27-28th March | 12-13rd June

2 days on-site program

Avenue: The Hague, The Netherlands

Timetable: 9:00:00– 17:00hrs.

*Request special prices for embassies.

The participation fee: the member price is € 317.00, the non-member price is € 352.00 (excl. 21% tax) 

Dress code: Business formal.

Limited to 8 participants!


  • Mode of action, learning model;
  • Personalised evaluation;
  • Certificate at EQF level 7 with international accreditation by CPD (Continuing Professional Development), United Kingdom.
  • F&B (soft drinks and lunch)

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Become a mindful executive with the skills to navigate & operate smoothly around the globe. 

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today!

The world is becoming a global village and needs executives who can navigate smoothly between cultures.

Knowledge of International Cultural Intelligence, Protocol and Etiquette International are essential tools to develop your diplomatic skills (Soft Diplomacy Skills) and understand the mechanisms of new business methods.

A global mindset aims to increase your company’s productivity by working naturally, taking care of your company’s or corporation’s image to create the desired positive impact, minimising misunderstandings, taking the short path to success and doing lasting, fruitful businesses.

The business community, the government, and other interested parties that drive and impact the national and local economy must be prepared and trained to deal with business people, ambassadors, and other foreign VIPs to protect their image.

  • The Power of Corporate Image
  • Business Ethics and Professionalism
  • The Business and Diplomatic Protocol as a Power Tool
  • International Cultural Intelligence
  • The Power of Gifts in Business and Diplomacy


  • Young Diplomats and Young Business people;
  • Government Representatives: Ambassadors, Diplomats, Honorary Consuls & Embassy Staff;
  • Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
  • Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives, International Organizations Staff;
  • Professionals are active in the Hospitality & Tourism Industry.


By Diplomat Magazine

December 20, 2021

We thank the prestigious magazine for diplomats Diplomat Magazine The Netherlands, for this publication. Looking forward to continuing to collaborate with you.


In the current era of unavoidable global relationships, knowledge about diplomacy, protocol, culture, and soft skills is essential to achieving business objectives. A successful business deal begins with comfortable relationships between the parties involved. It involves, among others, good manners, interpersonal intelligence, empathy, body language, assertive communication, personal image, and mutual appreciation.

Read more!



In the study conducted in 1999 by CEO Magazine and Hill & Knowlton, they explained that: 96% of CEOs believe that reputation is essential for their company. 77% believe that a positive reputation helps sell their products and services. 61% think that a positive reputation makes the organisation attractive to employees. 53% believe that a positive reputation increases credibility during crises, as Tamás Csordás, M.B.A stated.

So why is a corporate image important for a brand’s perception and reputation? How can a business or individual use a corporate image to their and the company’s advantage? Here are three tips that you can implement right now.

“Presenting a positive representation of yourself is a key component of experiencing professional success…..Creating a professional look can help you command attention and serious consideration at work.” Indeed.com

Dress and Grooming

Whether or not we know about it, humans constantly scan for clues. Research conducted by Willis & Todorov, 2006, found that it takes only a split second to make a first impression. Part of the first impression is how we dress and groom. Clothing and grooming tell a story, so how do you and your employees measure up?

Each morning or evening, could you give a few minutes of thought over the clothes you will wear the next day and ask yourself if it best represents the message I am selling? And does it further the company’s reputation?

Grooming is presenting oneself in a clean and tidy appearance and manner. Imagine if a flight attendant served you on a long-haul flight with a curry stain on their tie and sweat marks on the back of their shirt. What would you assume of this person and the company? You would always want to stay within your pitch and image.

Take a second to check your grooming before leaving the house and entering work. Carry and store items of clothing just in case of accidents. Being prepared is vital.

‘Positive Reputation = Capital’ Nyárády and Szeles

Customer Service

When you read a restaurant or café review, what do you notice? People will talk about the products first and the service second. Good customer service is essential as it inspires client retention and brand loyalty, assisting in business growth. What makes excellent customer service in a tech-obsessed world? The human touch. How can we provide the human element in client relations?

When a client or customer enters the premises or business property, greet and assist them within thirty seconds; if there is a few people to greet, take up to one minute to say hello.

Use positive speech when addressing a product or dealing with a situation. The right words can prevent miscommunication and arising disputes. For example, instead of using ‘Ava is not available, can I take a message?’ use ‘currently Ava is away from reception, can I have Ava call you back?’

