Ethics is a very topical issue. We must recognise visible advances concerning its role. However, it still needs to be present in countless companies where lucrative desires, particular interests, lack of transparency, labour mistreatment, and misleading promotion of products and services prevail, among other actions, which show the challenges pending on this topic.
Suppose we work in entities with a performance outside of ethical considerations. In that case, we will observe frequent abuse of power, conflict of interest, nepotism, bribery, excessive loyalty, lack of dedication, dishonesty, breach of trust, concealment and multiple harmful anomalies in order internal and external.
However, ethics must be adapted to business peculiarities based on the differences in their primary task, number of workers, scope of operations, legal system, etc. Hence the need to implement integrity criteria based on their reality. Building strategies adjustable to any business interested in becoming ethical is possible.
Your inclusion will begin by defining your vision, mission, values, and policies. Corporate values differ in every company. Its accuracy is the first step in building the organisation; they form part of the culture and define the aspects and comparative advantages that will guide its development. They show their beliefs in a shared way, stipulate their behaviour and are oriented by their action plans.
The directors must coexist with the sincere conviction of their internalisation. This will require, in some instances, fundamental transformations in their processes. Your leadership and commitment will allow the adoption of this initiative as your own: it is recommended to lead by example. Let’s keep in mind that ethics is present in every decision made, and by the way, the higher the hierarchy, the greater the ethical component.
By acting under the established rules, employees will feel compelled to do the same. On the contrary, by omitting their duties and being above the instituted postulates, they will exhibit negative or contradictory practices that will influence the human group under their charge. Applying transversal criteria unrelated to hierarchical differences is a factor in its success.
Ethics goes beyond avoiding illegal practices or sanctioning procedures, fostering an environment characterised by leaders capable of representing referential guidelines, reinforcing values daily, and implementing tactics to strengthen desirable positions to achieve the common good. In short, this should be understood as an active part of your brand.
It is essential to emphasise that a professional displays principles that are inherent to her structure. Each person adopts them in the various scenarios of their interaction. Choosing a collaborator with moral criteria that coincide with the company’s requirements will be conclusive in maintaining his attitude. They must involve a permanent exercise of habits aimed at becoming inspiring models.
Another significant aspect is the Code of Ethics. It is a mechanism that is increasingly used to establish the fees that characterise the procedure of its members. In addition, following their values details behaviours that cannot be tolerated, helps to resolve conflicts or doubts, contributes to creating an optimal image and increases the feeling of identification and integration.
I recommend designing an effective system for disclosing activities and projects to share information about your achievements, plans and contributions to the community through your Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs with your internal public, clients, society and government. A transparent company maintains truthful channels of communication that contribute to its excellent reputation.
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Written by: Wilfredo Pérez Ruiz, an expert in Etiquette and Protocol
29 May 2023, Peru
Category: Business Ethics
Reference: WP29052023BE