8 de febrero en punto de las 10:45 hrs tiempo de México, hemos tenido la Rueda de Prensa Virtual del Anuncio Oficial de Presentación de la Conferencia Internacional Abrazando la #equidad: Habilidades de #Mentalidad #Global” de Consulting & Academy of Protocol, Soft Skills & Global Mindset, @Mujeres Iberoamericanas y @Fundacion Honoris Causa, con la asistencia fe mas de 30 periodistas de México y Latinoamerica!

Nuestro agradecimiento por la presencia de los medios más importantes y desacados de México

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today

“Mujeres como Líderes, Conectando Individuos, Culturas, Valores,
Organizaciones y Sociedades de todo el mundo”


Session 1 English language  | Time: 15:00 hrs – 17:00 hrs. (CET) The Netherlands.

Sesión 2 Idioma Español | Horario 18:00 hrs – 20:00 hrs. (CET) Países Bajos.


Formato Online | Entrada gratuita | Código de vestimenta: Formal de negocios.


24 November 2022, Mexico City


Our thanks to Isabelle Niekrake, Counselor for Economic Affairs of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico, for the warm welcome she gave to the representatives of the Academy of Soft Diplomacy | Protocol | Global Mindset on November 24 at the Embassy.

During this visit, we explored the collaboration between the Embassy and the ProtocolToday Academy to advise and train Dutch and Mexican business people for their trade missions between the two countries to create a bridge of understanding and bonding that will cover cultural aspects, business protocol, ethics and etiquette, among others, to minimise misunderstandings and make successful businesses boost the economy.

Nuestro agradecimiento a Isabelle Niekrake consejera para asuntos económicos de la Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Mexico, por la calurosa bienvenida que brindó a los representantes de la Academy of Soft Diplomacy | Protocol | Global Mindset el día de 24 de noviembre en la Embajada.

Durante esta visita, hemos explorado la colaboración entre la Embajada y la Academia ProtocolToday para asesorar y capacitar a empresarios holandeses y mexicanos para sus misiones comerciales entre los dos países para crear un puente de entendimiento y vinculación que abarcará aspectos culturales, protocolo empresarial moderno. , ética y etiqueta, entre otros para minimizar malentendidos y hacer negocios exitosos para impulsar la economía.

 Wilfred Mohr Lowina Broens Anne Le Guellec Steven Büter NBSO Mexico/Querétaro Holland House Mexico Carolina Morales de Zubiria Carin Verbree Adriana FLORES Almendra Pérez Mónica Muñoz Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken RVO-Handelsmissies met Ministers Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores de México Secretariat of Economy Jose Antonio Zabalgoitia Dewanand Mahadew


El Arte de las Relaciones – Gestionar de manera inteligente tus relaciones es un arte.

Miércoles 28 de Septiembre | 10 AM Hora de México.



Si te has preguntado ¿Cómo le hacen las organizaciones, embajadas, empresas, e individuos para satisfacer las expectativas en escenarios nacionales e internacionales para representarse a sí mismos y a la organización con excelencia y distinción? ¿Cómo se puede vencer los desafíos para comunicar una imagen adecuada y la precepción correcta de ti y tu empresa? Esta charla te interesará, tendremos el honor de escuchar de voz de una experta sobre estos temas y como impactan en nuestro desempeño y desarrollo profesional, … ¡Te esperamos!

 Adriana Flores González 

Es conferencista y consultora experta en Protocolo Empresarial y Diplomático y Habilidades de Mentalidad Global. Ha trabajado con diversas compañías distinguidas internacionalmente en el Reino de los Países Bajos y el extranjero. Tiene una Maestría en Protocolo y Habilidades Diplomáticas y un postgrado en Protocolo y Ceremonial. Ha trabajado para embajadores en el Reino de los Países Bajos y en el Centro VIP en el aeropuerto de Schiphol en Ámsterdam, donde fue responsable de dar la bienvenida a varias delegaciones nacionales e internacionales.


Somos una iniciativa sin fines de lucro, que como parte de los valores de responsabilidad e inclusión de ON STRATEGY pero en libertad de acción, recibimos inspiración de contenido y apoyo para crear una comunidad que nos represente como mujeres líderes.

«Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades
que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones,
individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo»

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today


Mi agradecimiento a WOMEN ON STRATEGY, en especial a Aimed Pimentel por sus atenciones y la oportunidad de compartir con Líderes en Business Transformation.


PERS ARTICLE Written by Prensaanimal on 4 October 2022

In an executive meeting, a diplomatic visit or even an informal dinner, the way we convey our image and words can be essential to leave a good impression, finalise a deal or start a long-term business relationship.

ProtocolToday is a global organisation with expertise in international protocol, diplomacy and soft skills, both in the public and private sectors, to make meetings successful.

“We advise and train businessmen, diplomats or leaders to develop a global mindset, improve their etiquette and verbal communications, to make national and international deals and businesses,” explained Adriana Flores, executive director of ProtocolToday.

One of ProtocolToday’s missions is to empower its clients to work naturally, taking care of their image and that of their company or organisation.

The company, a specialist in protocol and diplomacy, teaches in an agile and professional way how to behave at an event, how to express a good speech, what to say and what not to say according to the time and place, and how to make a good impression, what is the correct clothing for women and men depending on the country, among other items.

“Regardless of the studies and experience that an entrepreneur has, he must know these matters to create the desired positive impact, since he can determine the short or long way to achieve a business; communication is not only verbal, we even teach how to communicate via e-mail; people in Latin America have different cultural traits than those of the United States, Europe or Asia. Therefore, the cultural standards of each region must be known”, said the executive.

Adriana Flores is an international expert in protocol and diplomatic skills with more than 18 years of experience. She has worked for royal family members, businesspeople, and presidents, among other prominent figures. She has a master’s in Protocol and Soft Diplomacy Skills in Europe.

ProtocolToday was founded in the Netherlands in 2014 and began its foray into Mexico in 2019, when Adriana Flores gave training in Morelia, Michoacán. Later, in August of this year, she gave a two-day master class in Mexico City and another master class in Querétaro for Coparmex (Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic).

ProtocolToday is internationally certified by CTD (Continuing Professional Development), a body established in the United Kingdom.

The firm has worked with over 700 business people, diplomats, leaders and students from 53 countries. It can serve embassies, consulates, legal ministries, universities, institutes, companies, SMEs and foundations from all sectors, such as technology, finance, logistics, affairs, services, marketing and government.


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ProtocolToday Academy
Contact person: Adriana Flores
M: +31 (0) 61168 1465
Linked in: Protocol Today

The Netherlands



Adriana Flores was awarded the Ibero-American Medal of the Honoris Causa Foundation, “United for a Better World,” a badge awarded to life experiences turned into success for her spirit of improvement to create what she now has with her protocol, and Protocol Today, diplomacy has achieved success.

Based on her illustrious career and professional success, the result of a long history of hard work and excellence.

ProtocolToday® The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands, is an international protocol, diplomacy, interpersonal skills, business etiquette, and global cultural intelligence expert organization. It provides customized training programs based on public and private sector solutions.

Adriana Flores is regarded as a change agent and an advocate for Mexican business abroad; she was named President of the FHC in the Netherlands and Iberomerica leader.

This ceremonial act took place at Mexico City’s Industrial Club. DHC Enrique Michel Velasco, President of the FHC Board of Directors, DHC Raquel Bessudo, Vice President of the Board of Directors, and DHC Marco Tardelli, International President of FHC, were present. There were also diplomats and business representatives from the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Colombia, and Mexico.

In this ceremony, the Foundation’s presenters agreed to express the winner’s vital contribution to promoting Mexican culture and business in Latin America, particularly in the Netherlands, in addition to entrusting the liberty bell “symbol of Mexicans living abroad.”

It will be a privilege to represent Mexico and Latin America in the promotion of national and international business “United for a Better World.”

My heartfelt thanks to the FHC for believing in me and awarding me this significant international recognition, as well as to the people who have been the driving force, Hector Pérez, president of the Enlazadot company, for the interview on Women’s Day, Dr Sosa Chavez, psychologist and reporter, for her article published in the Guadalajara newspaper and to the press media for their publications.

My family, friends, follower and the ProtocolToday team.

 Thank you very much!

Entevista por Enlazadot

Video entrevista por Enlazado

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My deepest thanks to all the people who have made an impact on protocoltoday


25 March 2022



The objective is to enable SME’s to do business with partners from all over the world. 


We have had a very successful meeting in which some of the companies will continue to be in contact for mutual collaboration. Thank you for sharing your experiences and the challenges involved in doing business internationally.

Thank you!

See you on 29 April to Meet Match and Do Business!

Companies and countries:

SLP Interancional Ltd international, United Kigdom

Galve Internacional, The Netherlands

ReGen Villages Holding BV, The Netherlands

NKJ Strategic Solutions, South Africa

Leos Trumps, India

Auersmont School of Etiquette, Australia

ProtocolToday Consulting and Academy, The Netherlands

New Economy Strategies, The Netherlands.

See you on 29 April to Meet Match and Do Business!

                                                        Free participation


Date: 31 Mei 2022

Time: 16:00–21:30hrs (The Netherlands) Venue: WTC The Hague, Netherlands 

The investment to join this event is € 250 (plus 21% BTW), the cocktail and the 3-courses dinner, premium wines and soft drinks included.

Dress code: Business Attire.

Limited capacity!


Are you interested in sponsoring this International Diner? Please get in touch with us:

IDBA and ProtocolToday in The Netherlands organize this event.

SME Entrepreneurship Future Thinking  

Excellencies and Executives Dinner

“boost the cooperation among nations and societies around the world”.

Following the successful Excellences & Entrepreneurs Dinner, SME Entrepreneurship Future Thinking, on 04 June 2019, we invite you to participate in the upcoming Excellences & Entrepreneurs Business Dinner in WTC The Hague, on 31 Mei 2022.

This event was attended by H.E. Ms Sigrid Kaag, Dutch Minister of International Trade and Development Cooperation, together with 45 Ambassadors and 280 entrepreneurs from 88 countries. The event resulted in many direct business partnerships between entrepreneurs.

On 31 Mei will be 20 country tables, each headed by an Ambassador. The present Ambassadors will be from Europe, America, Africa and Asian countries. The (pre-selected) entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to select with which two Ambassadors you would like to dine and discuss business opportunities in the Ambassador’s country. Another purpose of the evening is to enable entrepreneurs to know each other, share experiences of doing business in your country and learn from each other.


18:30 – 19:00: Reception with 20 Ambassadors and 140 entrepreneurs;

19.00 – 19.20: Global transformations & Post Covid opportunities by Dr Dewanand Mahadew;

19:20 – 19.35: Speech by a Minister or Mayor (to be confirmed);

19.35 – 20.15: Dinner and interactions between Ambassadors & the entrepreneurs around the table; 

20.15 – 21.00: The entrepreneurs will shift to the second table of their choice, and other entrepreneurs will join the Ambassador’s table;

21.00 – 21.15: Conclusions & follow up remarks.


Prof. Dr. Dewanand Mahadew

Managing director of NewEconomyStrategies


He is an international expert with business development experience in more than 60 countries. He is the managing director of NewEconomyStrategies, Dean of International Business Development Academy, and Professor in International Business and Strategic Management at UBIS University in Geneva. He has master’s degrees in process engineering, industrial management, marketing, business management, and a DBA degree in strategic management.

The Netherlands

Rob van Nes

Interim general management at international operating enterprises.


Rob is an internationally oriented strategist specialised in value proposition (re)design, market entry strategies and route-to-market strategies.

He was a Marketing Director for a market leader British multinational and Managing Director of a global operating Dutch product developing company.

The Netherlands




The Art of Gift Giving, The Netherlands


  • Government Representatives: Ambassadors, 
  • Business Professionals: Entrepreneurs, Consultants, Business Development Professionals;
  • Executives & Professionals: National & Local Government’s Officials, City Marketing & Investments Promotion Executives 
  • Executives of internationally operating companies.


9 – 10 December 2021

International Protocol & Soft Diplomacy Conference. 


Your presence has made a difference and has been forever sealed in our history!

We would like to thank you for embracing the mission of protocol and diplomacy during the International Conference (online) on Flexible Protocol and Diplomacy on December 9-10.  The first of its kind organized by ProtocolToday in the Netherlands. Thank you to all the representatives of international companies, embassies represented in Mexico and the Netherlands, ministries, students, and universities. Thank you for your support and cooperation to our international speakers, moderators, master of ceremony, journalists, Diplomat Magazine EU, ICPD, Enlazadot, and Magazine Global Mindset.   


  • Prof. Dr. Dewanand Mahadew, Managing director of NewEconomyStrategies, The Netherlands. 
  • Hon.Patricia Kenneth-Divine, Director, International Centre for Protocol and Diplomacy, UK. 
  • Elizabeth Soos, Director of ASE Auersmont School of Etiquette, Australia.
  • Ibrahim Yildirim, BSc, DEIK Turkey Peru Business Council Chairman, Turkey. 
  • René Spaan, BSc, Smart Mobility project leader, The Netherlands. 
  • Lic. Héctor G. Pérez, Presidente de la Cadena Empresarial Enlazadot, México.
  • Lic. Gerardo Correas Sánchez, Presidente del grupo EIP, Spain.
  • Prof. Lisando Montero, Conferencista en Relaciones Públicas, Argentina.
  • Mtra. Adriana Flores,Experta en Protocolo & Diplomacia, y fundadora de ProtocolToday, The Netherlands.

Thank you! 

ProtocolToday Team

Thank you for all your compliments!

Dear Ms. Flores,

I would like to compliment you and your colleagues on the successful and very interesting conference yesterday! It was great to see you online along with so many other interesting participants and speakers. Thank you for inviting the Australian Embassy to this event.


I really loved every minute. All presentations were great and it was so good to see so many colleagues from different countries. It was a great honor to be there. Thank you once more for your valued invitation to me to this event. Warm regards from The Netherlands. 

Would you like to share your experience with us?

Would you like to be our sponsor or speaker for the International Protocol & Soft Diplomacy Conference in the Netherlands in September 2022? 

Contact us!


1 st October 2021

Time: 16:00 0 18:00 hrs (The Netherlands)

Our special guests:

  • Our special guest, H.E. Ms. Irene Kasyanju, Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to the Kingdom of The Netherlands.
  • Prof. Dewanand Mahadew;
  • Our writers 

General Program


16:05 – 16:10  Welcome words by  Adriana Flores, Director, and publisher of Magazine    

16:10 – 16:20 The importance of Protocol & Soft Diplomacy, by H.E. Ms. Irene Kasyanju, Ambassador of the United Republic of Tanzania to the Kingdom of The Netherlands.

16:20 – 16:30 Global Mindset and international business by Dr. Dewanand Mahadew, Project director

16:30 – 16:40 Introduction of Protocoltoday by Adriana Flores

16:40 – 17:40 Presentation of our international experts and writers: 

Mrs. Claudia STOHMANN- Bolivia

Mr. Daniel DELMÁS – the Netherlands

Ms. Elizabet SOOS Australia

Mr. Jorge PRADO – Peru

Mrs. Kruti SHAH – India

Ms. Leyla YOUNES – Argentina

Mr. Miguel MACEDO – Portugal

Ms. Noela UGWU – Nigeria

Mr. Finbarr BUCKLEY – India

Mr. Luciano CAIANDA – Angola

Miss. Lure SADIQ – Palestine

Topics are:

  • International Business Etiquette
  • International Business Protocol
  • Intercultural Intelligence
  • Business Ethics

17:40 – 17:45 Presentation of digital Magazine by  Adriana Flores

17:45 – 17:55 Questions or comments

17:55 – 18:00 Toast and photo moment

18:00   End of the presentation 


We have welcomed representatives from:

  •  Ministry of external relations, Cameron
  • House of senators Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • International Advisory Committee for Youth United Council of India, South Africa
  • Women association organization, Pakistan
  • Diplomat permanent representative of Lebanon to Unwto, Lebanon
  • Chief Adviser of Ceremonial of the Presidency of the Council of Federal Justice, Brazil

It was a very special moment to have the experience of being with people from all globe from Argentina to Australia.

We were most honoured to welcome participants from more than 20 different countries. 

Thank you to each and every one of you for giving us the honour of being with us during the presentation of the Digital Magazine Global Mindset.

That happens not often, and that makes today a unique day.

Your presence has made a difference and will be forever sealed in our history!



30 de Julio 2021

16:00 – 18:00 hrs (Países Bajos)

Global Mindset Skills
Learn Today & Practice Today

We are a capacity development company

connecting values, cultures,

organisations, individuals

and societies around the world

 Estimados amigos, colegas y seguidores,

La Presentación Navegando por el mundo celebrada el día 30 de Julio 2021 desde Países Bajos ha sido todo un éxito gracias a ustedes.

Hemos tenido el honor de dar la bienvenida a nuestra invitada de honor la Sra. Pilar Awad, consejera de la Embajada de la Republica Dominicana ante el Reino de Los Países Bajos, Dr. Dewanand Mahadew, empresario internacional, Cónsul de Eslovenia en México, Lic. Aura Barajas, coordinadora de comunicación y marketing, Arquitecto y diseñador Eduardo Pérez, estudiantes de ProcolToday y nuestros escritores: Daniel Delmás, Darinel Herrera, Georgette E. Bretel, Leyla Younes, Lisandro Montero, María Pávlova, Manolo Trujillo, Miguel Macedo, Odalis Fundora y Wilfredo Pérez.

También estuvieron representantes de:

El Cuerpo diplomático, Embajada de México ante Bolivia, Embajada de Bolivia ante los Países Bajos, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de El Salvador, Ministerio Público – Fiscalía General del Estado de Paraguay, Honorable concejo deliberante Argentina, Secretaría de educación de Honduras, Universidades de Rep. Dominicana, México y Guatemala, Instituto Franco Inglés de México, empresarios, profesores y estudiantes.

Países representantes:

México, Argentina, Guatemala, Paraguay, Perú, Honduras, Bolivia, España, Portugal, Uruguay, Cuba, Chile, Italia, Panamá, El Salvador, Ecuador, República dominicana y Países Bajos.

Durante la presentación Navegando por el mundo, hemos compartimos una esencia de nuestra trayectoria y de nuestros sueños presentándoles la nueva identidad de logotipo de ProtocolToday y Magazine digital Mentalidad Global, navegando fácilmente por el mundo, Países Bajos. Magazine para diplomáticos, empresarios, estudiantes, consultores y otras personas interesadas.

Muchas Gracias, deseando que este solamente sea el comienzo de una perpetua amistad y de alianzas fructíferas.

Un saludo cordial,

Mtra. Adriana Flores

Directora Ejecutiva de ProtocolToday

Consulting | Academy | Art of Gift Giving | Magazine



Mi estimada Adriana, Deseo agradecer la realización de la Presentación “Navegando por el Mundo” en la que he tenido el inmenso agrado de participar. Por tu gentil intermedio hago llegar mi gratitud a Aura por la deferencia ofrecida. Ha sido una fructífera jornada caracterizada por un ambiente de aprendizaje, intercambio y, especialmente, por un ánimo colectivo deseoso de compartir esfuerzos y voluntad hacia un objetivo común. Gracias por tan impecable actividad. Te deseo nuevos éxitos. Wilfredo Pérez Ruiz

Muchas gracias por tan grata experiencia. Reitero mi agradecimiento y mis felicitaciones por abrir este espacio que, seguramente, nos llenará de satisfacciones, crecimiento y mayor aprendizaje. Claudia Stohmann R. de Alegre

Es un privilegio formar parte en esta importante organización. Muchas gracias por la publicación Protocoltoday Academy. ¡Navegando por el Mundo! Muy feliz y honrada de haber sido invitada para formar parte de Protocoltoday | Soft Diplomacy Skills como escritora para Magazine Mentalidad Global, magazine para diplomáticos, empresarios, y estudiantes del mundo entero desde Países Bajos. Una mañana de viernes perfecta junto a distinguidos colegas de distintas latitudes. Qué lindo es hacer lo que nos apasiona! ¡A seguir disfrutando! Georgette E. Bretel de Aliaga

Es para nosotros el honor del que formes parte de nuestro equipo internacional de ProtocolToday Países Bajos. Manolo Trujillo

“Navegando por el mundo” con Protocoltoday Academy, Adriana Flores, Georgette E. Bretel de Aliaga, Wilfredo Pérez Ruiz, David Vázquez Aguirre y muchos compañeros y amigos más! Muchas gracias y muchas felicidades Μεράγια Πάβλοβα

Gracias. Muchas gracias. Felicidades a Protocolo Today, a Adriana Flores y a todo el equipo que integran esa empresa. David Vázquez Aguirre