The viral 45th and 47th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, dining invitees are as controversial as he is. Figureheads include politicians, from President Vladimir Putin (Russia) to ex-Chancellor Angela Merkel (Germany) and Ye, the rapper formerly known as Kanye West, to the e-commerce giant Jeff Bezos. Like Trump, hundreds of diplomats are blithely aware that creating rapport is essential when starting a new posting.

What do you need to know about inviting guests rather than sitting around waiting for an invitation from others? Inviting individuals, couples, or delegations to a dining event becomes an official function of your country’s mission, and therefore, international protocol starts. Once you have prepared your guest list, discuss it and send it to the missions protocol or senior officer.

Fortunately, formal invitations on official stationery cards don’t just stop at weddings or the Academy Awards. Someone is responsible for printing formal invitations; informal card handwriting is appropriate. Once the guest list is confirmed, an invitation with an RSVP card, a follow-up phone call, and a reminder card has to be delivered. Why is there a need to reach the guests often?

Busy schedules, cultural customs, or plain politics are reasons someone might forget or ignore an RSVP. Following up two to three times ensures that the protocol officer receives an accurate count of attendees. Once guests have confirmed, consular officials will chart the seating arrangement according to protocol.

Understanding social conventions and communication styles is part of posting to another country. These customs could include bringing guests not previously declared, being extremely late, or eating and dining very differently from your own, creating an enjoyable environment and an engaging atmosphere.

Please note that if a higher-ranking official is posted long-term or has arrived only for meetings or talks, it’s best to coordinate with their team so schedules don’t clash and invitees are not double-booked. Both events could merge into one. You will use these simple techniques repeatedly, whether it be other international representatives, those with divergent opinions, or the wider community.




Written by Elizabeth Soos, an etiquette specialist.

3rd March 2025, Australia

Category: Etiquette

Referency: ES3032024E



The growing internationalisation of the economy requires behavioural guidelines that allow for correct conduct, enabling effective negotiation in the professional environment. The business protocol stands as the only effective tool capable of structuring the entire negotiation process, acquiring considerable importance in an international context since “to negotiate effectively with a foreigner,” as stated by Ambassador Mr. José Antonio de Urbina, knowledge of the “golden rules of knowing how to be, be and function in business” is essential. In this sense, an exhaustive understanding of the culture, customs, sensitivities, and codes indispensable in a negotiation is essential in creating a solid business relationship with foreign entities. The course of negotiation can be very uneven in different countries and cultures because forms of communication can mean very different purposes, and what is respectful in one country may be considered humiliating in another. “Hence the convenience of prior knowledge of the customs in negotiation, the idiosyncrasies and, especially, the way of being of the other negotiating party,” said Ambassador Urbina.

The ancient Korean culture has a wealth of values and traditions, reflected in its behaviour and excellent habits of conduct, such as courtesy, deep respect, and honesty, which are added to rituals of great cordiality. This way, it defines how to proceed in its commercial relationships based on compliance, quality, and foolproof persistence. Suppose you are going to start a professional relationship with Korean business people. In that case, you will find yourself with efficiently prepared negotiators, harmoniously developing and forming a unique and intelligent team with obvious strategic purposes, leaving nothing to chance in the negotiation.

Negotiating with a Korean, particularly in its initial phase, demands significant patience and perseverance in the procedures and ways of acting. This is crucial as it creates a firm bond with the negotiators long before the first formal contact at the meeting table. Negotiations with Koreans tend to be lengthy, often lasting months. Demonstrating concern in the process can be perceived as a sign of weakness and a loss of value that will be translated against. To schedule a meeting and be effective, not only holidays and vacations but also periods as crucial as the so-called Seollal (lunar new year) and Chuseok (day of honour) must be considered so as not to set the call. To the ancestor), as well as Gwangbokjeol, which, translated into Spanish, means ‘National Liberation Day’ or its independence day, August 15. The meeting must be convened several weeks in advance, having sent the Korean counterpart general information about the company in English and preferably also in Korean, thus denoting interest and fostering understanding with the other negotiating party.

Once this preamble has been strengthened, the spirit that must be possessed to strengthen these links with the Korean market must be based on consolidating interpersonal relationships, which require refined diplomacy in making contact. Factors that require special consideration are those such as The choice of a private room for the meeting, a sign of luxury and suitable for dealing with any business; Extreme punctuality, if it is already considerable in the Asian world, for Koreans, a simple minute out of time, is an absolute lack of respect and education, greatly damaging future negotiations; Respect for hierarchy and manners: Both parties must attend this meeting with the same hierarchical rank, hence the convenience of incorporating people of the same position or position in the negotiation; A consonance in the number of attendees on both sides is also substantial. For reliable and compliant Koreans, this particularity is an indicator of formality. Manners are essential during introductions; in the business context with a Korean, the appropriate greeting is made with a slight inclination of the head about fifteen or twenty degrees, followed by a handshake with eye contact, extending the right hand in turn. The left holding the elbow of the right, denoting with this gesture the weight and importance given to the person with whom one interacts. The greeting should be addressed first to the person of the highest rank to end with the lowest rank. The exchange of business cards must be carried out with an exact gesture, consisting of giving and receiving it with both hands. Once taken as a sign of respect, it should be read carefully and not be kept immediately, never in a pocket, as it could be considered an offence. It is appropriate to be placed in an important place, being able to leave it, for example, on the negotiation table, but under no circumstances should it be written on. The business cards of the other negotiating party must be written in English.

In this knowledge of how to function in business, other aspects must be considered to bring the negotiation to a successful conclusion. In the practice of negotiation with Korea, it is essential to avoid confusion in the agreement since misuse of the language can be considered an offence, the most appropriate thing in this type of meeting being the assistance of an interpreter who translates the native language into Korean, and if this were native, an even better option. Koreans do not feel comfortable speaking English, even if they master it. During the development of the meeting, which will have the heads of each delegation as spokespersons, there must be no interruptions, no speaking in one’s language, and respect for the moments of silence essential for reflection and serenity. In his negotiations, the Korean is sensitive to the technical and not the political; he will never deviate from a previously established script, granting the word a great value, so one must be very compliant with the commitments made. The Koreans highly appreciate Western gifts; they like to entertain with a typical book from their country, a cardholder, or even chopsticks, and typically, they also give a plaque of appreciation detailing the encounter. Regarding the Western counterpart, for the gift to be appreciated, it must be similar to the one received, avoiding gifts that add up to the number four, considered bad luck and detailing as a curiosity, that they appreciate whiskey, traditionally Irish, if it is European negotiators.

“Do your best to know who you have to face. “Never sit down and deal with a stranger.” This is what Somers White declares, referring to the fact that in the art of good negotiation, exhaustive knowledge of everything that concerns our interlocutors is essential, essentially, their negotiation methods.

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Writer by María Amóros Gurriarán, Expert in Protocol and Institutional Relations

30th April 2024, Spain

Category: Business Protocol

Reference: MA300424BP 

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


It is common to hear diverse, confusing and distorted concepts. Some give different interpretations to a philosophy that has gradually evolved. In this regard, we can identify Individual Social Responsibility (ISR) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Each one has its undoubted peculiarities. Both contribute to cooperating in resolving the needs of a certain social context and are focused on the general interest. 

We will start by describing the RSI. It refers to a person’s commitment through various tasks and decisions in favour of their community. It alludes to the “sense of belonging” and, therefore, to her involvement in providing her intervention in initiatives aimed at the “common good.” 

Daily chores can make a difference and generate “socially responsible” behaviour. For example, complying with paying taxes, separating organic and inorganic waste, maintaining vehicles to reduce pollution, reducing the use of disposable containers or intentionally donating blood. Let us remember that all our actions have repercussions and generate impacts, in one way or another, in our society. 

The exercise of RSI is related to civic maturity, especially citizen and democratic values. Learning to feel the environment as an integral part of our lives will make it possible to develop countless acts of helping others through non-governmental and charitable organizations. This implies leaving the “comfort zone” for a few moments and integrating ourselves into the space in which we interact to contribute to enhancing our existence, no matter how simple it may be. 

Volunteer programs are a great option. They consist of activities of welfare, educational, cultural, sports or environmental conservation interest – carried out by men and women – outside of labour, civil servants or commercial agencies in which young people, professionals and older adults participate. These tasks strengthen self-esteem, encourage social skills, make it easier to adhere to our community and stimulate essential principles in human connection such as kindness, tolerance, and coexistence, among others of undeniable value in conceiving a population with bonds of brotherhood. 

CSR expresses the organization’s vision, mission and values and highlights respect for employees, their families and the community. This perspective is independent of the products or services offered, the sector to which it belongs, its size, characteristics or nationality. It is an indicator of the spirit of providing value. No company is forced to become “socially responsible”; However, it is a moral mandate to insert it into your actions. 

It demands generating financial dividends accompanied by legal and ethical obligations such as respecting the residents and establishing a healthy connection with its different audiences and at the levels at which it is articulated. It allows you to make your role compatible with the rings of your environment and is consistent with productivity, quality systems, transparency, cost reduction, obtaining benefits, and affecting the environment. Let’s discard the idea that CSR requires high costs and complexities. 

Any entity, whether small, medium or large, can be “socially responsible” based on the decision of its highest authority, that is, the convictions of those who lead it. We avoid assuming it as ephemeral and humanitarian tasks in specific situations (Christmas celebrations, natural disasters or public collections). It must be reflected, transversally, in each of its functions permanently and sustainably, beyond philanthropic activities, which is not the only way to capture its execution. Committing to its varied audiences continuously is appropriate, but this is not always the case. 

CSR is a component of corporate identity that will facilitate obtaining favourable results in two spheres: internal and external. First, it generates a good work environment, promotes training and incentive programs, encourages a loyalty process, encourages equal opportunities, institutes meritocracy systems, rejects discrimination, promotes virtuous business practices, complies with legal labour standards, possesses codes or manuals of ethics, etc. 

 In the second, it conceives an image of credibility and trust – in addition to its consumers – towards society with which it builds an empathetic, supportive reciprocity supported by optimal coexistence. At the same time, it is obtaining accreditations and recognition, attracting successful professionals, and nurturing a harmonious relationship with suppliers, authorities, and unions, among others. 

Being “socially responsible” invariably entails leadership based on solid principles required to foster, encourage and restore in these lacerating moments in which – as an echo of a “global culture” – apathy, lack of solidarity and isolated feelings of togetherness prevail. We are all in a position to play a diligent role in our habitat, inspired by the purpose of collaborating on matters that require our commitment, commitment and dedication. 

 It is an imperative that we must undertake, citizens and corporations. Consequently, it is pertinent to evoke the transcendent and current words of the renowned American businessman, writer and engineer Jack Welch: “Social responsibility begins in a competitive and strong company. Only a business in good condition can improve and enrich the lives of people and their communities.”




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Written by  Wilfredo Pérez

05 December 2023, Peru

Category: Business Protocol  

Reference: WP051223BP    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


The diplomatic protocol rules are based on the so-called principle of international courtesy, a set of rules of etiquette, respect and esteem established for the correct and harmonious reception of foreign authorities who visit us.

Usually, we are more accustomed to seeing these types of events in large cities, whether within a province or the nation.

But what happens when a small city, with no more than 15,000 inhabitants, receives such high Authorities?

Fear can immediately haunt us because it seems to be an event not within our reach. Let me tell you that it is within reach, that nothing is impossible, and that everything will turn out wonderfully if we know.

A municipality must be prepared for an event of these characteristics, where the person responsible for the Protocol and Ceremonial area comes into play. He is the one who will do everything he can to achieve it.

In principle, this official must set his objectives based on the following items:

  • Review the day, time, place and space for the event.
  • Our agenda is our inseparable object and on which we will base ourselves to set the arrival date of such an important visit. Knowing about it well in advance will help us organise ourselves.
  • Knowing when it will arrive gives us the certainty of knowing when we should have everything ready. Usually, and this should not happen, visitors are not generally so punctual; however, under no circumstances should we naturalise that point. Everything must be ready at least 60 minutes before the event.
  • Having precisely the space where the Diplomat will be received is an essential detail since there we will begin to plan which sector of the space will be allocated, according to the development of the ceremony to be implemented.
  • Creating a work team with the most diverse and efficient tasks is essential.

How are we going to work with the national symbols of both countries?

As we well know, National Symbols identify a national state.

Before the Diplomatic visit, when we receive you in our municipality, we will have in mind the following:

  • The Flag of each country
  • Hymns
  • Signing of the Honor book.
  • Gift delivery
  • Reception

When we refer to comparative cultures, we can affirm that even the smallest detail has a culture.

Before a diplomatic visit, we must do our best and study their culture well. Verbal and non-verbal language is an important point to keep in mind.

Thorough knowledge of the country and the culture of whoever dresses us will give us the image we look for as hosts.

Diplomatic visits are essential, not only because they relate to us officially and commercially, achieving excellent international relations, but they also allow us to transmit an appropriate personal and corporate image.




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Written by Gustavo Caballero, Journalist, Broadcaster, and Specialist in Ceremonial and Protocol.

05 December 2023, Argentina

Category: Business Protocol

Reference: GC051223BP

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


The International Protocol & Soft Skills Conference “The Power of Image” organised by ProtocolToday and Iberoamericanas FHCI was a groundbreaking one-day event that brought together a diverse group of experts and professionals to explore the multifaceted concept of image in the global context. The conference, aptly titled “The Power of Image”, aimed to bridge cultural divides and foster a deeper understanding of how image shapes perceptions, influences interactions, and impacts success in today’s interconnected world.

Held on November 17th, 2023, providing a convenient and accessible platform for participants from across the globe. The event featured a dynamic lineup of speakers from various fields, each bringing their unique perspectives and expertise to the table. The conference facilitated insightful discussions about the current trends, practices, and challenges in a global mindset and soft skills, and how to use image as a tool for companies and individuals.

The participants learned the importance of etiquette, protocol, personal branding, public relations, media visibility, and collaboration in a globalised world. The conference provided a unique platform for professionals worldwide to connect, learn, and grow. The conference attracted participants from different fields and regions, such as diplomats, business leaders, academics, consultants, and students. In addition, the conference enabled the participants to exchange ideas and learn from world-class experts who shared their insights, experience, and advice on topics related to protocol, diplomacy, image, and soft skills. The speakers also answered the questions and comments from the participants, creating an interactive and engaging atmosphere.

The conference organisers envisioned the following outcomes based on the theme and the format of the conference: enhanced understanding of the significance of image in personal and professional success. The conference aimed to help the participants understand how format well as a provides They were held globally organised damagea gained valuable knowledge and skills globally can influence their personal and professional success and how to use it as a competitive advantage in a globalised world. The conference covered topics such as etiquette, protocol, personal branding, public relations, media visibility, and cross-cultural communication, all essential elements of creating and maintaining a positive image. Development of practical strategies for building and managing a positive image. The conference also aimed to provide the participants with practical strategies for building and working a positive online and offline image. The conference offered tips and advice from world-class experts on how to create a personal brand, dress and behave appropriately in different contexts and situations, communicate effectively and persuasively, and handle challenging scenarios and crises—improved cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills. The conference also aimed to enhance the participants’ cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills, crucial for working and living in a diverse and interconnected world. The conference also encouraged the participants to network, interact, and learn from each other’s perspectives and experiences.

The conference’s first session is globalised with different focus on the theme of “The Power of Image” and focus. and how it can affect one’s personal and professional success in a globalized world. The session featured seven speakers from different backgrounds and expertise, who shared their insights, experience, and advice on various topics related to protocol, diplomacy, image, and soft skills. The session was opened by H.E. MINAMI Hiroshi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to the Netherlands, who welcomed the participants and highlighted the importance of image and reputation in diplomacy and international relations. He also discussed the topic of “Soft Skills in Japan”, and how the Japanese culture and values influence how they communicate and interact with others.

Snjezana Maclean, Finance Director at FIPI Image Strategist & Corporate Stylist, discussed creatin a personal brand and a professional image that reflects one’s values, goals, and personality. She explained the concept of “Dress to Impress for Exposure & Impact”, and how to choose the appropriate attire, accessories, and colors for different occasions and audiences. She also gave some tips and examples on enhancing one’s image through grooming, posture, and body language.

Cherin Jallis, International Expert in etiquette and Protocol, who explained the topic of “Business protocol to develop corporate branding image”. She emphasiseorganisin the importance of etiquette and protocol in creating a positive impression and building trust and credibility with clients and partners. She also outlined the main rules and principles of etiquette and protocol in different contexts and situations, such as greetings, introductions, business cards, meetings, negotiations, dining, and gift-giving.

Steve Derden, Head of Protocol and Events at NATO, who presented the topic of “Protocol as an international communication tool”. He shared his experience and expertise in organizing and managing events in a multicultural and multilateral environment, and how to ensure a smooth and successful execution. He also discussed the challenges and opportunities of protocol in a changing world and how to adapt to the different needs and expectations of the stakeholders.

Andreas Dripke, Chairman of Diplomatic Council´s Global, moderated the session and summaris the main points and takeaways from the presentations. He also discussed the theme of “The proper steps to building a good image”, and how to apply them effectively and appropriately. He said that the proper steps to building a good image are knowing yourself, your audience, your message, and your medium. He also emphasises the world’s economic and social trends and developments and how they affect the importance of consistency, authenticity, and integrity in creating and maintaining a positive image.

Prof. Dewanand Mahadew, CEO Director at NewEconomyStrategy, who explored the topic of “Corporate image to create space to share your company’s value proposition”. He discussed the economic and social trends and developments in the world, and how they affect the way companies present and communicate their values and vision. He also suggested some strategies and tools for creating and maintaining a positive corporate image and how to differentiate oneself from the competitors.

In conclusion, the conference was a successful and enriching event that offered a unique platform for professionals worldwide to engage, exchange ideas and learn from world-class experts. The conference provided insightful discussions about the current trends, practices, and challenges in a global mindset and soft skills, as well  how to use image as a tool for companies and individuals. The conference also fostered a better understanding of the cultural differences and similarities between the East and the West and how to bridge the gap and collaborate for a better future.

We hope that the participants enjoyed the conference as much as we did and that they gained valuable knowledge and skills that they can apply in their personal and professional lives. and We also hope that the conference inspired them to continue the dialogue and the learning process and to join us in our following vents.




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Wrotte by Eric Muhia, an International Studies and Diplomacy Graduate Student and Young Diplomat.

27 November 2023, Kenya

Category: Business Protocol

Reference: EM271123BP    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


Sometimes concepts are often confused, which I suggest are addressed exhaustively due to their significant connotations. In this sense, I believe it is pertinent to contribute to clarifying the issue regarding “corporate identity.” We can define it as the way to project oneself to the public and communicate its promise of value to the multiple interest groups of an organisation.

Groups tangible and intangible components. It is what the entity represents; it provides consumer enhancement, differentiates one business from others, and communicates its objectives, philosophy, activities and values. Its importance lies, among other things, in helping to retain your audience, improve customer awareness and increase competitive advantage. That is, it is your personality and is made up of three essential elements: mission, vision and values.

The “mission” indicates the business, the needs that its products and services cover, its market and its public image. It will be concrete, broad and realistic. According to expert Rafael Muñiz Gonzales, writer, international lecturer and strategic advisor, it is “the reason for the company’s existence. It conditions its present and future activities; it provides unity, a sense of direction and guidance in making strategic decisions.”

The “vision” is the dream about your very long-term positioning that excites shareholders, staff and suppliers. Detail what you want to be, your great endeavours, how you hope to achieve them, etc. For William Cuevas Amaya, sociologist and specialist in Public Administration, “It is the ability to see beyond, in time and space, and above others, it means visualising, seeing with the eyes of the imagination, in terms of the final result that is intended to be achieved.”

Finally, there are the “values” called to define organisational management’s beliefs and regulatory rules. They constitute its philosophy and the support of its culture, and, in addition, it is a central aspect to delimit the “corporate identity”. They specify the comparative advantages that will guide their development; they show their beliefs in a shared way; they stipulate the behaviour of their members; Their plans of action orient them.

So, I reiterate what was stated in my article “What are corporate values?” Their establishment provides internal and external qualities to help check if they are on the right track to achieve their goals. They have vital importance in the image of the business. These guiding principles must be expressed in your vision and mission and reflected in your policies. They represent a kind of “vertebral columns.”; It would be advisable for them to be clear, mandatory, easy to implement and explained in the induction and training processes. Its usefulness compromises all its members.”

There are the “corporate values” of the company, the employees and the product or service. The first are those adopted by the institution; the second corresponds to the conduct of its members; The third refers to the characteristics of your goods or services. In my opinion, they represent unavoidable pillars and are closely linked by the individual postulates of their managers. Ethical leadership is conclusive and has a downward effect on employees; it is impossible to ignore its influence on the knowledge of the organisation.

We ignore the “mission”, the “vision”, and the “values” as notions expressed only in the corporate memory, in social networks, in pompous speeches or paintings located in the offices. They must be evident in everyday life; They will be present in the interaction with all their audiences; They are an active part of the “DNA” of a corporation, guide and inspire your future. It is advisable to implement training programs aimed at your staff, to know their natural scope and subject their validity to constant evaluation.

However, there are countless situations in which we appreciate the inconsistency between them and their treatment of specific audiences. For example, companies are determined to privilege clients, strategic allies and authorities and, on the contrary, neglect their social environment. Here, there is an imbalance in the consistency of the “corporate identity”, destined to prevail over time to possess itself in the minds of its audiences. This must be expressed uninterruptedly in their actions.

It is unavoidable to establish some differences with the “corporate image”. According to what was stated by Javier Sánchez Galán, a graduate in Economics and Journalism from the Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain), “the conceptual limits between identity and corporate image are quite lax within marketing theory. It is usually understood that the image is a more practical application of a company’s identity; that is, it seeks to communicate the values of the identity to the outside optimally or successfully. For this reason, the concept of corporate identity is usually more conveniently related to that of the corporate brand.”

An institution or company’s purpose is to be present in the minds of its public. It is up to you to perform a performance similar to the expectations generated and will forge a feeling of closeness with the social environment. Let us remember what was stated by the Spanish Andrés Pérez Ortega: “If you focus on yourself, it leaves no trace. Your brand has meaning if you contribute to others.”




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Written by: Wilfredo Pérez, specialist in etiquette, and protocol 

25 October 2023, Peru

Category: Business Protocol

Reference: WP251023BP    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


November 17th, 2023 Online – Global

In today’s globalized world, the ability to navigate diverse cultures, project a positive image, and possess strong soft skills has become increasingly vital.

ProtocolToday has explored the importance of the concept of Image Power for individuals, companies and countries. Doing business with foreign companies, especially during nearshoring processes, can be challenging for executives from different sectors due to language barriers, cultural differences, lack of established protocols, and limited knowledge of international business etiquette and skills. of negotiation. These hard and soft skills are intertwined with one’s professional image and crucial in building lasting client relationships. Executives can minimize misunderstandings and succeed in their business ventures by empowering themselves with the right skills and image.

Studies reveal that…

According to studies, in the professional field, 45% of recruiters use social networks to evaluate potential candidates. Personally, it only takes 0.1 seconds to form a lasting impression of a stranger. Additionally, from a business perspective, an impressive 46% of consumers say they are willing to pay more for products from brands they can trust. The image of a country of origin has a significant impact, as consumers use these signals to differentiate between products and make purchasing decisions.


The audience will gain invaluable insights from renowned international experts in protocol, business etiquette, public relations, diplomacy and international business. By attending the International Protocol and Soft Skills Conference organized by ProtocolToday and Iberoamericanas FHCI Netherlands on November 17th, the public will have the opportunity to broaden their perspectives and participate in meaningful exchanges of ideas. This event promises to be a strong platform to stay updated on current trends and practices to cultivate a global mindset and develop essential soft skills.

5 benefits of attending “The Power of Image” conference
  1. Exchange ideas with world-class experts: The conference provides an active and engaging platform to interact with experts with in-depth knowledge of protocol, soft skills and international business. Attendees can benefit from their experience, gain new perspectives, and participate in thought-provoking discussions.
  2. Improve intercultural competence: In an increasingly interconnected world, intercultural competence is essential. Attending this conference exposes attendees to a wide range of cultures, allowing them to develop a deeper understanding of global dynamics and to succeed in international environments.
  3. Develop soft skills: Soft skills, such as effective communication, emotional intelligence and leadership, are highly valued in today’s professional landscape. “The Power of Image” conference offers sessions to enhance these essential competencies, empowering participants to excel in their careers.
  4. Expand professional network: The conference brings together professionals from various industries, creating extensive networking opportunities. Building connections with like-minded people, experts, and potential mentors can open doors for collaboration, career advancement, and future business prospects.
  5. Gain a competitive advantage: A solid personal brand and excellent interpersonal skills differentiate professionals in today’s competitive job market. Attending “The Power of Image” conference provides participants with the knowledge and tools to improve their brand, making them stand out to potential employers or clients.

Participating in the “Power of Image” conference is a valuable investment for professionals seeking to excel in their careers, improve their soft skills and project a positive international image.

ProtocolToday® The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands, is an expert organization in international protocol, diplomacy, soft skills, business etiquette, and international cultural intelligence. Offering customized solution-based training programs for the public and private sectors.

Info & registration.



Abraham, A., & Patro, S. (2014). ‘Country-of-Origin’ Effect and Consumer Decision-making. Management and Labour Studies, 39(3), 309–318.

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Writter by Almendra Perez, Manager of proyects of ProtocolToday

12 October 2023, Mexico

Category: Business Protocol 

Reference: A121022BP 

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


How the communication process develops in the internal or external environment can warn us very clearly about its efficiency and, in addition, about a set of characteristics -sometimes unnoticed- related to the work environment, the quality of customer service, audience, and optimal interaction. between the different hierarchies, among other elements.

This can be defined as a subject that involves a continuous flow of messages, through which its members transmit information and interpret their meanings to persuade themselves, seeking to modify behaviours or attitudes; it feeds social systems, facilitates integration, varies behaviour, shapes human exchange productively, and enhances understanding of corporate politics; it makes coexistence fluid and positive and results are obtained. Finally, it can become a “thermometer” to recognize the organisation’s culture.

In the external context, it pursues the following objectives: publicize the product and service, disseminate revelations, promote better positioning, serve as a means of memory, gather customer opinion, guide suppliers, contribute to creating a corporate or brand image, etc.

Internally, it has various connotations that will affect the external environment. Hence, implementing, evaluating and correcting aspects that affect their understanding and inspiration is essential to achieving the ideals. Thus, for example, it seeks to publicise the determinations of the highest levels of the company, establish a two-way link between employees and bosses, and foster an integral relationship.

For this, descending, ascending and horizontal communication is carried out. Let’s stop to explain each one: The descendant arises from a high position towards people of a lower hierarchical level; He is used to direct and control. His goal is to assign employees goals, instructions, policies, and feedback. This increases the internal climate, improves performance, prevents problems and prevents the existence of gossip, speculation and uncertainty.

The ascendant originates from a lower-ranking collaborator to a manager or boss. They tend to be fewer in number than their descendants, and their greatest tribute lies in the fact that they optimise decision-making. Its advantages are expanding professional training, reducing conflict levels, increasing adhesion and identification, and raising staff self-esteem by feeling part of the corporation.

The horizontal is usually installed for connection spaces. Its application can result in trust and openness. Its main virtues are that it increases coordination, increases the internal atmosphere, strengthens integration, and encourages innovation and teamwork.

Ensuring that the mechanisms described work according to institutional policies is imperative to avoid the gestation of rumours. This is a spontaneous and daily matter with intriguing, seductive, ambiguous content, which should be believed and secret; its transmission is chained and exponential; it comes from an unknown but “reliable” source. Its subsistence represents the most evident manifestation of the deficiencies of the communication system. Otherwise, there would be no place for its prominence and expansion.

A transcendent aspect consists of knowing the genuine communication capacity of the most representative officials. A professional with lofty standards of hard skills, competencies, and even a long history in the job market may assume that they know how to communicate. However, a significant difficulty arises when you fail to detect his lack of skill. Therefore, I recommend evaluating his assertiveness, persuasive talent and proficiency in negotiation. Sometimes, they have not always been trained for this purpose, and consequently, problems that radiate in all spheres will arise.

In this regard, I suggest exercising assertive, courteous communication and caring for styles to certify their understanding and good interaction. Remember: the shapes end up being as significant as the background. Hence, there is a need to display solid soft skills that ensure a development framed in tolerance, empathy, kindness and different components aimed at ratifying an understanding in which, beyond possible discrepancies, respect and harmony prevail. This purpose is not always achieved due to negative and unfavourable work scenarios.

Communication must deserve special attention, regardless of the size and activity of the company. The coexistence of omissions, misinterpretations, and distorted messages has countless impacts on credibility, reputation, and bonds with your audiences. We avoid underestimating or dispensing with adopting corrective actions. It is desirable to carry out an audit to have an independent and accredited diagnosis.

In an increasingly interdependent world, it is an integrating, motivating, persuasive, enlightening medium destined for enriching feedback. Thanks to this, the exchange is strengthened, new commercial links are forged, and the corporate identity is projected with the consequent benefits of building an ambitious, respected and hopeful horizon. I share the assertion of the Argentine actor Leandro Taub: “Bad communication can turn beauty into tragedy. Good communication can make tragedy beauty.”




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Writer by Wilfredo Peréz, Expert in Etiquette and Protocol

27th August 2023, Peru

Category: Business Protocol 

Reference: WP27082023BP    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


The speech is a premeditated oral narration expressed in solemn and massive acts, generally political, on a theme, thought, vision and/or conclusion, to move, inform or persuade the audience.

Within oratory, speeches are a fundamental tool. We can define it as an oral presentation on a specific matter, pronounced before an audience. in order to convince or move him.

There are different types of Speeches; among them are Narrative Speech, Advertising Speech, Expository Speech, Argumentative Speech, and Political Speech.

A narrative speech shows or narrates facts or situations through a plot and an argument. This speech is well known because it is used in novels and stories. Without realizing it, we use it daily.

For its part, advertising discourse has, unlike other types of discourse, a very practical objective: to sell a product. This must constantly evolve, mutate and reinvent itself. It must be, among other things, eye-catching to capture the public’s interest, and it must be creative so that it does not continue to be more of the same.

The expository discourse is one whose main objective is to inform or clarify a fact or a situation. The fundamental characteristics of this type of speech are the clarity of the exposition and the conciseness – the more synthetic, the clearer it will be. And this characteristic has nothing to do with the brevity of the speech but rather with the fact that the ideas presented are accurately expressed.

Argumentative speeches have as their main objective to convince someone of something; for that, this type of speech must be thought out and elaborated with great care. The argumentation must develop smoothly, without arrogance or abruptness.

The idea is to go step by step, explaining everything so that, by the end of the speech, the audience feels that they have reached the conclusions on their own.

The political discourse can be narrative to move, expository to explain political measures, argumentative as a defence or defence of political ideas, informative to inform about the political measures taken or advertising, with its very practical objective.

The specific purpose of a speech is the precise response that the speaker or issuer wishes to obtain from the audience. In other words, this purpose refers to exactly what we want the audience to do, believe, feel, understand or enjoy.




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Writer by Gustavo Caballero, Journalist, Broadcaster, and Specialist in Ceremonial and Protocol.

12sd July 2023, Argentina 

Category: Business Protocol

Reference: GC12072023BP    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


The respect and interest we show for the customs of a foreign country can become the easiest way to reach a good agreement. The protocol in companies is essential for commercial relations with foreign companies and officials, so the points to be considered within a business trip to another country by the senior managers of a corporation will be exposed in this article.

The success of commercial transactions depends to a greater extent on the ability to adapt and respect the original customs of the business people with whom we will meet. Therefore, the following points will be analyzed, which are vital for the interrelation with other cultures in the field of the company and the business:

The company, understand who we are as a company, and know the mission, vision, and values of the corporation to visit.

Nature of the trip, it is essential to know the purpose of the trip, if it is to close an agreement, exchange knowledge, a courtesy visit, etc. Depending on this information, we will proceed to organize the trip.

Initial budget: It is necessary to consider the initial budget available for the organization’s development and execution of the trip to avoid overdrawing or having a tight budget.

Date and duration of the trip, knowing the dates and space of the trip are of great importance to set the budget, activities, procedures, necessary documentation, logistics, and recommendations of the expedition of senior managers.

Calendar of holidays, knowing the holidays or non-working days in the city where the meetings or activities are held will allow you to go on working or not working days so that time will not be wasted and the hours that the stay lasts will be maximized.

People who travel and how many members the expedition will have it’s other valuable points when working on the preparations for the business trip, to obtain budgets, hotel reservations, the purchase of plane tickets, the number of meetings, etc.

Necessary documentation, for every trip, it is important to see the papers and documents that will need to be presented in the city where the event takes place. In addition to the COVID biosecurity protocols for entering a new country.

Knowing what procedures to carry out and executing them in advance will prevent you from having a wrong time or unnecessary anguish in the fight against the clock to complete any procedure.

Insurance and coverage, it is better to have insurance than to lack one; therefore, it should be considered which insurance and coverage are best suited to the travel times, the destination, and the passengers of the expedition.

Accommodation: The Hotel must be appropriate to the image we intend to give, be strategically located, easily accessible and have the necessary services to hold meetings and gatherings.

The Hotel must have a privileged location and be close to several restaurants and facilities.

A booklet with hotel information must be provided to managers, which must have the following information: Hotel name, address, telephone number, room number, and type of room. Also, provide a hotel location map.

In addition, information will be provided to the Hotel if the company directors have food intolerances or special diets for adequate attention to senior officials.

Agenda, each manager will be given a folder in the central office that will contain the detailed program of the business trip, a cultural dossier with information about the city, and a booklet with contact numbers for the emergency meetings. In addition to this, the number of the head of the company’s Protocol cabinet will be provided, where they can contact the company if it’s necessary.

The itinerary is the detailed set of activities carried out during the expedition’s stay.

All these points mentioned are helpful in the field of business protocol. Corporate behavior codes reinforce the company’s image.

Adaptation, respect, and interest in the customs of the interlocutors can achieve a good agreement.

In the second part of this article, relevant issues will be addressed when developing the trip and using the protocol in business management.




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Writer by Jorge Prado, Specialist in Protocol and Events

18 June 2022, Peru

Category: Business Protocol 

Reference: JP18062022BP

Photography: Eva Darron    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”