Diplomacy in international business is essential because it helps to establish and maintain good relationships with foreign governments and other stakeholders. This can help to reduce the risks associated with doing business in foreign countries, such as political instability, corruption, and other non-commercial factors.

Commercial or business diplomacy is a type of diplomacy that focuses specifically on promoting trade and investment between countries. It involves developing long-term relationship-building strategies with governments, local communities, and interest groups. Commercial diplomacy is a government service to the business community that aims to develop socially profitable international business ventures. It can help firms improve their performance regarding so-called soft or nonfinancial indicators such as knowledge sharing, reputation, company image, and marketing possibilities. It differs from lobbying or strategic political activity; it implies a strategic and holistic approach of an international business to look at itself as an actor in the international diplomatic arena. Representation, communication, and negotiation are essential in such an approach. Successful negotiations require communication, cooperation, and compromise between countries. Outsiders can bring impartiality and help reach deals by proposing incentives.

How diplomacy is used in international relations and how it can be applied to business.

Diplomacy is a method that governments use to influence the actions of foreign governments through peaceful tactics such as negotiation and dialogue. It’s typically carried out by a country’s representatives abroad, but a diplomat’s activities will be controlled mainly by the government they serve. In international business, diplomacy can be applied in many ways. For example, it can be used to establish and maintain good relationships with foreign governments and other stakeholders. This can help to reduce the risks associated with doing business in foreign countries, such as political instability, corruption, and other non-commercial factors.

How can businesses use diplomacy to resolve conflicts with other companies?

Businesses can use diplomacy to resolve conflicts with other companies by engaging in negotiations and dialogues to promote peaceful relations. Diplomacy involves communication, cooperation, and compromise between parties. The success of diplomatic efforts requires parties to agree on the negotiation’s goal and how to achieve it. Businesses can lead the negotiations or enlist outside mediators, such as a neutral third party, to bring impartiality and help reach deals by proposing incentives. For instance, businesses can offer to collaborate on a project or provide a discount on a product or service to resolve a conflict. Businesses should prioritise peaceful negotiations and incentives to resolve disputes with other companies. By using diplomacy, businesses can promote friendly relations and obtain an agreement of cooperation in which each side is getting its interest fulfilled.

Examples of successful diplomacy in international business

One example is the P5+1 Nuclear Agreement between 2006-2015 between the UNSC-Iran, the USA, and Western states. This agreement was finished on July 14, 2015, and aimed to ensure that Iran’s nuclear program would be exclusively peaceful. The deal resulted from diplomatic negotiations and was seen as a successful example of diplomacy in international business. The success of the agreement can be attributed to the use of diplomacy. The parties involved engage in dialogue, negotiations, and compromise to reach a mutually beneficial arrangement. This helped to avoid the possibility of a military conflict, which would have had severe economic and political implications. The P5+1 Nuclear Agreement demonstrates how diplomacy can help address complex issues in international business. Countries can create a favourable business environment that promotes growth and development by engaging in dialogue and negotiations. In this case, the agreement lifted sanctions on Iran, which opened up new business opportunities for companies in Western countries.

Another example of successful diplomacy in international business is summit diplomacy, which involves high-level diplomacy involving the state’s leaders. Diplomatic summits allow leaders to come together and discuss critical issues, build trust and understanding, and reach agreements that benefit their nations. In the 21st century, diplomatic summits have become an essential part of international business, as they offer a unique platform for leaders to discuss complex issues and find common ground. One of the most well-known examples of summit diplomacy is the meeting between US President Richard Nixon and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai in 1972, which marked the beginning of a new era in US-China relations. Diplomatic summits have also addressed arms control, economic cooperation, environmental protection, and global security issues.

Some of the challenges that can arise in business diplomacy are:

In international business, cultural differences play a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of communication and negotiation. Business diplomats must know and respect different countries and regions’ cultural values, norms, and expectations. Therefore, it is essential to adapt communication and negotiation styles to the cultural context and avoid falling prey to cultural stereotypes and biases that may negatively impact the perception and judgment of others.