Business Communication

“Effective communication is a vital tool for any business owner. Your success at getting your point across can be the difference between sealing a deal and missing out on a potential opportunity.” Queensland Government, Australia

All businesses do it…and that is to communicate, constantly sharing and giving information between clients, customers and employees. Doing so keeps businesses busy and products or services sold, bought and delivered. How can we communicate efficiently and effectively?

Only some people are Harvard scholars and have perfect sentence structures! Quickly dealing with this is using paid online apps such as Grammarly or free platforms such as Google Docs or even your email service. These are helpful tools for analysing the text’s spelling, grammar, punctuation, and clarity.

Email is great for transmitting almost anything, and business heavily relies on this resource. Have you ever gotten two emails from the same person? The first is the original email telling you to ‘see the attached document’ and the second apologising for not attaching the document. Forgetting to send attachments with your email is crucial to maintaining consistency and trust. Why not connect the copy you want to send before typing your message and sending it?

We can conclude that knowledge about dress codes, business etiquette and effective communication are soft skills that will guide you in building the personal and corporate image you want to convey to have the desired success.




Bibliography & Links


Corporate Identity With Special Regards To The Human Factor, Tamás Csordás, 2008, University of Miskolc, https://www.academia.edu/4513810/Corporate_Identity


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Writer by Elizabeth Soos, Etiquette Expert

04 March 2023, Australia

Category: Business Etiquette 

Reference: ES04032023BE    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


The age of globalisation swiftly moved from a phenomenon to ‘business as usual’ and has taken a permanent place in the broad spectrum of a progressive and future-oriented enterprise. In parallel, soft skills and cultural awareness axiomatically grew in importance. A new plateau of Millennial and Gen Z consumer society had placed its permanent mark on how businesses and the economy are expected to conduct their affairs, closing the disparity and gap between profits, sustainability, and social responsibility.

As global consumers changed, it painted a compelling picture to anyone able and willing to adapt and recalibrate, ensuring that their core values, products or services align with the standards of the progressive world. For many, especially more conservative institutions, such rapid changes may have felt like something far removed from the realm of their expectation. Most of us know, however, that not being willing to alter does nothing to mitigate the inevitable. Ayn Rand, in her unique blend of enigmatic curiosity and ‘blinders off’ attitude, said it best: “We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.”

Switching one’s vocabulary and demeanour depending on the audience is the most important soft skill anyone can possess and cultivate in the modern world. Social and Business Etiquette is a crucial and imperative skill for growth, competitiveness, talent acquisition and retention. It is a delicate, subtle, but indispensable art which is increasingly becoming a common denominator of all successful, recession-proof businesses. Whilst globalisation, in its essence, should mean the standard set of rules and simplified approaches to the operational procedures, it is rather evident that Japan and Brazil, Kuwait and Iceland or Malaysia and Namibia have some fundamental cultural nuances, which, if acknowledged and embraced can become a building block of long and prosperous partnership or talent acquisition.

Modern Business Etiquette learned, continuously developed, and applied properly not only erases the vast margins for faux pas and errors but also cultivates a skill of foreseeing key facets of any given situation. The art of conducting oneself properly and appealingly around any given culture of an individual of any professional or academic level moves far beyond a list of dos and don’ts or any other rigid convention of the upper echelons of society. It moved beyond proper handshakes or dress codes, engulfing a wide range of soft skills, emotional intelligence, and social responsibility. It would be respected if I was to summarise Social and Business Etiquette and Business Protocol in one word.

Respect, easy enough to define and comprehend, means and is perceived by different individuals and vast segments of society in a very another way; hence in modern society, one must be able to navigate swiftly in this ever-changing climate. Social or Business Etiquette is an outdated concept and not a helpful tool to address these matters. On the contrary, Etiquette, just like medicine or technology, develops, adapts, and refines with each wave of change. A thorough knowledge of Etiquette and protocol and a proper application of that knowledge is an elevation tool for individuals and the organisation. In the post-pandemic world, connected by the internet, where human recourses increasingly work from home, it provides the blueprint for communication over the telephone, emails, Zoom, Teams or any other virtual platform. The proper and respectful behaviour during virtual conference meetings with colleagues, clients or business partners was hardly noted pre-March 2020. Today, however, not only international but also a staggering proportion of domestic business interactions are exclusive via virtual platforms. Precisely here is where Etiquette levels the playing field. Real-life interactions and vastly different to virtual or electronic ones; hence even if one has exceptionally developed face-to-face skills, this may translate into something other than digital communication. How we express ourselves and come across to others is a fundamental particle of how others perceive us.

