The speech is a premeditated oral narration expressed in solemn and massive acts, generally political, on a theme, thought, vision and/or conclusion, to move, inform or persuade the audience.
Within oratory, speeches are a fundamental tool. We can define it as an oral presentation on a specific matter, pronounced before an audience. in order to convince or move him.
There are different types of Speeches; among them are Narrative Speech, Advertising Speech, Expository Speech, Argumentative Speech, and Political Speech.
A narrative speech shows or narrates facts or situations through a plot and an argument. This speech is well known because it is used in novels and stories. Without realizing it, we use it daily.
For its part, advertising discourse has, unlike other types of discourse, a very practical objective: to sell a product. This must constantly evolve, mutate and reinvent itself. It must be, among other things, eye-catching to capture the public’s interest, and it must be creative so that it does not continue to be more of the same.
The expository discourse is one whose main objective is to inform or clarify a fact or a situation. The fundamental characteristics of this type of speech are the clarity of the exposition and the conciseness – the more synthetic, the clearer it will be. And this characteristic has nothing to do with the brevity of the speech but rather with the fact that the ideas presented are accurately expressed.
Argumentative speeches have as their main objective to convince someone of something; for that, this type of speech must be thought out and elaborated with great care. The argumentation must develop smoothly, without arrogance or abruptness.
The idea is to go step by step, explaining everything so that, by the end of the speech, the audience feels that they have reached the conclusions on their own.
The political discourse can be narrative to move, expository to explain political measures, argumentative as a defence or defence of political ideas, informative to inform about the political measures taken or advertising, with its very practical objective.
The specific purpose of a speech is the precise response that the speaker or issuer wishes to obtain from the audience. In other words, this purpose refers to exactly what we want the audience to do, believe, feel, understand or enjoy.
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Writer by Gustavo Caballero, Journalist, Broadcaster, and Specialist in Ceremonial and Protocol.
12sd July 2023, Argentina
Category: Business Protocol
Reference: GC12072023BP