Ethical concerns are also important considerations for business diplomats. Upholding high standards of ethical conduct and corporate social responsibility is crucial in dealing with various stakeholders. Accordingly, business diplomats must be prepared to address the potential ethical dilemmas and conflicts that may arise from their business activities, such as tax avoidance, environmental impact, human rights violations, corruption, and bribery. By doing so, they can build and maintain trust with stakeholders and mitigate reputational and financial risks.

Some possible advice on how to navigate and overcome the challenges of business diplomacy are:

Business diplomacy can be challenging, but there are ways to navigate and overcome the obstacles. One of the most significant challenges is cultural differences, and business diplomats must be aware of and respect the cultural values, norms, and expectations of different countries and regions. They should also adapt their communication and negotiation styles accordingly. It is essential to avoid cultural stereotypes and biases that may affect their perception and judgment of others. Being open-minded and respectful of different perspectives and opinions and seeking common ground and mutual understanding is crucial.

Ethical concerns are also a significant challenge that business diplomats need to address. They should follow the relevant laws and regulations of the countries where they operate and adhere to their organisations and industries’ ethical codes and principles. Being transparent and accountable for their actions and decisions is crucial. They should seek to balance the interests of their stakeholders with the social and environmental impacts of their business activities. Addressing potential ethical dilemmas and conflicts arising from their business activities, such as tax avoidance, ecological impact, human rights violations, corruption, and bribery, is vital for successful business diplomacy.




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Writer by Eric Muhia, International Studies and Diplomacy Graduate Student and Young Diplomat.

28th May 2023, Kenia

Category: Diplomacy

Reference: EM280423D

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


10-11st April |12-13rd June

Mode of Study: Online

There are two available times: 10:00–12:00 hrs. or 16:00–18:00 personalised.


Two hours per day of class.

*Request special prices for embassies and companies.

Fee one masterclass: the member price is  €80.00; the non-member price is €92.00, including:


Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate smoothly around the globe!

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today!

The globalisation of the world demands leaders, managers and executives to deal with the complexities of merging corporate cultures as part of leadership, co-creation, production, marketing, planning, decision-making, recruitment and task assignments.

The Masterclass International Cultural enables participants to understand the power and dimensions of cultures.

It elaborates on the impact of cultures on negotiations, teamwork, contracting behaviour and management issues.

A core element of the masterclass is the Lewis Model, based on research analysis of the impact of culture in 135 countries. This model argues that humans from any country in the world can be divided into three clear behaviour-related categories: linear-active, multi-active and reactive.

Key topics include:

  • Cultural & Emotional intelligence, The Power of Culture in Business;
  • Dimensions of cultures, Intercultural & multicultural;
  • Mindfulness, Analysis of cultures and impact on professional behavior;
  • Commonalities between different cultures, Cultural communication context;
  • Non-verbal communication differences, Power distance;
  • Problems solving & decision making, Conflict/negotiation style; The model of Lewis;
  • Use the Lewis model to manage your international teams, develop Effective collaboration strategies, and build relationships.


  • Young Diplomats, Young Business people;
  • Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
  • Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
  • Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives | International Organizations Staff;
  • Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry.


15-16 April | 17-18th June

Time: 10:00-12:00 hrs or 16:00-18:00 hrs. (CET) Amsterdam. Request another schedule if necessary.


*Request special prices for embassies and companies.

Fee one masterclass: the member price is   €80.00, non-member price €92.00, including:


Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate smoothly around the globe!

Learn Today & Practice Today! “The Smart Way of Building Relations”

The Importance of Gift Giving

Gift-giving and receiving are vital in building and maintaining professional relations. It’s an appreciation for loyalty and an intelligent way to sustain unique relations.

Giving a gift in the business area is considered a symbol of friendship, peace, and progress, transmitted through colours and logos and the image and reputation of a person, company, and corporation.

This Masterclass has been created from the pillars of Etiquette, Protocol, Ethics, and Cultural Aspects.


  • Gift giving is the art of  the Smart way of building relations, The art of giving in business;
  • Etiquette and protocol for gifting;
  • Corporate gifts; dos & don’ts.

Participants are:

  • Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
  • Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
  • Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives | International Organizations Staff;
  • Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry;
  • Students


17-18 April | 19-20 June.

Mode of Study: Online

There are two available times: 10:00-12:00 hrs. or 16:00–18:00 hrs. (CET) Amsterdam. If necessary, request another schedule.


Twoo hours per day of class.

*Request special prices for embassies and companies

Fee one masterclass: the member price is €80.00, non-member price €92.00, including:


Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate
smoothly around the globe! 

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today

The world is transforming into a global village and needs executives who can navigate smoothly across cultures.
Globalisation is changing the world in every aspect. 

Good dining skills are necessary when conducting business abroad or entertaining international clients in your country. Table manners (or lack thereof) can impact how individuals and the companies they represent are perceived.

This masterclass will reinforce your talents and provide valuable skills to enable you to master the appropriate skills in dining with executives from around the world, including host and guest duties, eating styles, mingling proficiency and creating appropriate conversations.

Key topics include:

  • Protocol to make invitations, extend, accept, and cancel, Receiving of guests: what should you do at the receiving line?
  • Host duties and his protocol, Organizing a proper business luncheon;
  • Select restaurant, table setting, greeting guests, hospitality, and protocol aspects, Seating guidelines: correct seating for a business meal;
  • Dining table protocol & etiquette, Handling the silverware.

Participants are:

  • Young Diplomats,  Young Business people;
  • Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
  • Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
  • Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives | International Organizations Staff;
  • Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry.


International Women’s Day Conference – Embracing Equity “Global Mindset”

Authentic resilience, inspiration and determination are truly one of the most challenging qualities one can hope to come by. These qualities, which take years and decades to acquire and distil to their purest form, are the driving force of people who not only dream of change but also make it happen.

This year’s International Women’s Day Conference, organised and hosted by the honourable Adriana Flores, Executive Director of  ProtocolToday Consulting and Academy, brought together some of the most distinguished speakers in Diplomacy and Business. The event, in essence, was a unique and open platform to the global membership of The ProtocolToday family as it commemorated International Women’s Day by focusing on the central theme of Embracing Equity. Adriana and her core team created something more than a conventional webinar or Q&A session. The conference provided a deep insight into the role of a female leader and role model from various perspectives, socially and professionally, on an intense and moving personal level. The integral factor that made this conference genuinely exceptional was the warmth and relatability of the speakers and their stories. Each speaker brought a new perspective into the discussion, shared their personal stories and experiences and gave invaluable advice to the audience.

The remarkable speakers, amongst who was the Ambassador of Tanzania – H.E. Irene Kasyanju (Rte) and Isabelle Niekrake– an Economic Affairs Councillor at the Embassy of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to Mexico, Stéphanie Kasereka, a Student of International Relations in Spain gave the audience a unique blend of inspiration and determination to succeed through their warm aura and professional yet friendly delivery. Each speaker distinctively engaged the audience by explaining their outlook on female equity within the business and diplomatic echelons while highlighting the most influential female roles within society worldwide- mother, daughter and sister. It was unanimously agreed that women are unquestionably the building blocks of a more progressive and prosperous world, which must be seen and recognised across all parts of a modern global society. 

With outstanding input from Adriana, part of the conference they discussed the combination of family and business worlds in a modern woman’s life and the many ways this merger is already taking place. As there is still a strong resistance and conventional belief that a woman should choose one or another whilst strongly favouring family life over work, business or any other professional endeavour, Adriana and the team of speakers showed that both could be successfully combined. Any woman can excel in both family life and the business world. The vast audience followed each speaker with several follow-up questions, which depicted an enormous drive to celebrate and take part in this new and promising future for women, especially when real-life success stories were told right in from each attendee. The conference was impactful because each speaker made each attendee feel that if there were a wish, there would be a way.

Unsettling conventional structures and ways of life was never for the fainthearted. Change requires hard work and bravery for each woman in the world who demands not only equality and closure of the gender pay gap but also equity. Recognition and a level playing field is not a privilege; it is a necessity that has to be propelled and embraced at an alarming rate if we were to truly explore a whole realm of creativity and sheer talent of women across the world, which make up the half of the global working force. The conference was ultimately a living and breathing example that this could be done, achieved, and success can be attained as women around the world spark this change by inspiring, supporting and raising each other.




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Writer by Anastasia Martel, Etiquette and Protocol Specialist

17 April 2023, United Kingdom

Category: Diplomacy 

Reference: AM1704202D 


“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


22-23rd April | 24-25th June.

Mode of Study: Online

There are two available times: 10:00-12:00 hrs. or 16:00–18:00 hrs. (CET) Amsterdam. If necessary, request another schedule.


Two hours per day of class.

*Request special prices for embassies and companies

Fee one masterclass: the member price is  €80.00, non-member price is €92.00

  • Method action Learning model;
  • Digital material;
  • Personalized assessment;
  • Certificate EQF 7 level of ProtocolToday Academy
  • Accredited by CPD in the United Kingdom


Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate

smoothly around the globe!

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today

Relations in business and social domains are more accessible if the concerned individuals are perceived as trustworthy, respectable, and have proper business etiquette.

The three components of business etiquette (appearance, communication, and behaviour) are at the core of this masterclass.

Interactions, such as polite greetings, courteous conversations, and active listening, impact how others perceive you. Knowing how to make a great first impression, dress appropriately, read body language, etc., helps you present yourself in an impactful way.


  • Dress code in Business and Diplomacy
  • Etiquette and Professional Communication
  • The Árt of Gift Giving and Receiving
  • Dining Etiquette

Key topics include:

  • Dress impact: personal style and its influence on your image, profile and communication
  • High-level officials’ events in business & diplomacy
  • Elements of Verbal – non-verbal communication;
  • Reasons for offering a gift
  • When to give a gift?
  • Gifts presented in public
  • Dining table protocol & etiquette
  • Handling table setting cutlery


27-28th March | 12-13rd June

2 days on-site program

Avenue: The Hague, The Netherlands

Timetable: 9:00:00– 17:00hrs.

*Request special prices for embassies.

The participation fee: the member price is € 317.00, the non-member price is € 352.00 (excl. 21% tax) 

Dress code: Business formal.

Limited to 8 participants!


  • Mode of action, learning model;
  • Personalised evaluation;
  • Certificate at EQF level 7 with international accreditation by CPD (Continuing Professional Development), United Kingdom.
  • F&B (soft drinks and lunch)

Meet our experts


Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate smoothly around the globe. 

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today!

The world is becoming a global village and needs executives who can navigate smoothly between cultures.

Knowledge of International Cultural Intelligence, Protocol and Etiquette International are essential tools to develop your diplomatic skills (Soft Diplomacy Skills) and understand the mechanisms of new business methods.

A global mindset aims to increase your company’s productivity by working naturally, taking care of your company’s or corporation’s image to create the desired positive impact, minimising misunderstandings, taking the short path to success and doing lasting, fruitful businesses.

The business community, the government, and other interested parties that drive and impact the national and local economy must be prepared and trained to deal with business people, ambassadors, and other foreign VIPs to protect their image.

  • The Power of Corporate Image
  • Business Ethics and Professionalism
  • The Business and Diplomatic Protocol as a Power Tool
  • International Cultural Intelligence
  • The Power of Gifts in Business and Diplomacy


  • Young Diplomats and Young Business people;
  • Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
  • Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
  • Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives, International Organizations Staff;
  • Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry.


By Diplomat Magazine

December 20, 2021

We thank the prestigious magazine for diplomats Diplomat Magazine The Netherlands, for this publication. Looking forward to continuing to collaborate with you.


