This article is written on the first anniversary of the ProtocolToday Magazine Global Mindset. Its corporate purpose is to share, promote, discuss and publish the principle of protocol worldwide in different sectors and to deliberate on the global mentality.

This is defined as a system of rules that allows individuals, corporations, and systems to act and behave correctly in a formal situation. For example, the protocol has been seen in different cases, such as sports, cultural, social, commercial, diplomatic, and other activities.

S the world became more globally connected and faster, it also became imperative to apply protocol procedures. Otherwise, we will continue to face, shortly, more pessimistic scenarios such as wars in the world. From the diplomatic perspective, mainly those situations are caused by successive disagreements and breaches of protocol. Therefore, the rules are essential to continue driving safely globally, as it is now known as the global village.

Covid-19 was a clear manifestation of the protocol in the proper sense during the pandemic. All nations have adopted the Covid Protocol and have acted together for a common goal. However, the global mentality has played an essential role in putting them all in the same place in the “basket.” So I would emphasize that it is imperative to continue discussing such an important issue directly connected to today’s global mindset.

As a ProtocolToday Academy student, I would like to highlight the importance of protocol, referring to the significant contribution in the field of Diplomacy of the honorable ambassador of Portugal, José Calvet de Magalhães; in his book “The pure concept of Diplomacy.”

The importance of the protocol in the diplomatic field appears as a solid element and a foundation of the concept of Diplomatic Protocol. His book is based on international treaties and protocol documents that govern international relations and organizations, based on the Vienna International Convention on diplomatic and consular relations.

In addition, Ambassador José Calvet de Magalhães was referred to by the letter addressed to British Ambassador George Kennan, in which he stated: “It is particularly important that a book like yours came out precisely at this time; by recent events, especially with the acceleration of electronic communications and the personal travel habits of the ministries, and the head of state, has to raise doubts in certain cases to the public about the traditional institutional values ​​of Diplomacy.” Magalhães, J. (1995): The pure concept of diplomacy: Bertrand Editora.

So, in the above passage, the author mentioned and emphasized the lack of protocols and ethics in some situations, so we can conclude that the protocol is necessary and essential for the stability of the government and to solidify the relationship of trust. Between rulers and ruled.

The protocol is extensive and difficult to summarize in this text. Therefore, this article shows its general and positive impact in a way that helps regulate procedures, conduct, and coordinate business, negotiations, actions, and behaviors that can be observed and implemented in different sectors such as cultural protocol, social protocol, and communication protocol, business, and diplomatic protocol.




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Writer by Luciano Caianda, Student of ProtocolToday Academy

 13 June 2022, Canada

Category: Business Protocol

Reference: LC13062022BP    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


En estos tiempos, no saber de principios de NETiqueta, es prácticamente equivalente a no saber leer o escribir, dado que es la forma en la que nos comunicamos en los últimos años y hacerlo de manera incorrecta, nos puede ocasionar muchos problemas.

Aunque parezca increíble y a pesar de que este término fue tomando forma hace casi 30 años, mucha gente aún no lo conoce y si han oído hablar de él, no le han prestado en muchos casos, la atención necesaria.

Gracias a la evolución de las redes, la difusión de las muchas normas de esta área de conocimiento no se hace tan complicada como hubiera sido un proceso de alfabetización en siglos pasados; sin embargo, es difícil encontrar a gente capaz de reconocer que tiene mucho que aprender en relación a esta rama, ya sea por falta de humildad o porque cuesta creer que es necesario manejar principios de comportamiento para algo tan sencillo como escribir y hacer uso de los variados recursos que la tecnología facilita hoy en los dispositivos electrónicos que tenemos a nuestro alcance.

Es imperioso que se convierta en una materia académica, pero hasta que eso ocurra en el mundo entero, vamos paso a paso buscando profundizar en cada uno de los aspectos que involucran el amplio conocimiento de la NETiqueta bajo un enfoque global empresarial. Para dar inicio a esta tarea, nos abocaremos a la publicación “Netiquette”, libro de Virginia Shea que muchos conocen, en el que se dio a conocer por primera vez “The 10 Core Rules of Netiquette” (Las 10 Reglas básicas de comportamiento en la Red) hace 27 años atrás, en 1994. ¡Empecemos!

Recuerde al humano.

En la comunicación en línea, es muy fácil olvidar que hay un ser humano que va a recibir nuestros mensajes o, alguien detrás de las palabras que leemos. Es sencillo responder a un comentario negativo porque se lee en una pantalla en lugar de mirar a los ojos de una persona. Existe una especie de “libertad” implícita y mal llevada, que muchas veces alienta a actuar o escribir, sin medir consecuencias de manera prudente.

Al no ser un medio presencial, no sabremos con certeza el tono, la emoción, la intención, la expresión del que transmite y recibe un texto o inclusive, la intensidad de un mensaje y esto, puede llevarnos a malas interpretaciones con consecuencias graves e irreversibles.  Una mala interpretación, crea una pésima imagen de alguien que ni siquiera se conoce – (En la red, “la primera impresión” tiene más fuerza que en el mundo presencial) – puesto que la manera de expresarse, la forma de respuesta, la atención prestada, la diligencia y otros aspectos de comportamiento, marcan pautas importantes en la percepción de quien nos lee, más aún en el mundo de los negocios. 

Tenemos que entender que una mala comunicación en línea, además de mostrar una imagen negativa o equivocada, podría romper con relaciones, destrozar una reputación o crear conflictos grupales importantes.

No es extraño que, en el mundo empresarial de hoy, las juntas se hayan convertido en informes por correo electrónico, videollamadas o videoconferencias y que los instructivos y llamadas de atención que se debían dar de forma personal, ahora se den mediante un mensaje de chat o una comunicación en línea. De la misma manera, los grupos de chat corporativos, son algo tan cotidiano, como la necesidad de un registro de Recursos Humanos y aquí, debemos preguntarnos si el o los administradores de dichos grupos, tienen la capacidad para consolidar a ese grupo de gente, con las características y habilidades de un Relacionista Público; comprendiendo que está en ese puesto, no sólo para agregar o eliminar participantes y tal vez bloquear o censurar ciertas publicaciones.  Su función requiere de mayor responsabilidad, dado que está a cargo de varias personas que no pueden verse entre sí y que, por una inclinación cerebral negativa ante un sistema de comunicación que no brinda la claridad de lo que se dice y se quiere decir, van a tender a mal interpretar o mal reaccionar ante una infinidad de mensajes o instrucciones ambiguas que llevan a una serie de disgustos y dificultades que no siempre son fáciles de subsanar.

Por otro lado, no nos olvidemos que toda persona tiene derecho a privacidad y tiempo libre, por lo que, considerar que el chat de la empresa es una extensión de la oficina, es un grave error.  Se deben respetar los horarios y días libres, fuera de horario laboral y los administradores de grupos empresariales o los jefes, deben conducirse bajo normas de respeto y del emblema de dar a los demás, la misma consideración que esperamos para nosotros.

Es necesario recalcar, que el contacto en línea, no permite una comunicación implícita, por lo tanto, se torna ambigua y es fácil ofender u ofenderse. Existe un gran riesgo por el sesgo de negatividad que nuestra mente programa para interpretar la ambigüedad como negativa. Nuestros mensajes deben ser pensados con cuidado para ser enviados y se requiere de una mente abierta para leer los recibidos. ¿A quién no le ha pasado vivir el miedo del fantasma del mensaje que no llega con la idea de que es un mensaje desagradable? Y cuando llega, si el mensaje es ambiguo, nuestro cerebro va a divagar hacia la peor interpretación posible.  Por esto, es importante trabajar para asumir una intención positiva de parte de nuestro emisor y dar una interpretación positiva al leer. Si tenemos la convicción de que tiene un trasfondo negativo, hagamos una pregunta explícita en la forma más respetuosa posible, para salir de dudas.  Bajo todas estas consideraciones, tenemos la obligación de apuntar a una ambigüedad mínima o nula en nuestros mensajes con una actitud transparente y confiable.  El sarcasmo, puede ser genial para muchos y en muchas ocasiones, pero el chat no es el canal adecuado.

Una pared de contención, es pensar si nuestras palabras escritas, podrían ser manifestadas de frente. Es muy fácil escribir palabras o comentarios negativos porque no vamos a ver la expresión de desagrado, ira, frustración o inclusive dolor, de quien los recibe. Si la respuesta es no, revisemos y re escribamos hasta que tengamos la certeza de que no estamos enviando algo que realmente no deseamos enviar. Cuando los mensajes involucran emociones, será mejor esperar que pase el tiempo y si es indefectible, optar por el mensaje cara a cara o el teléfono. Si existe una circunstancia extrema en que debamos manifestar algo que sabemos, no hará feliz al receptor, tratemos de que nuestro mensaje transmita a cabalidad lo que se requiere expresar y así, evitar mal interpretaciones, como es el caso de una llamada de atención o un despido que no se puede dar de forma directa, por problemas de distancia o conexión.

Tomando en cuenta la condición humana de nuestros receptores, no enviemos mensajes ofensivos o fuera de lugar, que pueden ser guardados y divulgados.  Recordemos que una vez que enviamos, perdemos el control de a dónde pueda llegar.  Seguramente la persona agraviada, se sentirá en el derecho de dar a conocer la ofensa si las circunstancias lo requieren, llegando inclusive a estratos legales como pruebas difamatorias u otra tipificación mayor. Está el caso de Oliver North, usuario del sistema de correo electrónico de la Casa Blanca, PROFS, que de forma ingenua y diligente eliminaba notas incriminatorias que mandaba o recibía, pero ignoraba que, en otro lugar de la Casa Blanca, los encargados de sistemas, almacenaban dichas notas que fueron luego usadas como evidencias en su contra en el juicio en el que fue condenado.

Para cerrar, está la referencia del mundo comercial, en que el chat se ha convertido en el canal favorito de los clientes, por que facilita respuestas instantáneas y, cuando es un chat en vivo, se muestra un lado “humano” como parte de la marca corporativa. Adicionalmente, se ha comprobado, que las empresas que ofrecen servicios adecuados de chat, tienen un crecimiento del 6%.

En el lado opuesto, está un 47% de consumidores que se queja por no tener una experiencia positiva de chat y no se debe a las respuestas que pueda dar la persona encargada de informar o atender, sino, a cómo las escribe o manifiesta, lo que puede desmejorar la experiencia del cliente en un amplio porcentaje.  Esa mala experiencia puede tornarse aún más dramática, si la persona encargada de la atención en chat no tiene los conocimientos de NETiqueta en cuanto a atención y servicio en redes se refiere; y dicha experiencia podría convertirse en desastrosa por no tener la capacidad de asumir que se está tratando con un cliente que manifiesta una necesidad, en muchos casos, cargada de emociones que no podemos ver, pero, que se deben prevenir respondiendo con las medidas necesarias. El no hacerlo por falta de conocimiento, ocasiona un gran perjuicio en el crecimiento empresarial, pero este tema, será tratado ampliamente, en otro acápite.

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Writer by Wilfredo Pérez, Teacher, communicator, and consultant in protocol, ceremonial, social etiquette, and public relations.

3 June 2022, Peru 

Category: Business Protocol 

Reference: WP03062022BP

Translation and review by Eric Muhia

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


Continuing with the series of articles on the protocol’s challenges, we will now discuss the second: a lack of scientific literature. If you haven’t already, we’ll leave a link to the previous article at the end of this text.

Link to the first article:

The Second Challenge Is A Lack Of Scientific Literature.

More than one of you has probably wondered why this is a negative fact. The scientific method is currently used to build knowledge in modern societies. It is the only way to ensure that the conclusions we arrive at and the facts we refute are objective and universal. This is how medical science, psychology, and other sciences have progressed.

Since protocol is an extremely useful discipline, there has never been a need to register and study it. There are numerous protocol manuals available today. Still, the problem is that they are written from the author’s professional experience rather than from the objectivity provided by science. As a result, they are works that are subjective and individualistic. Not that what they say is incorrect, but it only represents the plot of reality experienced by the author.

Despite claims to the contrary, the protocol’s second challenge is not unique. Sierra Sánchez and Sotelo González (2008) investigated the protocol’s status at the legal and professional levels. Their first conclusion is that studying the protocol’s subject is difficult due to a lack of scientific and academic material on which to base one’s research on. The odd thing about the subject is that the authors cite López Nieto, who came to the same conclusion 23 years earlier.

lvarez Rodrguez (2008), on the other hand, studied the discipline’s extensive bibliography until 2006, which met two requirements: Spanish authors and specific protocol and ceremonial material. The result was 170 works, and her analysis concluded that there was a lack of titles whose authors were associated with the university, as well as near non-existence of books considered of a scientific-theoretical type, leaving the rest, the vast majority, as a bibliography resulting from the author’s professional experience (or lack thereof).

Ramos Fernández (2014) later reflects on the protocolary bibliography in a scientific article. He believes that the bibliographic market can be improved and claims that the existing literature is primarily composed of many monographs that have the character of a practical or descriptive manual on a wide range of topics but do not always go into the reasoning behind their statements. In other words, they lack scientific rigour.

Pulido Polo’s work is another in this vein (2015). She analyses the existing literature in the field and comes to three conclusions:

  • The first is the same conclusion that the other authors have reached since 1985: a lack of scientific literature on the discipline.
  • On the other hand, she points out that the works created thus far have very little depth when it comes to the subject of study.
  • Finally, he adds that many of these works have poor methodological quality, lacking well-constructed methodological designs in which the scientific methods and techniques used to develop them are properly defined.

As a result, this challenge has a direct impact. This creates a serious situation that threatens the discipline and has not improved in more than thirty years: a lack of terminological agreement. Each author defines protocol and its elements differently, making it difficult to learn about protocol and its professional development. You will find ten different protocol definitions and related concepts if you read ten protocol books. That is not possible. We require a unity of concepts based on science to build profession and science in the same direction.





Álvarez Rodríguez, M. L. (2008). Nociones de protocolo desde la bibliografía de sus autoridades. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 165-173. Recuperado de

Pulido Polo, M. (2015). Ceremonial y protocolo: métodos y técnicas de investigación científica. Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia, 65, 1137-1156.

Ramos Fernández, F. (2014). El Protocolo como ciencia propia en el ecosistema de la Comunicación. Espacios posibles para transformar una técnica en una disciplina científica. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19(2), 1075-1089.

Sierra Sánchez, J., & Sotelo González, J. (2008). El Estado Actual Del Protocolo a Nivel Jurídico Y Profesional. ICONO 14 – Revista de comunicación y nuevas tecnologias, 11, 41.

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Writer by Daniel Delmás, Specialist in Protocol and Events

25 May 2022, The Netherlands

Category: Business Protocol

Reference: DD25052022BP   

Photography: Fallon Michael

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


As we have discussed in previous articles, Protocol in the XXI Century and Origen of the Protocol, Protocol is a complex and transversal discipline with some challenges to face in the XXI century. The scientific research consulted has given us five challenges as a result. This will be the first article in a series of five where we will talk about all of them.


The first challenge revolves around the general lack of knowledge about protocol, not only for the general public but also for digital and traditional media. If you are working in this profession, you know what I mean. If we went out on the street and asked the first ten people, we found that their answers would probably be between cutlery placement and royal issues if they knew what protocol is.

But we are by no means the first affirming this fact. Other professionals have said before that general society does not know what protocol is. It has been associated with unnecessary expenses, meals, etc. (Fuente Lafuente, 2013, p. 4). Words that have evoked other recent media articles –traditional and digital– denounce cases of politicians accused of spending excess money and associate this expense with protocol.

But let´s imagine for a moment that somebody would like to go deeper into the internet on the subject. What would happen?

Recently, there has been an explosion of protocol content online, either on websites or in blogs, video blogs… Anybody who would like to learn about our profession could quickly go online and do research. So, the question would be, what are they going to find?

María Gómez Requejo, project partner in Protocol Bloggers Point (PBP), a space dedicated to collecting all blogs in different languages that exist whose theme is protocol, wrote an article where she analysed this webspace. Her conclusions were as follows:

  • 7,6% of the blogs collected in this space can be considered made by researchers from the protocol world.
  • The profile of the bloggers is divided into 15,8% amateurs and 84,2% professionals from all areas of the protocol/event sector.
  • Only a tiny percentage of professionals are researchers, therefore dealing with the subject from a scientific perspective.
  • The content is not only written in Spanish but also in English. There are bloggers from 11 different countries.
  • The specific topics of the blogs are eight, but the ones that collect most of the cases are four: communication, events, protocol and ceremonial, and personal image and etiquette.

After that, the author focuses on the publications around protocol with a scientific character. There is one in operation in this area, the Revista de Estudios Institucionales, edited by the UNED (in Spanish), and the magazine Compé published its last copy in 2014.

The second part of this great misunderstanding about protocol comes from the media. Both traditional and digital.

Carlos Fuente makes the first approach to the phenomenon of the protocol in media. In his opinion, there is a tendency to identify protocol and its official events with the royal environment. This has a direct consequence, which is none other than calling it strict and tight. Outside the official sphere, it fits in the good manners and how to behave. (Fuente Lafuente, 2013b, p. 170).

This vision generally conveyed by the media has a clear consequence: the social distortion of the concept. The general public learns from the media that discipline consists basically of parties, unnecessary montages, etiquette and other frivolities. Therefore, society and media relate protocol with extra expenses.

Regarding the media, we find a recent study where this aspect is analysed in digitised media –press, radio and TV– from 1979 to 2016 (De la Serna Ramos, 2017).

One of the things that research shows from the beginning is that learning what protocol is from media is impossible. And that with the emergence of digital media and social networks, the situation has nothing but worsened. The association of the term protocol is linked to subjects like clothing or social education only. The impression is that the media is not interested in whether the user is correct or not; they only need a headline that attracts readers. Saying «Pope Francis has broken protocol» has much more impact on the reader than «Pope Francis has stopped to talk to an acquaintance».

In short, the public’s lack of awareness is a thing that has an “easy” solution with the dissemination of knowledge to a greater or lesser extent. But changing and correcting what people have been hearing time and again in the media is a whole different thing that adds up to an already difficult situation for protocol.

Despite this, De la Serna Ramos reaches four conclusions in her research:

  • It cannot be said that the term protocol is always misused in the media since the use is appropriate and rigorous in some cases.
  • Secondly, in the Spanish case, with the arrival of democracy, the discipline began to find its place in media related to the authorities and the political class.
  • On the other hand, in the first years of the XXI century, an increase in the improprieties of the term and the discipline is detected. This is linked to etiquette in the society pages again.
  • Finally, and in view that the situation is more negative than positive, De la Serna Ramos proposes a measure to improve this discipline in media: include protocol subjects in journalism degrees and studies. Currently, only two universities with these studies offer this option.

Therefore, this situation is complicated to reverse and represents the first major challenge that the protocol has in the XXI century. There is, without a doubt, a significant lack of awareness on the part of the public in general, and this does not seem to be improving in the light of the situation with the media as described above.




De la Serna Ramos, M. (2017). Tratamiento del protocolo en los medios de comunicación. Una aproximación. Revista de Estudios Institucionales, IV, 11-26.

Fuente Lafuente, C. (2013a). Los necesarios cambios en el Ceremonial de Estado. Compé. Revista Científica de Comunicación, Protocolo y Eventos, 4-19.

Fuente Lafuente, C. (2013b). Percepción de los medios de comunicación sobre el protocolo. Compé. Revista Científica de Comunicación, Protocolo y Eventos, 1, 156-173.

Gómez Requejo, M. (2017, junio 27). La importancia de los blogs en la divulgación/difusión del protocolo. El caso “Protocol bloggers point”. Revista Estudios Institucionales, 4(6), 117-136. Retrieved from

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Writer by Daniel Delmás, Professional of events and protocol.

15 February 2022, The Netherlands

Category: Protocol 

Reference: DD15022022P    

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”




In the current era of unavoidable global relationships, knowledge about diplomacy, protocol, culture, and soft skills is essential to achieving business objectives. A successful business deal begins with comfortable relationships between the parties involved. It involves, among others, good manners, interpersonal intelligence, empathy, body language, assertive communication, personal image, and mutual appreciation.

Within this context, the “International Protocol and Soft Diplomacy Conference” was successfully held on Thursday, 9 (in English) and Friday (in Spanish), 10 December 2021. The conference was organised by PROTOCOLTODAY, a prestigious Dutch consultancy and academy firm specialising in protocol consultancy and international business skills training. ProtocolToday is also the publisher of the Global Mindset Magazine. The conference featured prominent speakers, approximately 100 participants from 33 countries, more than 12 embassies, international entrepreneurs and managers, and journalists from Diplomat Magazine EU.

This conference dealt with topics aimed at complementing those issues that, on multiple occasions, are omitted despite their enormous importance in negotiations with clients and possible strategic partners.

The program started with a presentation by Professor Dewanand Mahadew, CEO of NewEconomyStrategies (The Netherlands), on “Impactful Communication in International Business”. He emphasised the need to be cautious and discreet to avoid offensive situations. Knowledge about communication and understanding others is key to reasonable negotiations. Staying calm and positive is essential.” He recommended applying understanding, empathy, respect, prudence, and compassion.

He highlighted the urgency of “knowing how to navigate the world easily. That is, being able to ‘feel at home to avoid being seen as strangers. We must develop a global mentality and understand and learn about culture, politics, and economic systems to become familiar with the country we are visiting”. His speech included globalisation by specifying: “The globalised world requires connecting skills. This means feeling comfortable and being loved in the places we visit. We must have the ability to connect with other people despite existing differences”.

He referred to interpersonal skills as “communicate, persuading and negotiating, and having a critical mindset.” That is, being aware of what we do creatively and responsibly and enjoying a correct image. He suggested developing the “skills of knowledge, learning, and imagination.” Finally, he commented on the importance of appearance and how we express ourselves verbally and non-verbally in a business conversation. Apart from the first impression generated is the profile made of us.

René Spaan, leader of the Smart Mobility project (The Netherlands), addressed “Personal Anecdotes Working with Mexican Diplomacy”. He began with a revelation inherent in his experience: “If you work as many people, there may be those who do not keep their word”, alluding to the absence of seriousness in the business environment. He placed particular emphasis on credibility and on “legal and financial” factors in business.

Based on his recognised career, he recommended, when entering into trade agreements with Mexico, “to understand Mexican culture to become familiar with the cultural factors of the country in which you do business”. He was forceful in reiterating that the Aztec country is not “pure drug trafficking or illicit activities”, as is frequently exhibited through the media. It is a nation with extraordinary investment potential and rich historical diversity.

Gerardo Correas, president of the International School of Protocol (Spain), discussed “Protocol: Sentiment to Communicate” established several conclusive details aimed at understanding the function of the protocol and asserted “the protocol is nothing other than techniques to organise and they must occupy in each country depending on the current forms of communication. You have to place it in the context in which we live”.

He commented on working on the different emotions of the participants in an event to make it an experience and suggested that the social sciences be incorporated into the protocol to guarantee the proposed objective. He was conclusive when he said: “Each event should be an experience that channels feelings and emotions.”

He alluded to the “personal brand” and how it contributes to distinguishing, defining and differentiating. “To single out and enhance the entity’s brand, we must generate impact,” he said. It is a job that is the responsibility, in an organised way, to all areas of the company and “thinking about a global communication strategy.” Finally, he noted, “We must change the language or the words that protocol experts use to suit the public. It corresponds to transferring the protocol’s message in a simple way to society”.

Adriana Flores, an expert in Protocol & Diplomacy and founder of ProtocolToday (The Netherlands), spoke on “The Impact of Protocol and Diplomatic Skills in International Business”. She commented on how “internationalisation” has affected our lives worldwide. Therefore, she said, “we must know how to connect and be trained to deal with entrepreneurs and suppliers. We need to know the etiquette, protocol, and professional ethics” rules.

She highlighted the importance of knowledge in permanent professional growth and how “they will facilitate the opening of new doors in the workplace” and emphasised that “each of us must be the best ambassador of their own country in the world.” She shared her varied experience – in various international settings – and suggested creating a “business life” style to work.

She also referred to the connotation of “personal image”. She advised, “making the first good impression with impact. In business, etiquette is essential. We must adapt to the place where we will do business”. She reflected on deferential behaviour that includes values, ethics, and an impeccable track record that inspires respect and trust.

She also stressed that “we must be aware of the hierarchies of the country we visit and know the flags and symbols. The flags of a company should not be next to the emblems of the States. We must know about the matters concerning gift giving and receiving. Companies and embassies must have their gift protocol where they establish prices, details, and delivery methods. It is a symbol of friendship that means you are important; we appreciate it,” and she suggested giving the professional card according to the cultural context of the nation.

Héctor G. Pérez, president of the Enlazadot Business Chain (Mexico) stressed “Business Resilience”. He made a broad and exciting account of the business situation in his country and stated, “in Mexico, when it goes bad is when we get the most strength”. He highlighted “resilience” as the ability to adapt to an adverse situation and obtain favourable results.

He was categorical in his vision about the process of adaptation and evolution in Mexico for the times to come. “Social networks and digitisation have helped raise money,” he said. Finally, he gave a hopeful message by influencing: “We must believe in ourselves. It is not worth it if we do not believe in ourselves. It is a seasoning in us. We have to be empathetic with others in adverse moments.”

An enriching, reflective meeting, full of contributions and aimed at highlighting the scope and value of the protocol as a component of corporate work in its natural and broad connotation. Therefore, an imperative discipline to apply in our continuous efforts for professional growth. I evoke the pertinent reflection of Adriana Flores: “The power of protocol is essential; it is the art of communication.

By Wilfredo Pérez


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Writer by Wilfredo Pérez Ruiz, Teacher, communicator, and consultant in protocol, ceremonial, social etiquette, and writer of Magazine Global Mindset, The Netherlands.

19 December 2021

Category: Business Protocol. Conference

Reference: WP191221BP

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


In the previous articles, we talked about protocol (Protocol in the XXI Century) from a scientific point of view. The existing literature on the discipline (Overview of the biography of Protocol) is like. Today we would like to talk about another equally relevant perspective: what is the origin of protocol?

The first answer that will probably come to our minds as professionals will be human socialisation. After all, it is a tool used in the celebration of symbols. But according to what we have researched from the perspective of sociology or psychology, this would be an obvious yet completely wrong answer among other disciplines.

From the psychological perspective, authors such as Ruiz Tafur (2009) review the phenomenon of socialisation according to authors such as Freud and Piaget. Her findings lead her to argue that it is defined as the acquisition of patterns of behaviour, attitudes and values that constitute the substrate on which the personality of the human being is built. Hence, socialisation would allow us to explain how the integration of the norms and standards of society occurs but not the process of creating them. Therefore, from this psychological perspective, the protocol does not come from the phenomenon of human socialisation.

Let’s look at the socialisation process from a sociological perspective. It is considered the process by which a person becomes a functional member of society, acquiring the culture that is his own. Socialisation is the process of acquiring a culture (Lucas Marín, 1986, p. 357). From this perspective, socialisation has an important weight because it entails a process of formation and growth of an individual but does not explain the origin of the protocol.

Ruling out human socialisation led us to investigate the latest scientific literature on human cooperation, and it is precisely there where we consider having found the origin of the protocol.

Studies argue that altruism or cooperation’s origin would be what we call parental altruism. In other words, it is the fact that occurs in animal and human species where cooperative behaviour is experienced with the nearest «family» to perpetuate the genetic makeup. This type of behaviour with the evolution of the species argues that it will be part of one or more genes in humans that will be transmitted from one generation to another. It is curious to say that the origin of cooperation is a selfish attitude.

This will produce what is called «reciprocal altruism» at one point or another. This implies a predisposition to altruism towards the nearest «family» and other people outside this nucleus who will also be recognised as altruists (Silva & Gustavo, 2015, p. 87). However, this is a limited altruistic behaviour since it is subject to expected retribution in the future. Taken to the animal world, we can give the alert call of some types of birds when a predator approaches to warn the rest of the group.

It is precisely at this point that a first step is taken towards the emergence of protocol since we move to the moment in which the human being realises that collaborating in groups -first with one or two people, and then with bigger groups- increases their chances of survival in their environment. This fact, moreover, is a turning point for humanity, as it will be able to discriminate between selfish and altruistic people. This situation is associated with an evolution in which the concepts of friendship, culture, moral aggression, etc., will emerge as elements that will reinforce, or not, cooperative behaviour. In addition, communication and other associated skills will also be developed.

With this scenario described, the necessary conditions are given for the birth of protocol. There will come a time when humans are in groups that need to equip themselves with rules that guarantee harmony. Who eats the most nutritious food? Who will be the gatherers, and who will be the hunters? Who sleeps in the safest place? Who has the necessary merits to lead, and what are those parameters that fit it? This situation is the origin of the protocol in our point of view. Settlements will be created, dominant individuals will emerge, coalitions and hierarchies will be identified with symbols, and gods will respond to and expand very abstract elementary concepts… The dominant power will realise that the use of events and protocol is a powerful communication tool that helps them stay in power and create a «brand image».

In addition, this origin would explain why each social group has a different type of protocol depending on its culture. Each of these groups that had no contact, or very limited, with each other has developed its own rules of coexistence and mechanisms. Therefore, to be able to deal with each other and maintain a peaceful coexistence, mechanisms have emerged that have given rise to what we call international and diplomatic protocol.

Protocol, hence, implies an escape from anarchy, chaos, and loneliness in search of the security offered by a group under a set of pre-established rules.




Acedo, C., & Gomila, A. (2013). Confianza y cooperatión. Una perspectiva evolutiva. Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 18, 221-238.

Calvo, P. (2017). Reciprocidad cordial: Bases éticas de la cooperación. Ideas y Valores, 66(165), 85-109.

Lucas Marín, A. (1986). El proceso de socialización: un enfoque sociológico. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 44(173), 357-370.

Ruiz Tafur, P. (2009). La Investigación En El Tema De Socialización. Psicogente, 12(22), 326-340.

Silva, C., & Gustavo, A. (2015). Cooperación humana, reciprocidad y castigo. Un enfoque evolutivo. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia, 15(30), 81-121. 

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Written by Daniel DELMÁS, Professional of events and protocol 

Category: International Protocol

Reference: DD171121IP

“Somos una empresa de desarrollo de capacidades que conecta valores, culturas, organizaciones, individuos y sociedades en todo el mundo”


Human society has undergone a significant evolution since the dawn of its birth. Human beings have studied and adapted the world around them to survive and conquer high quotas in terms of quality of life. To better study their environment, a form of research called the scientific method was developed and has evolved throughout history. This is undoubtedly how knowledge is achieved today, and it is the only objective and universally valid way.

Unfortunately, there is very little scientific literature about it for people who devote their lives to the practice and investigation of protocol. And when it comes to languages, the research work in Spanish is scarce and almost non-existing in English. Since the beginning of time, those who have exercised protocol did not need to register or study it since their knowledge was based on customs and legislation. Thus, it was transmitted from person to person. Over time, people who worked as protocol professionals captured their experience, ultimately leading to a rich and developed professional or pragmatic literature. The problem with this approach is that each author, depending on the branch of knowledge from which they come -law, communication, etc.- and the sector in which they exercise the protocol -official, corporate, or social- sees the discipline differently. Therefore, they see and describe their part of the protocolary reality. In the absence of the application of a scientific method that gives an objective and universal approach, it is a particular and “biased” vision that cannot be taken as an absolute truth (Delmás Martín, 2021, p. 2865).

This last perspective on the reality of the existing literature on the protocol has already been described perfectly by Álvarez Rodríguez (2008, p. 162) in a scientific paper. She concluded that a pragmatic character marks this literature and that it has been trying to get closer to the academic part. On the other hand, by analysing the trajectory of the bibliography, she concluded that, in Spanish, four different schools or approaches had been generated in which professional literature on protocol could be unified: the diplomatic school, the historical approach, the law school, and the community approach.

The first of these is the diplomatic perspective. The author considered its father, José Antonio de Urbina. He practised law for many years and was diplomatic; therefore, it is not hard to imagine why he was the one who considered protocol as a tool for mutual understanding between nations or cultures.

Secondly, we have the legal school, which, as its name suggests, focuses the study of the protocol mainly on the laws: norms, customs, and legal rules that have been adopted over the course of time. It’s meaningful when we think of it since professionals in this field base their work on these laws and norms that are the essence of protocol science. It made an impression on professionals very quickly at the time. It is what has led many professionals and scholars of the subject to consider that it is the only protocol that comes from the official since it comes mainly from existing legislation. From my perspective, after having studied the scientific literature, this point of view is partial and does not allow us to acquire a holistic view of the protocol. The most representative author of this legal trend is Francisco López-Nieto.

The third approach is the historical one. It focuses its study on the narration of the traditions, customs, and social uses that have been happening throughout history. It makes significant contributions as well as the previous ones. We consider Felio A. Vilarrubias as the most outstanding author of this current.

Finally, we have the communicative perspective. This has driven the protocol to a great extent among protocol professionals. Considering it as a communication tool for public and private organisations and generator of reputation and brand image has kicked off its study in communication sciences to obtain the most significant possible benefit from it. It is one of the most popular today and has the most followers and scholars.

To summarise, regarding schools, two clarifications can be made by the author, which I refute from my study of the subject: the first is that, although the different schools have been happening over time, none of them has annulled the previous ones. All of them are considered valid and bring a vision to the discipline. On the other hand, an obvious conclusion emerges: none of these fields of study of the protocol can fully provide solutions to the needs of the discipline at present on its own. However, together they give us more meaning.

Therefore, to understand the protocol in its fullness, we must see it from the diplomatic, historical, legal, and communication perspective and the sociology, anthropology, and other disciplines (Bernad Monferrer, Rubio Calero, & Delmás Martín, 2021, p. 2758). The protocol is like a prism with many faces, and only by looking at it from all of them will we fully be able to understand it and develop the science of protocol.




Álvarez Rodríguez, M. L. (2008). Nociones de protocolo desde la bibliografía de sus autoridades. Revista Latina de Comunicación Social, (63), 165-173.

Bernad Monferrer, E., Rubio Calero, D., & Delmás Martín, D. (2021). Protocolo: dispersión de su conocimiento en otros campos. En La comunicación a la vanguardia. Tendencias, métodos y perspectivas. (pp. 2737-2759). Madrid: Editorial Fragua.

Delmás Martín, D. (2021). Una experiencia en análisis de contenido de definiciones de protocolo propuestas por profesionales del sector. En La comunicación a la vanguardia. Tendencias, métodos y perspectivas. (pp. 2846-2869). Madrid: Editorial Fragua.

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Written by Daniel DELMÁS, Professional of events and protocol. 

28 September 2021, The Netherlands

Category: International Protocol

Reference: DD280921IP

ProtocolToday is an expert organization, Founded by professionals with years of experience in Cultural Intelligence and Soft Diplomacy. They offer well-researched training programs to help you prepare for the international presence. Enhance your abilities to dine, converse, and present at an international stage.

Become discreet and make your mark!


Nowadays, all companies look for differentiating elements from their competitors to improve their corporate image before the different interest groups or stakeholders.

The companies invest in R + D + I (Research + Development and innovation) for the constant improvement of the product. Still, a plus to the service would be the protocol as a differentiating element so that it will be explained how this tool can improve the corporate image.

Within corporate communication, everything communicates and the image that we project as a company. Therefore, the question arises: What is the corporate image?

The corporate image is what the company says + what the company does; this is the image.

Having a positive image helps in:

  • Obtain the respect and acceptance of the public.
  • Enhance the image of the brand.

How can the Business Protocol help our corporate image?

To answer this question, it is important to know some key concepts.

The protocol is the set of rules established by law or tradition, uses, and customs for the performance of a certain official act and unofficial acts. Within the protocol, we can find the official protocol, military protocol, religious protocol, university protocol, and sports protocol, among others. Still, there is also the business protocol, and it is the one that is developed within the corporations. Therefore, the protocol is not only framed within the palatine (typical of the palaces), but it can be a differential tool of the corporate image. Therefore, it is important to understand that this discipline is one more tool in communication at the company’s service.

The suitable protocol transmits messages and shows outwardly that the company or home is in order. So the protocol in the business environment has become a necessity. It is a tool to achieve excellence.

Protocol in the company is:

  • Courtesy.
  • Care for the image of the company and its staff.
  • The speeches.
  • Design of spaces and scenarios in events and meetings.
  • Taking care of the guests.

It is essential to develop an internal protocol manual, which includes rules and recommendations, for the preparation of acts and aspects of a more social nature, such as a personal image.

In company events, it is important to formalise events to enhance the corporate image and see it as a differentiating element in corporate communication. The events that can be organised are corporate events (work meetings, signing of agreements, general meeting of shareholders, awards ceremony), as well as commercial events (fairs, congresses, presentations), other events (laying the first stone, site visit, inaugurations and discovery of commemorative plaques); external events, with social repercussion, regularly organised by third parties (sponsorship of events), thereby enhancing the image of the company.

Well-managed acts will help to enhance the image of the company.

The parts of the protocol act in company events are the following:

  • Corporate symbols, such as the company logo, must be present on the institutional flag, which will bear the company colours, invitations, advertising banner for the event, etc. It should be noted that the company’s logo must be in the photography points, such as the presidency table.
  • The host and the presidency are the people who motivate the act and have a great responsibility in making decisions. He is the image and represents the company on the spot.
  • A guest list must be established with their respective treatment for the guests. Those guests must be ordered (authorities, guests of honour, special guests, collaborators, clients, sponsors, general guests, and consorts). 
  • The reception of guests defines who receives and from where they receive. Precedents and treatments.
  • The VIP room is an exclusive, comfortable area with a private bathroom, drinks, and meals. It is a waiting room until the event begins. 
  • The speeches have a particular formula for each type of event, so the head of the protocol cabinet will be the one who gives the guideline.
  • Access and event security; 
  • Accreditations;
  • Institutional gifts or corporate gifts help to generate good institutional relationships and go hand in hand with the courtesy that is printed on these details, which will be aligned with the company’s policy and detailed in a corporate gift catalogue, which will have levels for different audiences (partners, suppliers, visitors, etc.), this will help us to know what to give and when to give;
  • The book of honour is a book whose purpose is that all the personalities and guests of honor who attend the events organised by the company can sign it—made of a material that enhances and adorns it with an embossed silver cover must have the company logo.
  • The dismissal at the events also has a protocol to follow, the most important authority being the one who leaves the event first and will be accompanied by the person who received it from the company, generating a feeling in the visitor of having been attended at all times, both on arrival and at the farewell.

Finally, it is good to measure the impact and results. Tailored events have to be organised, creative, impactful, and with content, generating a memorable memory.



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Written by: MG. Jorge PRADO, Master in public relations, events, and Protocol, an expert in Corporate Communication. 

19 September 2021, PERU

Category: BP

Reference: JP19-0921P

ProtocolToday is an expert organization, Founded by professionals with years of experience in Cultural Intelligence and Soft Diplomacy. They offer well-researched training programs to help you prepare for the international presence. Enhance your abilities to dine, converse, and present at an international stage.

Become discreet and make your mark!


If there is something that will be accompanying humanity until the end of its days, it is protocol. It is a practical discipline by nature, which is why there has never been a need to register it, but with the emergence of communication, sciences have begun to be studied. The reason is simple: it is a powerful communication tool that helps connect public and private organisations with their audiences.

One of the problems facing the discipline, which we will discuss in a future article, is the lack of scientific research. 99% of the protocol manuals we can find today in the market have a practical profile, meaning they are written from a professional perspective and not with a scientific approach. As a result, we can say that no one knows what the protocol is because the scientific method has not been applied to approach this concept.

The review of the current little scientific literature on protocol leads us to affirm that protocol is a science in the embryonic state (Álvarez Rodríguez, 2008; Pulido Polo, 2015; Ramos Fernández, 2013; Ramos Fernández, 2014;  y Sáez González & Martínez Fierro, 2020) that, depending on what the professional and research community does, will be consolidated as science or remain in a simple auxiliary tool.

So, as a science, what does protocol refer to? Our research is the science of the human order since it gives us a series of rules and guidelines to ensure peaceful and positive coexistence among human beings. In addition, this regulation takes a special value in celebrating the symbols -the events- due to its communicative value. Let us think that, from the moment two human beings decided to live together, they needed to generate a series of rules that allowed them to live together. Who will sleep in the safest place? Who will eat the most nutritious foods? Who has the merits to lead the group? This coexistence will become more and more complex with the growth of the groups, which will make the rules of the protocol more like what we know today.

Maribel Gómez and I have come up with a definition of a protocol. The objective has been to reflect on what the latest scientific literature on the subject gathers and our professional experience to bring discipline to the 21st century and build protocol science. This is our proposal which we hope will help to shed light on this subject that is taking its first steps and that supposes not only our profession but the passion for what we do:

“The protocol is a transversal scientific discipline that defines the social structures and norms generated by use, custom, tradition or legislation that society is endowed with to guarantee and facilitate the harmonious coexistence of all its members. As a communication tool that applies to all social areas, the protocol takes special relevance in organising public and private events, where it provides techniques that make tangible the intangible.”

As we have already argued, there is no doubt regarding its scientific approach. It is a science in an embryonic state. This means it is in its beginnings, as it happened with other social sciences such as psychology or sociology at the time.

We are talking about a transversal discipline because it involves civil society, public and private organisations, and institutions. The protocol is present in all layers on which the present society is built. It reflects society, and it changes and adapts along with it.

One of the objectives of the protocol is to give order. Therefore, through this matter, we can describe the state and social structures of the society to which it belongs. For example, by reading the Royal Decree 2099/1983 of precedence (art. 10 and 12) of the Kingdom of Spain, we can understand how this country is structured.

It produces rules generated by either considering what society usually does (customs or traditions) or those generated by legislative channels from the current Government. All this with a final aim: to guarantee and structure the coexistence of a certain social group.

It is a communication tool institutions, private companies, and civil society use to communicate. And therefore, the rules produced by the protocol take on special relevance in the organisation of events, public or private.

The protocol makes the intangible tangible because it allows us to speak without words. It is essential in generating an institutional or corporate image in organisations and social people. It uses its essential four principles: spaces, people, times, and symbols. For example, within the latter, we consider the flags of countries since they make it clear to us who is hosting an event without the need for words.

In conclusion, we would like to address all those interested in the subject of the protocol. We expect professionals to find this definition interesting and appropriate. To the students of the subject, we hope that it has helped them shed light on your future work, and we encourage you to research the protocol. And to non-expert people, we hope it will help you understand better what protocol is and what we professionals do in the field.


Álvarez Rodríguez, M. L. (2008). Artículos de protocolo y ceremonial en Revistas Académicas Iberoamericanas. Razón y Palabra. Primera revista electrónica en lationoamérica especializada en comunicación, (65), 1-11.

Delmás Martín, D., & Gómez Hernando, M. (2019). Spoilers de Protocolo. (Editorum, Ed.) (1a Edición). Madrid: Editorum.

Orozco López, J. de D. (2016). Protocolo para la organización de actos oficiales y empresariales. (I. Editorial, Ed.). Antequera: ic editorial.

Pulido Polo, M. (2015). Ceremonial y protocolo: métodos y técnicas de investigación científica. Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia, 65, 1137-1156.

Ramos Fernández, F. (2013). Método científico e interferencias comerciales en la construcción de la ciencia del protocolo. Una reflexión crítica para un proceso innovador y creíble. Revista de Comunicación Vivat Academia, 1-16.

Ramos Fernández, F. (2014). El Protocolo como ciencia propia en el ecosistema de la Comunicación. Espacios posibles para transformar una técnica en una disciplina científica. Estudios sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, 19(2), 1075-1089.

Sáez González, E., & Martínez Fierro, S. J. (2020). Protocolo como disciplina científica: un análisis bibliométrico. Revista Estudios Institucionales, 7(12), 149-178.



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 Written by: Daniel DELMÁS, Professional of events and protocol

30 July 2021, The Netherlands

Category: Internancional Protocol 

Reference: DD300721IP

ProtocolToday is an expert organization, Founded by professionals with years of experience in Cultural Intelligence and Soft Diplomacy. They offer well-researched training programs to help you prepare for the international presence. Enhance your abilities to dine, converse, and present at an international stage.

Become discreet and make your mark!