All being said, one may be under the impression that Etiquette and Protocol can be a long-term learning curve, trial and error experience, rather than something that has to be learned, digested and studied as its separate discipline. A hallmark of a polite, well-brought-up, professional and refined person is that these people will never correct if one makes a mistake, but very seldom to never at all will give the same opportunity or business offer if both written and unwritten rules were not adhered to. At a certain level in business, and any other aspect of life for that matter, there is no room for mistakes or errors in the areas where one is expected to know what, how, who and when. In the information age, ignorance is a choice, and not knowing will not absolve anyone from negative impressions. This applies not only to conducting business at the corporate level but also to recruiting the best talent. As human recourses increasingly pay attention to the culture within the organisation, the core values must be lived not only outlined to attract the best talent. Staying one step ahead of impending change or uncertainty is not easy but necessary and paramount.

Utilising Etiquette and Protocol across the entire spectrum of business and corporate is an integral pre-requisite to personal progression and organisation prosperity. Etiquette has to be learned and embraced as often as we champion technological changes, as in any given change and innovation, there are rules surrounding that transition. The efforts or recourses spent on learning rules of Etiquette and Protocol will always far outweigh the risks or consequences that can be incurred by not knowing. Above all, progressive and future-oriented individuals or organisations are proactive entities, not reactive. Taking proactive steps and delving into the art of Etiquette and Protocol yield far-reaching and long-lasting results.




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Writer by Anastasia Matel, Etiquette and Protocol Specialist.

27 March 2023, United Kingdom

Category: Business Etiquette 

Reference: AM27032023BE    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


On Saturday, March 11, commemorating “International Women’s Day”, PROTOCOLTODAY held another successful online meeting in the English and Spanish sessions. Organized by ProtocolToday The Netherlands and Iberoamericanas FHCI.

Women from various nations were willing to extend their arms and hearts in the desire to embrace equity in this globalised world that demands a cohesive society capable of advancing with the power that women have represented throughout history.

It was an event with multiple and enriching presentations by women with character, engaging, transparent and motivating projections.

Below is a summary of what was documented in these presentations that will make history through the doors opened to achieve achievements with social and labour approaches.

The program session in Spanish began with the presentation of the President of the FHCI, Dr Marco Tardelli, who spoke of the importance of the event.

Her Excellency Elizabeth Ward Neiman, Ambassador of Panama to the Kingdom of the Netherlands, with a notable diplomatic and political career, began by addressing her presentation “Connecting experiences to achieve success” in a kind of storytelling of her diverse professional career full of challenges; from teaching to managing a farm; as an investment promoter and even as an architecture student that took her to the furniture store, later to a training centre in Port and Logistics and finally, in International Cooperation issues; all this, forging in it, leadership skills, discipline, compliance, organisation, communication, administration, respect for diversity, compassion, adaptation, initiative, determination, power of conviction, among others.

With her experience in official work, she affirms that skills translate into the ability to work as a team because ambassadors change, but the team remains. That team requires leadership that instils trust, respect, and commitment. She showed the importance of a flexible leadership that adapts to historical, political, religious, ethnic, linguistic, and gastronomic connotations… so many differences between countries such as Panama and the Netherlands. She placed special emphasis on the soft skills required by her position since, when attending official business as a hostess or guest, she must have a country position (where personal opinions do not count) and does not neglect regional and personal representation. Also, taking care of its image both in person and online, adapting said dignified representation to the corresponding situation with creativity and an entrepreneurial spirit, promoting education, bilateral cooperation, culture, tourism, historical heritage and exports. Finally, she closed with the wonderful phrase, “The title does not make the person, the person makes the title”, promoting a humble attitude down to earth; Since protocol knowledge is essential, but the attitude will prevail at all times and, indeed, this closure inspires those women willing to risk how she achieved her achievements.

The Federal Deputy of the LXV Legislature of Mexico, Blanca Alcalá Ruiz, addressed the topic: “Advances in the empowerment of equity for the first woman” showing statistics depicting the reality of most women in the world, especially in Latin America. , shed light on “where we are” and the challenges that lie ahead with a global perspective focusing on three points: 1. Political Participation: Seeking equality in sectors showing disparity. Although there were significant legal advances with the EU, she clarified that political participation is not enough if there is no impact on living conditions. 2. Economic Participation: Closing the gaps has taken years, and wage gaps remain wide, So much so that if women want equality on this issue, we should work 52 more hours. Therefore, she called for continuing to fight to break the “Glass ceiling.” 3. Violence: Both physically and digitally, no further progress has been made, and this issue cannot be put in black and white. He proposed working on a “SUBSTANTIVE EQUALITY” to mainstream the gender perspective, with planning, programming and budget allocation, generating real statistics by gender and age for the elaboration of egalitarian public policies with public budget allocation.

In the end, she asked the question: What are parity and equality for, what has it cost, and where do you want to go? She closed with Simone de Beauvoir’s motivational phrase: “Let nothing define us. Let nothing hold us. Let freedom be our substance”.

Leticia Gammill gave the third presentation, President & Founder of WOMCY, asked about the meaning of “Cybersecurity” to change the misconception we have of a hooded danger in the networks. The title “The importance of attracting diversity in Cybersecurity” opened an unexpected door of employability for women who probably do not have a profession or title but who have natural abilities to work in this sector that for many are unexplored; being a niche in high demand throughout the world to undertake a career that offers great opportunities, based on skills that she highlighted, they are part of the innate female ability to solve problems, have a spirit of collaboration within and outside teams, skills communication, multitasking, intuition, diversity and other characteristics that make women necessary and adaptable in areas of governance, legal, commercial and sales. The requirement? Knowing English to be trained with practical experiences through alliances amid communities with a series of links to contact. The call to be part of this NGO that develops programs to minimise the knowledge gap and increase the existence of cybersecurity talent was clear, and it is a new door for development.

Subsequently, Dr Raquel Bessudo, FHCI Vice-President, presented under the theme “Today’s women, an advance in their empowerment through the rescue of ancient traditions” the business work carried out through Women’s Magic hands to empower artisan women from all over the world with millennial traditions to be “ambassadors” generating a social impact with e-commerce business strategies to undertake digital marketing and storytelling projects, especially with the United States, on a fair trade platform, together with Kickstarter – Crowdfunding that shows the art, beauty and cultural significance of the works with a logistics of direct contact between the artisan and the clients in order to change the social and economic problems. She invited the network of artisans to leave their mark with this “value proposition” that has the mission of being a tool for artisan empowerment and the promotion of culture worldwide.

Mónica Muñoz, Executive Director of Diálogo Visual, who consults in PR, Marketing and Strategic Communication, specializes in Business in Technology, Health and Vertical Markets; through her presentation “Capitalize soft skills to be CEO”, she spoke about the 16 years of her company and her work to position it in the market. In her conclusions, she advised taking advantage of soft skills to fulfil personal and business objectives, giving importance to the five people we have in our social environment; that we women have to feed ourselves through our eyes and ears to learn, create criteria, translate ourselves under ethical and moral parameters; that all the knowledge acquired must be applied daily and be shared under an evolutionary chain made up of innovating, undertaking, learning and teaching to produce and multiply with others; take care of the networking that you have and serve to learn and add; grow at the pace of the economy and technology and take care of our actions. Additionally, he expressed that although starting a business is not easy, over 30 years of age is a good stage to do so and that it is feasible together with a company that helps with contests, business laboratories, networking, and other means that reduce entrepreneurship gaps.

Elizabeth Enriquez, a young businesswoman, was invited to participate in the world of new technology in the METAVERSE, with the collaboration of her company Konector personalised spaces, with unique experiences and with the possibility of accessing from a computer, cell phone or glasses of virtual reality. She also mentioned that there are many possibilities to support ventures and projects, and she is available to collaborate with the people who contact her.

Gabriela Brouwer de Koning, National Representative for the province of Córdoba, spoke of Argentina’s role in fighting for gender equality. She gave thanks to the other women who opened spaces for us and proceeded to present her paper “Advances in the empowerment of women’s equity”, reflecting on International Day and the importance of their role in society, exposing a similar reality worldwide. as concrete, real and painful facts in percentages that make the disparity evident. With this, she reinforced the need for women for an opportunity for economic independence. Focused on the women of her land, she used the phrase: “In Argentina, poverty has the face of a woman” and alluded to the legislative achievements of 1847 with laws that, until today seek to prevent, eradicate and punish violence in addition, to violence. Voluntary termination of pregnancy. She reminded us of the movement that brought together 1,500,000 people in 2015 to proclaim “Not one less”, setting an agenda for other countries in the world.

And although progress has been made in Argentina, more is needed. As in most countries, there is an enormous challenge to generate public policies that help women enter the labour and have comprehensive assistance that improves the conditions raised by congress. It is necessary to dismantle structures and prejudices to change the culture in which women are subordinated to men. Her call: “let’s make synergy for a cultural change that will be achieved with everyone’s commitment because that way, it will be possible to leap at change with new challenges.” With a unique brooch, her closure was shocking and defiant: a video that shows that it is NOT about helping. “Don’t help me” because when you say you help, it is assumed that it is my responsibility. We must do it together – 50/50.

Finally, the Executive Director of ProtocolToday, Adriana Flores, closed the event, emotionally highlighting the scope of this online meeting that satisfied all those who participated thanks to the connection via zoom and the people who were able to share thanks to the transmission; of radio Kscad of Ecuador and TV Compyme of Peru.

The wide call registered was emotional for all the attendees, between men and women, who were part of an event that once again demonstrated that we are committed to what we do and what we hope to achieve, all making and promoting changes that generate both individual and social growth.





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Writer by: Claudia STOHMANN R. de A. Communicator, speaker, writer, etiquette, and protocol expert. 

21 March 2022, Bolivia 

Category: Diplomacy

Reference: CS22032023D  

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


The ProtocolToday organization organized the international conference to propose actions to empower women as entrepreneurs and join UN-Women.

Mexico City, March 12, 2023.- Women from 40 countries met to carry out actions to empower themselves as entrepreneurs and businesswomen and thus be able to do business internationally, within the framework of the international conference – Embracing Equity “Global Mentality” on the occasion of International Women’s Day.

The ProtocolToday organization and the Iberoamericanas of the Fundación Honoris Causa Internacional (FHCI) held this international conference to join efforts and thus join UN-Women.

During the opening of the International Conference, Adriana Flores, Founder and Executive Director of ProtocolToday and President of Iberoamericanas, said, welcoming the participants, that “the world is becoming a global village. We must cultivate the mindset and practices necessary to create affirming, inclusive, and equitable ecosystems. We see women as leaders connecting individuals, cultures, values, organizations and societies worldwide.”

Adriana Flores added, “here we can share experiences and learn from each other; women and men join efforts equally. At ProtocolToday, we are equipped to enhance women’s specific skills to enable them to navigate between cultures easily.”

Ambassadors, diplomats, businesswomen, entrepreneurs, professionals, students and working women gathered at this event, all with a message that broke the barrier of nationalities and different cultures, as they were women who sought to give notes of success and failure. to forge the possibility of expanding or starting businesses worldwide.

The International Conference was held in two sessions, one in English and the other in Spanish. The following speakers participated in the first table: Dr Dewanand Mahadew, CEO Project Director of ProtocolToday (Netherlands); H.E Irene Kasyanju, Ambassador of Tanzania; Isabelle Niekrake, Counselor for Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico; and Stephanie Kasereka, Student of International Relations at the University of Navarra, Spain, Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Participants in the session in Spanish were: Dr Marco Tardelli, President of the Fundación Honoris Causa Internacional (FHCI); H.E. Elizabeth Ward Neiman, Ambassador of Panama to the Kingdom of the Netherlands (Panama); Mónica Muñoz, CEO Executive Director of Visual Dialogue (Mexico); Leticia Gammill, President & Founder of WOMCY International (United States of America); Blanca Alcalá Ruíz, Federal Deputy of the LXV Legislature (Mexico); Dra. Raquel Bessudo, FHCI Vice-President and Founder of Women’s Magic Hands (Mexico); Gabriela Brouwer de Koning, National Deputy of the National Congress (Argentina).

This event was also supported by Elizabeth Enriquez, Managing Partner of Konektor (Mexico), Farhat Asif, President and CEO at the IPDS (Pakistan), Ingrid Orozco, CEO at ULEAD International (United Arab Emirates), Arlenne Muñoz, General Director, World Magazine Executive (Mexico). National and international journalists were also present.