In the current era of unavoidable global relationships, knowledge about diplomacy, protocol, culture, and soft skills is essential to achieving business objectives. A successful business deal begins with comfortable relationships between the parties involved. It involves, among others, good manners, interpersonal intelligence, empathy, body language, assertive communication, personal image, and mutual appreciation.

Read more!



In the study conducted in 1999 by CEO Magazine and Hill & Knowlton, they explained that: 96% of CEOs believe that reputation is essential for their company. 77% believe that a positive reputation helps sell their products and services. 61% think that a positive reputation makes the organisation attractive to employees. 53% believe that a positive reputation increases credibility during crises, as Tamás Csordás, M.B.A stated.

So why is a corporate image important for a brand’s perception and reputation? How can a business or individual use a corporate image to their and the company’s advantage? Here are three tips that you can implement right now.

“Presenting a positive representation of yourself is a key component of experiencing professional success…..Creating a professional look can help you command attention and serious consideration at work.”

Dress and Grooming

Whether or not we know about it, humans constantly scan for clues. Research conducted by Willis & Todorov, 2006, found that it takes only a split second to make a first impression. Part of the first impression is how we dress and groom. Clothing and grooming tell a story, so how do you and your employees measure up?

Each morning or evening, could you give a few minutes of thought over the clothes you will wear the next day and ask yourself if it best represents the message I am selling? And does it further the company’s reputation?

Grooming is presenting oneself in a clean and tidy appearance and manner. Imagine if a flight attendant served you on a long-haul flight with a curry stain on their tie and sweat marks on the back of their shirt. What would you assume of this person and the company? You would always want to stay within your pitch and image.

Take a second to check your grooming before leaving the house and entering work. Carry and store items of clothing just in case of accidents. Being prepared is vital.

‘Positive Reputation = Capital’ Nyárády and Szeles

Customer Service

When you read a restaurant or café review, what do you notice? People will talk about the products first and the service second. Good customer service is essential as it inspires client retention and brand loyalty, assisting in business growth. What makes excellent customer service in a tech-obsessed world? The human touch. How can we provide the human element in client relations?

When a client or customer enters the premises or business property, greet and assist them within thirty seconds; if there is a few people to greet, take up to one minute to say hello.

Use positive speech when addressing a product or dealing with a situation. The right words can prevent miscommunication and arising disputes. For example, instead of using ‘Ava is not available, can I take a message?’ use ‘currently Ava is away from reception, can I have Ava call you back?’

Business Communication

“Effective communication is a vital tool for any business owner. Your success at getting your point across can be the difference between sealing a deal and missing out on a potential opportunity.” Queensland Government, Australia

All businesses do it…and that is to communicate, constantly sharing and giving information between clients, customers and employees. Doing so keeps businesses busy and products or services sold, bought and delivered. How can we communicate efficiently and effectively?

Only some people are Harvard scholars and have perfect sentence structures! Quickly dealing with this is using paid online apps such as Grammarly or free platforms such as Google Docs or even your email service. These are helpful tools for analysing the text’s spelling, grammar, punctuation, and clarity.

Email is great for transmitting almost anything, and business heavily relies on this resource. Have you ever gotten two emails from the same person? The first is the original email telling you to ‘see the attached document’ and the second apologising for not attaching the document. Forgetting to send attachments with your email is crucial to maintaining consistency and trust. Why not connect the copy you want to send before typing your message and sending it?

We can conclude that knowledge about dress codes, business etiquette and effective communication are soft skills that will guide you in building the personal and corporate image you want to convey to have the desired success.




Bibliography & Links

Corporate Identity With Special Regards To The Human Factor, Tamás Csordás, 2008, University of Miskolc,,turn%20improve%20morale%20and%20efficiency

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Writer by Elizabeth Soos, Etiquette Expert

04 March 2023, Australia

Category: Business Etiquette 

Reference: ES04032023BE    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”