
Good dining skills are necessary when conducting business abroad or entertaining international clients in your country. Table manners (or lack thereof) can impact how individuals and the companies they represent are perceived.
This masterclass will reinforce your talents and provide valuable skills to enable you to master the appropriate skills in dining with executives from around the world, including host and guest duties, eating styles, mingling proficiency and creating appropriate conversations.
Key topics include:
- Protocol to make invitations, extend, accept, and cancel, Receiving of guests: what should you do at the receiving line?
- Host duties and his protocol, Organizing a proper business luncheon;
- Select restaurant, table setting, greeting guests, hospitality, and protocol aspects, Seating guidelines: correct seating for a business meal;
- Dining table protocol & etiquette, Handling the silverware.
Participants are:
- Young Diplomats, Young Business people;
- Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
- Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
- Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives | International Organizations Staff;
- Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry.