In part, I of the article “Protocol in the International Relations of the Company,” the elements to be considered in the preparations for a trip of senior officials of a company were analyzed. The protocol in the company field is being established as a necessity. The correct use of the tools provided by the protocol is important in building a corporate reputation through the business trips of the company’s senior officials. In this second part, some points made during the trip will be reviewed as other important considerations when executing a business trip.
Objectives, you have to establish the objectives to be achieved during the trip and then assess whether they were achieved. Some of them could be the following:
- Visit companies to learn first-hand about their development.
- Specify technological support agreements.
- Sign strategic alliances for representation.
Meetings, organize all the meetings that the directors of the company will have before the trip and inform them in detail (date, duration, location, participants, topics to be discussed, etc.) of each one of them.
Contacts, two phone books, and addresses of interest will be provided to any of the senior managers for any incident. The contact list for meetings and coordination of the city to visit and a list of emergency contacts.
The list of contacts must contain the institution’s name, name, and surname of the contact person, position, telephone number, and address.
The emergency numbers list must contain the institution’s name, telephone number, and address.
Institutional Gifts are one of the formal aspects of institutions and help generate good relationships; they are the details attached to the courtesy that can be seen in the gifts.
These gifts implicitly entail signs of respect, liking, and gradually achieving a greater degree of trust between both parties, elements that, in the medium and long term, can represent indisputable support when making certain decisions or signing an agreement. specific. These gifts will be aligned with company policy.
Among the considerations we will have is that great care will be taken in its packaging, a wrapper with the company logo, and a good presentation. Adding a card with a handwritten message from the general manager is suggested.
Dossier for the meetings, a company dossier will be prepared in Spanish and English for the work meetings to be held with the different companies.
Cultural dossier of the destination country; in this dossier, you will find very relevant information about the destination, as well as how to do business with locals and essential data such as restaurants with vegan options, taking care of all the details for senior managers, among other information necessary for this business trip.
Budget, one of the neuralgic parts of the success of the organization of the trip is undoubtedly the budget because, with it, we will know what we can and cannot do for this trip. The budget should not be limited to creating a good image of the company in front of the business people with whom the meetings and activities will take place.
In conclusion, the trip’s success will depend significantly on knowing the culture and the ability to assimilate it quickly. It is essential to take care of all the trip details and provide as much prior information as possible to the company’s managers. The protocol staff is responsible for preparing the information described in this article to get the most out of this trip and achieve the objectives set.
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Writer by Jorge Prado, Specialist in Protocol and Events
28 June 2022, Peru
Category: Business Protocol
Reference: JP28062022BP
Photography: Eva Darron