28th March 2024 SPANISH SESSION
Recently, PROTOCOLTODAY and the International Honoris Causa Foundation organized the International Seminar “Women as Cultural Ambassadors”, which was held virtually from the Netherlands on the occasion of International Women’s Day. This important event, broadcast in English and Spanish, brought together a wide audience from more than 30 countries.
Adriana Flores, executive director of PROTOCOLTODAY, highlighted the professional prestige of the speakers and the quality of the topics shared. In her turn, Marco Tardelli, president of the International Honoris Causa Foundation, pointed out that women are active protagonists in the significant changes in society. “We want them to occupy a significant space to promote their effective Hispanic American leadership in the United Nations Organization,” he emphasised.
Berenice Rangel (Mexico), executive director of Latin America Invest, spoke on “Crosscultural Wealth: Wealth Management Strategies with Global Intelligence for International Businesses.” She referred to the business strategies: “We are looking to diversify assets due to the changes that have occurred in Latin America in recent times.” Financial and fiscal complexity drives global wealth transformation. “The new generations are looking to invest in technology companies,” she stated. She explained the phenomenon of globalisation and its influence on the wealth management administration. Businesses are increasingly complex due, among other reasons, to the knowledge revolution reflected through “artificial intelligence.”
She added: “After the pandemic, we are looking for digital business innovation to unite markets and move from one place to another, taking advantage of the situation in the region. To do this, mechanisms must be used based on the financial reality and political changes in the countries.” Consequently, the “country brand” is essential and “favors the business climate and allows a stable tax regime.”
For her part, Ana Navarro Ramos (Spain), Director of Protocol of the Ministry of Economy, Commerce and Business, presented the topic “Women as ambassadors of change: Impact on international protocol.” She emphasised that she “plays a vital role in all areas of society. “We play a significant role in the current vicissitudes.” She recounted her career as a member of the Spanish army in the European Union and indicated that there are multiple missions abroad in which women participate. She explained that 35 years have passed since the female military presence in Spain. She also shared her expertise in the Ministry of Defence protocol area and her countless functions with foreign delegations.
The protocol is the “first face of the institution to the outside,” she highlighted. She said, “the national holiday is an important event that unites the Spanish people and is characterised by the military parade led by the kings.” She recounted her journey in other government sectors that allowed her to “explore the concept of protocol, get to know the world, participate in events and extend my vision of protocol” and, in addition, prepare business events and ministerial summits. At the end, she asked herself, “Where are they? In 2018, an initiative was created to promote its visibility through advertising actions.” She highlighted: “Women have empathy, a unique perspective, effective communication, creativity and expression and, in addition, communicative leadership.”
Edith Cortelezzi (Argentina), a trainer at the ISEN Institute, discussed the topic “Business Protocol”. In her presentation, she emphasised specifying that the protocol and ceremonies are updated and not out of fashion. “Today, there is a protocol for the digital world, cell phones, and computers. Now, women also handle these issues, and they are not exclusive to men as they were for a long time,” she pointed out. People increasingly understand the validity and magnitude of the protocol in commercial travel. She stressed: “Women must value the collaboration of men in a woman’s life.” She emphasised the importance of appreciating and recommending the permanent application of protocol, good manners and courtesy above time and distances.
Likewise, Emilia Zaballos (Spain), president of Zeballos Abogados, supported the presentation “If you want it, you have it!” She began by remembering that we always talk about “equality.” She stated: “Equality is giving everyone the same instruments to achieve what they want. Each one will see how far he can go depending on our capabilities and commitments.” She alluded to the disproportion and indifference to current social problems.
When presenting her experience, he commented: “My soul projection has been the Foundation for Constitutional Rights, which is now well established in the Spanish community, to help change the reality that affects certain human groups. She stressed the imperative of including social commitment and sharing our experiences to serve the common good. “Give back to the community what we have achieved in life. In my life, values such as courage, perseverance and training have helped me understand at the beginning of our careers and learn daily. Have the will to collect what contributes to our survival,” she stressed. She ended by referring to the need to accentuate the participation of women. “We must be better, compete and know how to give recognition. When they are the best, they must make them known, and they will be visible, making it easier for them to continue fighting to fulfil their dreams.”
In short, a successful contest – “made with the heart”, according to Adriana Flores – filled with enriching learning, experiences, reflections and contributions aimed at revaluing the performance of women; an opportunity to collect instructive experiences that inspire us to continue in this ongoing fight for gender parity. Your involvement will contribute to defining a fair, empathetic world framed by values that are unavoidable to recognise and encourage, such as reciprocity, respect, and acceptance.
Let us have the unwavering determination to strengthen will, perseverance, and dedication to this noble and imperious task. In this sense, the expressions of the former Secretary General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan, come to mind: “Gender equality is more than an objective in itself. It is a precondition to face the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development, and building good government.”
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Writter by Wilfredo Pérez
01 April 2024
Category: Cultural intelligence
Reference: WF010424