The international conference – Embracing Equity “Global Mindset” addressed, in both sessions, the following topics:

  • Skills necessary to maintain and develop relations between nations
  • Female entrepreneurship and economic diplomacy
  • Soft skills to define your ambitions, despite possible cultural barriers
  • Business protocol to manage clients in different countries
  • Connecting experiences to achieve success
  • Advances in the empowerment of women’s equity
  • Capitalize soft skills to be CEO
  • The Importance of Attracting Diversity in Cybersecurity
  • The woman of today, a breakthrough in her empowerment through the rescue of ancient traditions
  • Gender equality. Good practices from the public sector and challenges.

ABOUT PROTOCOLTODAY© ProtocolToday is a global organization founded in 2014 established in The Hague, Kingdom of The Netherlands (Holland); an expert in international protocol and flexible diplomacy (Soft & Hard Skills) based on solutions for the public and private sectors, for-profit and non-profit.

We would like to thank the team of ProtocolToday for your unconditional support, our speaker’s leader women, journalists from prestigious radio stations, tv, newspaper and magazine, strategic partners, media partners, and sponsor golden, without your support, we could not be able to be here today.
Thank you very much!

Your presence is making a difference and will be forever sealed in our history!

Other articles about the conference:





International Women’s Day Conference – Embracing Equity “Global Mindset” March 11, 2023, from the Netherlands.

They talked about the role that women play in the different spaces that were previously considered untouchable for them and that were only intended for men to be able to highlight the achievements they have achieved with effort and dedication.

Within the framework of the commemoration of International Women’s Day, which has been taking place worldwide, the event organised by the ProtocolToday Academy, an organization established in the Netherlands (The Hague) and Iberomericanas FHCI, was held today.

This organisation is dedicated to training and sharing knowledge of protocol, etiquette, diplomatic skills, and other issues related to the personal and business growth of women, who, day by day, overcome challenges within a society that is still unequal in terms of gender.

The conference was called “EMBRACE EQUITY WITH A GLOBAL MIND” and was divided into two sessions; the first in English, where there were excellent participants of many carats and worth such as Stefanie Kasereca from the Republic of the Congo, a student of International Relations, Isabelle Niekrake from the Netherlands, Counselor for Economic Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico, Adriana Flores from Holland, an expert in Protocol and Soft Skills, H.E. Irene Kasyanju of Tanzania, Ambassador of Tanzania.

Those who spoke on different topics related to the role of women in today’s world each focused on the particularities of their respective countries. However, they all reached a common denominator, where inequality still exists in the world of work was especially highlighted.

After 2 hours of presentations, the session in English ended, and a one-hour break was given to start the session in Spanish.

Session in Spanish

At noon the session began in Spanish, where there were a good number of attendees in addition to the live transmission by the prestigious radio station Kscad from Ecuador and TV COMPYME from Peru, who brought the incidents of the event to their respective listeners.

The ambassador of Panama in the Netherlands, H.E. Elizabeth Ward Neiman, was in charge of starting this event in Spanish; she highlighted, among other things, the role of women in the diplomatic sphere and the different actions that she has carried out throughout her professional life, in favour of the female gender.

It also had the participation of Dr Raquel Besudo from Mexico, President of the FHCI, who explained how her organisation is providing spaces so that Mexican artisans who do not have the opportunity to display their products can do so and highlighted the role they play in today’s women in society.

The journalist Mónica Muñoz from Mexico gave a magisterial talk on how her beginnings as a communicator were and what she had to do to adapt to technology to combine it with communication, in addition to encouraging women not to give up and more If they encounter obstacles, they must be overcome.

Gabriela Brouwer de Koning, an Argentine deputy, put her finger on the sore spot on the labour inequality gap that exists in Latin America and mainly in Argentina, where only 25% of the economically active female population has rights equal to those of men, and mentioned that the public policies that are dictated still do not cover the entire conglomerate that still has to stay at home to take care of the children and that function is not recognised.

The closure was in charge of Adriana Flores, Executive Director of ProtocolToday Academy, who, among other things, highlighted the potential and knowledge of the speakers who made known the realities of their respective countries and also expressed her gratitude to the organisations that were part of the event as media partners, strategic partner, golden sponsor and distinguished participants.

Undoubtedly, a class conference where it was possible to meet, feed and clear up doubts about what still needs to be achieved by gender to be on an equal footing in a globalised world that still minimises the value of women.




