August 3 and 4, 2022,  Exclusive Club de Expotadores, Mexico City

Mexican and foreign businesswomen have completed a two-day Executive Business Diplomatic Skills program to develop Global Mindset skills to Expand into new markets.

The Mexican business community, the government, and other stakeholders that drive and impact the national and local economy must be prepared and trained to deal with foreign business people, ambassadors, and other VIPs;

Knowledge of International Cultural Intelligence, Protocol and Etiquette (international) are essential tools to develop your skills (Soft Skills) and understand the mechanisms of new ways of doing business.

A few topics were:

Entrepreneurs from the public and private sectors were present:

Export, Diplomatic,  Journalist, Private university, Dutch chamber of commerce in Mexico Holland House.

among others.

Few testimonials:

“The clarity and punctuality of the information, the conclusion of the master Adriana Flores was what I liked the most.”

“Adriana’s clarity and the warmth of the entire team are more than a course; it is a complete experience of life.”

“As a result of this training, I changed my whole vision of life.”

“It has been such an enriching experience that practically all knowledge is applicable. Congratulations!”

“As a result of the training, improve my etiquette, protocol, diplomacy and communication skills to improve the image I project.”

Our special thanks to:

Mrs Paula Alatorre and team, and Club de Exportadores, Mexico City.

ProtocolToday is a capacity development company specializing in connecting values; culture throws soft power en protocol based on an understanding of the use of soft and hard power in de public and private sectors around the world, taking care of the image to work naturally. ProtocolToday enables organizations, embassies and individuals to meet the needs and expectations at national and international stages in the public and private sectors. Our masterclass training programs allow your staff to represent themselves and the organization with excellence and distinction.

All our programs and services are designed to share tailored information and “bridge” gaps.

Accreditation by CPD (Continuing Professional Development)  Standards Office UK.

Proof It’s Training You Can Trust! 

ProtocolToday Academy of Protocol & Soft Diplomay

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Our special thanks to:

Mrs Paula Alatorre and team, and Club de Exportadores, Mexico City.

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