VIP Interview with His Excellency Hidehisa Horinouchi, Ambassador of Japan to the Kingdom of the Netherlands on April 4, 2022.
在オランダ日本国大使 堀之内 秀久氏 インタビュー
What is it like to be an ambassador?
Being an ambassador requires years of holding various positions, such as a foreign service for a period of more than 40 years. This is my second ambassadorship, as my first was in Cambodia and now in the Netherlands for two and a half years. The role of an ambassador is to meet the people and the politicians, to visit cities and towns and to look after the Japanese community in the Netherlands. The Netherlands and Japan have a strong, fascinating relationship, and it is lovely to be here.
What are your specific experiences representing Japan globally and in the Netherlands in particular?
My major foreign assignments in the last 40 years have been about China and the United States, as Europe is very rare among my assignments. My wife, on the other hand, is from the Netherlands, and although we have been married for more than 36 years, we had not had the opportunity to come here. Finally, we arrived in the Netherlands, and as a result, I became the Japanese Ambassador to the Netherlands. It is the Japanese government’s arrangement. This enabled me to learn and comprehend how to strengthen relations between Japan and the Netherlands.
How are you handling cultural gaps? Can you share some lessons learned with our audience (readers)?
When it comes to understanding cultural differences, we must remember that we are not only dealing with diverse cultures in foreign countries but also with diverse cultures within our own countries. Diverse cultures can be found all over the world, such as how Japan’s culture differs from China’s culture and how Japan’s culture differs completely from the cultures of the United States and Cambodia. As we speak, different cultures are also experienced within Japan. For example, Japan’s western and eastern sides have different dialects and eating styles. Learning to speak and listen to people is essential in diplomacy.
As an ambassador travelling around the world, is it easy to adapt to a country?
In my life as an ambassador, when posted to different countries for a three-year term, in the first year I make efforts to fit in; in the second year, I make many plans, and in the third year, I am more relaxed but by then it is already the time to leave the country for another mission. It is the diplomatic life.
Do you have examples of complex situations, and how have you handled them from the perspective of soft diplomacy?
Today I brought this picture from my office of a postcard that I bought from NASA when I was stationed in the United States in the late 1990s. This was when I took my family to Texas, travelled through Dallas, San Antonio, and then to Houston where I bought it. It is known as the earthrise. It was taken from the moon by the Apollo spacecraft. The sunrise, sunset, and moonrise are all well-known phenomena on Earth, but how they appear from the moon is quite different. You can see the earthrise from the moon. The physics are the same, but your perspective is entirely different. As a result, I always keep this picture in my office, because what we see in Japan can be very different from what you see in your home country. It does not happen often in the Netherlands, but I always keep in mind that what matters to you or your own country might not matter to another country. To remind me of this, I keep this image in my office. The philosophy in this postcard is open to many interpretations.
Do you have some advice for upcoming diplomats?
Thank you very much for your question. When I talk with young Japanese diplomats and diplomats all over the world I would say that today’s world is so divided. They must comprehend all aspects of the world without taking sides in debates. The news is also divided; it is the world of social networking services, which are always close to their own group of people, who are also always close to their favourite news. It is extremely rare to contact the opposing side of a story or argument. Young people must be exposed to as many different perspectives as possible from around the world to be able to listen to them.
Protocol and intercultural communication are skills for aspiring diplomats to learn. If you want to work in foreign affairs or the foreign service, you must understand the protocol. Logistics knowledge and skills are also valuable additions to modern diplomacy skills.
Thank you very much for your time and kindness to share your experience with the world.
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Exclusive interview by VIP Special Edition Magazine Global Mindset the Netherlands
Interviewed by Mrs Adriana Flores, Publisher, Editor and Expert in Protocol & Soft Diplomacy
Co-editor, Wilfredo Peréz
Rewrite by Mr Eric Muhia
Translate to Japanese by Ms Mako Yasuda
Translate to Spanish by Mrs Adriana Flores and Wilfredo Pérez
Photography and video by Mick de Jong
Translation, Aura Barajas
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