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Writer by: Rosendo Villavicencio, Bachelor of Communication and radio presenter.

19 March 2023, Ecuador

Category: Diplomacy  

Reference: RV19032023D    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


Nuestro agradecimiento a la prestigiosa revista Empre Finanzas por la publicación.


ProtocolToday y el organismo Iberoamericanas juntarán a expertos y emprendedoras de 40 países para compartir casos de éxitos y de fracasos inspirar, motivar y aumentar las capacidades de co-creación. 

La organización ProtocolToday y el organismo Iberoamericanas, de la Fundación Honoris Causa Internacional (FHCI), llevarán a cabo una conferencia internacional en el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer, bajo el tema Abrazando la Equidad. “Mentalidad Global”.

Adriana Flores, Fundadora y Directora Ejecutiva de ProtocolToday y Presidenta de Iberoamericanas, explicó: “Creemos que el mundo se está transformando en una aldea global, por ello es necesario crear ejecutivos que puedan navegar a través de las diferentes culturas del mundo y conformar ecosistemas multiculturales para hacer crecer proyectos y negocios locales. Las mujeres son líderes que saben conectar individuos, culturas, valores y organizaciones en todo el mundo”.

Artículo completo

La conferencia será el 11 de marzo, tendrá una duración de 4 horas y contará con 12 ponentes de países como Argentina, Estados Unidos, y México, entre otros.

Algunos temas que se abordarán son:

  • Capitalizar habilidades blandas para ser CEO
  • La Importancia de Atraer Diversidad en la Ciberseguridad
  • La mujer de hoy, un avance en su empoderamiento a través del rescate de tradiciones milenarias
  • Habilidades necesarias para mantener y desarrollar las relaciones entre las naciones.


Nuestro agradecimiento a la prestigiosa revista Mujeres es Más por la publicación de esta invitación.


La organización mundial ProtocolToday llevará acabo el próximo 11 de marzo del presente año, la Conferencia Internacional Día de la Mujer, bajo el título: Abrazando la Equidad “Mentalidad Global”, con el objetivo de fortalecer a las mujeres líderes de cerca de 40 países y abrir oportunidades de emprendimiento y empresarial.

Así lo dio a conocer, Adriana Flores, fundadora y directora Ejecutiva de ProtocolToday y presidenta de Iberoamericanas de la Fundación Honoris Causa Internacional (FHCI), quien explicó que será un espacio único en donde mujeres y hombres de 40 naciones podrán compartir experiencias sobre casos exitosos y también fracasos, inspiradores, que los han motivado a aumentar sus capacidades de co-creación; así como prospectar oportunidades de cooperación.

“Nosotros consideramos que las mujeres son líderes con la capacidad de conectar y crear ideas y proyectos que tienen impacto global y puedan empoderarse profesionalmente”, comentó.

Artículo completo

Este evento reúne a mujeres y hombres se sectores vinculados a: hospitalidad, turismo, educación, logística, salud, Oil&Gas, comercio, ciberseguridad, tecnología y entretenimiento.


Nuestro agradecimiento a la prestigiosa revista Negocio Motor por la publicación de esta invitación.

La organización ProtocolToday y el organismo Iberoamericanas, de la Fundación Honoris Causa Internacional (FHCI), llevarán a cabo una conferencia internacional en el marco del Día Internacional de la Mujer, bajo el tema Abrazando la Equidad. “Mentalidad Global”.

El Dr. Dewanand Mahadew, Director de Proyectos de ProtocolToday, comentó que el objetivo de la conferencia es conocer y conectarse con personas de 40 países, compartir casos de éxito y también de fracasos, ya que se trata de aprender de otras personas y regiones: “Queremos inspirar a otras mujeres para que impulsen sus proyectos y negocios, además de promover la cooperación entre emprendedoras de diferentes países”.

Léer aquí el artículo completo

La conferencia será el 11 de marzo, tendrá una duración de 4 horas y contará con 12 ponentes de países como Argentina, Estados Unidos, y México, entre otros.

Algunos temas que se abordarán son:

  • Capitalizar habilidades blandas para ser CEO
  • La Importancia de Atraer Diversidad en la Ciberseguridad
  • La mujer de hoy, un avance en su empoderamiento a través del rescate de tradiciones milenarias
  • Habilidades necesarias para mantener y desarrollar las relaciones entre las naciones.