Exclusive VIP Interview
H.E Hiroshi Minami (Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to The Kingdom of the Netherlands)
25th January 2024, The Hague
南 博 駐オランダ王国特命全権日本国大使閣下
2024年1月25日 ハーグにて
Could you briefly overview your role and responsibilities as a Japanese diplomat for leaders?
I am enjoying my life as a diplomat in the Netherlands. The Netherlands and Japan have a very long history of relations, starting, which started in 1600 and in 1600, so it has lasted for more than 400 years. There are quite a lot of Dutch people who are very familiar with the Japanese culture. There is a significant volume of economic activities in the two countries’ private sectors. How we can support the economic activities of the private sector is an important issue. And of course, there are cultural exchanges between the two countries, which we should support as a government.
What kind of perceptions do you think the Japanese people have of the Netherlands?
If I ask the average Japanese people about their perception of the Netherlands, they might raise tulips and windmills. The problem is that people are usually preoccupied with the stereotypical images of other countries. Similarly, if I ask the Dutch people about their impression of Japan, they might say Mount Fuji and Sushi. The challenge for a diplomat is overcoming these stereotypes and presenting the real situations or images of the current Japan.
How do you think expectations of you have formed your time here in the Netherlands?
I might be able to stay here for about three years. I have already spent one year here since my arrival. In the next two years, I want to do my best to promote the friendship between the two countries. To achieve this, the embassy should support economic activities and cultural exchanges, as I mentioned earlier, and we should encourage more high-level visits between the two countries.
What three words in your language would you use to define your job as a diplomat?
As a diplomat, the first important thing is integrity, the second is the personal relationship, and the third element is learning. I believe these three elements will be highly critical to diplomatic life.
How do you experience these three values in your day-to-day work?
When posted at our permanent mission to the United Nations in New York, I visited many of my counterparts in other missions as courtesy calls. One of them told me that the personal relationship is the most important in multilateral diplomacy. That struck me and became my motto as a diplomat. As for the integrity and the learning, I believe these are common qualities for diplomats and other professions. Without the integrity, people will not trust you. As for learning, we diplomats change our positions every three or four years, and when we are posted to one country, we must learn a lot about its background, history, and culture. The learning is quite common and important for us.
What possibilities do Dutch entrepreneurs see for doing business in Japan?
The Netherlands and Japan have some commonalities, such as their advanced industrial technology and shared values of free market and open economy. Therefore, I believe there are many collaboration opportunities for the private sectors in both countries, especially in AI, semiconductors, green energy and quantum computing. However, I also think there is a significant difference on the Japanese side. I said that the Dutch are known to be very straightforward, but the Japanese are not. There is a big gap between what the Japanese say and what they mean. This is called honne and tatemae. Honne is their true intention, and tatemae is their public facade. This might make it hard for foreigners to understand the real intention of the Japanese when they do business in Japan. That is one major issue. Another challenge for foreigners is that the Japanese system,sometimes has very slow decision-making process. We have to have very thorough study and detailed consideration before we make decisions. Foreigners may have to be patient with this process.
What do you think are the opportunities for Japanese entrepreneurs in this country?
From what I hear from the Japanese businessmen working in this country, they do not have any serious complaints or problems. For example, the Japanese Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam has about 370 companies as members. They are doing very well here, and I have not heard any complaints from them about the Dutch government policies. So, I think that this country is a very good host country for foreign companies.
In the frame of cultural exchanges and on this economic level, do you have strong opinions on using soft power to further relationships, for instance, between Japan and the Netherlands?
Of course, soft power can be a very powerful tool for diplomacy. But I must admit that soft power is not easy for the government to control. For Japan, soft power can come from Japanese cuisine, manga, animation and arts. However, they are initiated and provided by private individuals and companies that are not related to government policy. What the government can do is to utilize the soft power of these cultural elements, but not to create them. That is the challenge for us, government officials. I also believe that the soft power of Japan can help to improve the stereotypical image of Japan.
What advice would you give someone aspiring to become a diplomat or ambassador?
I have been in the diplomatic world for 40 years. These 40 years were a very peaceful and stable time with prosperity. But the international situation is unpredictable, and I do not know what will happen in the next 10 or 20 years. So, the younger generations must be ready for such uncertainty and unpredictability. The second thing is that the young people must keep up with the technological development. Technology is advancing so fast nowadays, and I am particularly concerned with the progress of AI. In my diplomatic career, the most important parts of my work were writing documents, making summaries of meetings, and interpreting for people. But these functions can be substituted by the AI nowadays, and I do not know how the AI will affect the diplomats’ lives in the future.
So, what will be the added value for the diplomats? That is the second challenge.
How do you envision this new role? What do you think the new role that the ambassador will fulfil will be?
I think the added value for the diplomats should be personal relationships with other diplomats and negotiators. Such personal relationships and personal chemistry could change the nature and result of the negotiations. I believe that diplomats should not be or cannot be like a machine, and we have to be very humane.
和訳:安田 真子)
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Exclusive interview by VIP Special Edition Magazine Global Mindset the Netherlands
Interviewed by Rahul Mahadew, BSc. in Political Science, MSc. In Public Management
Co-editor, Wilfredo Peréz
Rewrite by Mr Eric Muhia,
Translate to Japanese by Ms Mako Yasuda