PERS ARTICLE Written by Prensaanimal on 4 October 2022
In an executive meeting, a diplomatic visit or even an informal dinner, the way we convey our image and words can be essential to leave a good impression, finalise a deal or start a long-term business relationship.
ProtocolToday is a global organisation with expertise in international protocol, diplomacy and soft skills, both in the public and private sectors, to make meetings successful.
“We advise and train businessmen, diplomats or leaders to develop a global mindset, improve their etiquette and verbal communications, to make national and international deals and businesses,” explained Adriana Flores, executive director of ProtocolToday.
One of ProtocolToday’s missions is to empower its clients to work naturally, taking care of their image and that of their company or organisation.
The company, a specialist in protocol and diplomacy, teaches in an agile and professional way how to behave at an event, how to express a good speech, what to say and what not to say according to the time and place, and how to make a good impression, what is the correct clothing for women and men depending on the country, among other items.
“Regardless of the studies and experience that an entrepreneur has, he must know these matters to create the desired positive impact, since he can determine the short or long way to achieve a business; communication is not only verbal, we even teach how to communicate via e-mail; people in Latin America have different cultural traits than those of the United States, Europe or Asia. Therefore, the cultural standards of each region must be known”, said the executive.
Adriana Flores is an international expert in protocol and diplomatic skills with more than 18 years of experience. She has worked for royal family members, businesspeople, and presidents, among other prominent figures. She has a master’s in Protocol and Soft Diplomacy Skills in Europe.
ProtocolToday was founded in the Netherlands in 2014 and began its foray into Mexico in 2019, when Adriana Flores gave training in Morelia, Michoacán. Later, in August of this year, she gave a two-day master class in Mexico City and another master class in Querétaro for Coparmex (Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic).
ProtocolToday is internationally certified by CTD (Continuing Professional Development), a body established in the United Kingdom.
The firm has worked with over 700 business people, diplomats, leaders and students from 53 countries. It can serve embassies, consulates, legal ministries, universities, institutes, companies, SMEs and foundations from all sectors, such as technology, finance, logistics, affairs, services, marketing and government.

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ProtocolToday Academy
Contact person: Adriana Flores
M: +31 (0) 61168 1465
E: contact@protocoltoday.nl
Linked in: Protocol Today
Website: www.protocoltoday.nl
The Netherlands