10-11st April |12-13rd June
Mode of Study: Online
There are two available times: 10:00–12:00 hrs. or 16:00–18:00 personalised.
Two hours per day of class.
*Request special prices for embassies and companies.
Fee one masterclass: the member price is €80.00; the non-member price is €92.00, including:
- Method action Learning model;
- Digital material;
- Integrated (personalized) assessment;
- Certificate EQF 7 level of ProtocolToday Academy
Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate smoothly around the globe!
Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today!
The globalisation of the world demands leaders, managers and executives to deal with the complexities of merging corporate cultures as part of leadership, co-creation, production, marketing, planning, decision-making, recruitment and task assignments.
The Masterclass International Cultural enables participants to understand the power and dimensions of cultures.
It elaborates on the impact of cultures on negotiations, teamwork, contracting behaviour and management issues.
A core element of the masterclass is the Lewis Model, based on research analysis of the impact of culture in 135 countries. This model argues that humans from any country in the world can be divided into three clear behaviour-related categories: linear-active, multi-active and reactive.
Key topics include:
- Cultural & Emotional intelligence, The Power of Culture in Business;
- Dimensions of cultures, Intercultural & multicultural;
- Mindfulness, Analysis of cultures and impact on professional behavior;
- Commonalities between different cultures, Cultural communication context;
- Non-verbal communication differences, Power distance;
- Problems solving & decision making, Conflict/negotiation style; The model of Lewis;
- Use the Lewis model to manage your international teams, develop Effective collaboration strategies, and build relationships.
- Young Diplomats, Young Business people;
- Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
- Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
- Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives | International Organizations Staff;
- Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry.